chapter 14

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2d cocked an eyebrow at the small teenage girl who stood at his door. "Uhh...N-noodle, what are you doin' here?" He asked quizzically. Murdoc sat on the couch, also looking confused as ever. She had a big black duffel bag slung over her shoulder and a devilish smile she wore all too well. It was 11 pm, what the hell was she doing? Where were her parents? "Alright 2d, we have a lot of work to do!" She suddenly announced, letting herself in. Guess barging in is the new knock. "Wh-what? What d'ya mean?" 2d asked in pure confusion as Noodle grabbed his wrist and started dragging him to the living room. Her and Murdoc made eye contact for a second before she turned to 2d with a smirk. "Ah I see...anyways! Prom is literally 6 days after Halloween and you still don't have anything planned! He-llo!!" She said, letting go of 2d and grabbing Murdocs wrist. "Welp, hate to kick ya out like this Mudzie, but you can't have any spoilersss!~" Noodle sang, grabbing Murdoc and shoving him to the door. "Uhhh see ya later Murdoc?" 2d called while Murdoc began laughing. "Yep, uhh text me babe- uhhh Dents!" Murdoc replied as Noodle shoved him out on the front step. "I knew you two were a thing." Noodle mumbled to Murdoc as she closed the door. "What was that love?" 2d asked as she skipped back to where 2d stood. "Ohh nothin D!" Noodle cheered, going around the room and turning on every light she could. "Hey, you aren't the one paying for the lights are ya?" 2d asked sternly. "Thatss why I turned every light on, cause I ain't paying for it!" She giggled, finally standing in front of 2d. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Now, what are you on about?" He asked, watching her as she plopped down her duffel bag. "We're planning your prom outfit obviously!" Noodle stated, opening the duffel bag. 2d thought for a second. Well...It's not like I have much of an option when it comes to Noodle, plus I want to look good and I trust her lots! I mean...I have seen her do makeup before...surely it can't be that hard? He was snapped out of his thoughts as Noodle once again grabbed his wrist and started dragging him up the stairs. For a short 14 year old, she was strong as hell. "Alright, first things first! The outfit! I'm not a millionaire yet so! Lets see what you have!" Noodle exclaimed, flinging open 2ds door. She threw him onto his bed and looked around his room unimpressed. "To the closet it is then..." She sighed, walking over to the closet door. "Jus' don't be alarmed at what you find in there." 2d said honestly. Noodle rolled her eyes. "Come on, it can't be that bad." She underestimated. She opened the closet and began to dig through 2ds wardrobe. "Hmm...?" She hummed, chucking something back to him. It landed a few feet in front of him, so he reached over and grabbed it. "Uhhh, yea you don't need to know-" 2d started. "Didn't think you were the BDSM type." Noodle cut off continuing to look through the closet. 2ds face burned as he set the collar back onto his dresser. "Is' not mine!" He defended. "Yea? Guess it's Murdocs then?" She asked. "Nooodleee no!" 2d groaned, shoving his face in his hands. How embarrassing. "Hmm...looks like you aren't the millionaire either...we'll make do with what you have." She said, grabbing an article of clothing. She took it off the hanger and threw it at 2d. 2d grabbed it from his lap and looked at it. It was a plain black cropped tee shirt, nothing special. "You want me to wear this to prom?" 2d asked. "Obviously not! I came prepared toochie!" Noodle said, snatching the shirt back and digging through his dresser drawers. "Hmm...ya like these jeans?" She asked, pulling out a pair of white skinny jeans. "Not really-" "You're about to!" She once again interrupted. You could never get a sentence out when she was excited like this. She dropped to her knees and reached under the dresser carefully. "Juust gonna pretend I didn't see that." She commented. 2d rolled his eyes. "I'm not even gonna question what you saw." He shrugged as she pulled out a pair of white converse. "Hmm...these weren't expensive..." She said studying them. "Gee thanks." 2d said flatly with a little scoff. "Welp, perfect for your outfit, come on!" She smiled, gathering all of these items and bouncing down the stairs. 2d followed, much more unenthusiastically, not happy at his surprise ransack. He saw noodle digging through her bag and he took a seat on the couch. "Aha!" She exclaimed, pulling out about a yard of black lace, various colour dyes, scissors, needle, and thread. "Just let me do my thing, and you'll be ready in no time!" Noodle cheered, walking into the kitchen. "AND DON'T COME IN 'TILL I TELL YOU!" She barked, then spun around and disappeared into the kitchen. Bloody hell that was a lot for 20 minutes. He sighed smiling. He pulled out his phone and decided to text Murdoc. He laughed and lay down on the couch lazily, hearing occasional curse words or something similar from the kitchen. He texted Murdoc for a while, about three hours, before Noodle hummed in delight. "ALRIGHT, you may come in!" She announced. Whatever she was doing, she did it quick. 2d stood with a grunt, and trudged into the kitchen. Scrap pieces of lace lay everywhere, cut thread of various colours were all over the table, and the sink was filled with some kind of liquid and other things he couldn't see. "What the-" He focused on Noodle who looked at him triumphantly. "Alright, time for your little tour!" She smiled, waving him over. He walked over to the counter where she sat and looked at the article of clothing she was hunched over. She had cut the sleeves off his black cropped tee, and replaced the U-neck with lace. it looked like it had cost so much! "Woah Noodle!" He said, taken aback. Could he seriously wear this to a prom? "That's not it! The dye should be set in!" She sang, putting on rubber gloves and skipping over to the sink happily. 2d peered in, but couldn't see anything. The water was a non transparent blue. He watched as she took the previously white converse out. They were now covered in cling wrap, so Noodle removed it carefully to reveal beautifully dyed pastel gradient converse. He saved his gasp as she reached back in and took out a pair of very thigh high shorts. She had taken his jeans, dyed them to match the shoes, and cut them shorter. "Holy Fuck! You did this in three hours?!" 2d asked, looking in awe at the objects in front of him. Noodle smiled at him. "You can pay me back by cleaning it up!" She giggled. 2d sighed in defeat. "You better not have made my sink pastel goth, mum would kill me." 2d said as Noodle reached down with her gloves to drain the water. "No promises. Now! We'll do your makeup next so everything has time to dry." She said, taking the gloves off and throwing them at the trash can. 2d sighed. "Ok ok, lets do that." He nodded, following her into the living room once again.

2d sat in front of Noodle as she took out various makeup products, all foreign to 2d. Sure his clothing was on the feminine side, but makeup? He'd never touched it nor thought about touching it in his life. "Alright, if it feels like I'm poking you in the eye, I probably am, but don't worry that's normal." Noodle warned, lying out like 50 different brushes. 2d nodded. "Gotcha." He said. She picked up what looked to be a pink rock. The fuck is that? Is she about to paint my face with a damn rock? He thought. Alright here we go I guess. She put what he thought was foundation on the hot pink rock thing and dabbed it all over his face. "What the hell is that?" He finally questioned. "A beauty blender." She answered. WOw, that totally sounded like English. After a while of putting crap on his cheeks she moved on to his eyes. "Keep them closed unless you want to poke your eye out again." Noodle warned, dipping her brush into a pastel blue powder. 2d just nodded, really to tired to talk. He shut his eyes as she brushed the powder onto his eyelids. Woah, that was weird. Minutes passed at her just putting powder shit on his eyes before something cold came into contact. He almost jumped, but knew it would fuck up whatever she was doing. "What is that?" He squeaked. "Eyeliner, calm down." Noodle said laughing. Eyeliner. He knew what that was at least. "Alright...I think you look pretty great toochie!" She said, closing the eyeliner bottle. He felt her fan his face for a second before he opened his eyes. "You can't look yet though! You have to put the outfit on, THEN look!" Noodle exclaimed. 2d sighed chuckling. "Ok ok, let me get them on." He agreed, standing and stretching his long legs. He stumbled into the kitchen, his face feeling like icing had been smeared all over it. He poked the shorts just to check if they were dry. When he didn't feel dampness, he picked them up with the shoes and carried them to the table where the top was. He took off his shirt carefully avoiding his face, and slipping on the new lace crop top. He threw his trousers into a random spot and put on the shorts. He examined them on him for a second. "These are certainly...short." He mumbled, glad he wore briefs today. He slid the shoes on and adjusted his inverted cross necklace. He slowly walked out. " I am." He said a bit awkwardly. Noodle immediately spun around and studied him for a moment. She gasped in excitement and raced to him, grabbing his wrists and spinning him around in circles. "YOU LOOK SO GOOOOD!" She screamed, bouncing up and down full of energy. She sure was excited for 3 in the morning. "Let's go look!" She hollered, dragging him up the stairs once again. She shoved him into the hallway bathroom, the only one with a full body mirror, and leaned on the door frame. 2d turned to the mirror and looked for a moment, not believing what was staring back at him. He looked...good? Since when? The outfit was perfect and matching, and the makeup complimented his face so well. "Oh my GOD Noodle, I look AMAZING!" He yelled, now understanding why Noodle was so excited. "I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?" She yelled back. 2d ran to her and pulled her into a brother bear hug. "Awww thank you thank you thank youu!" He yelled, spinning them around. Noodle laughed heartily and hugged him back. "All in a days work my good man!" She smiled. When they broke the hug Noodle led them back downstairs again and took out make up wipes, one of the only thing 2d could recognize. She daintily took off all the make up and let out a yawn. "Tired...?" 2d asked. She nodded, leaning on his shoulder. "Me too..." He mumbled back. He lay his head back and let his eyes shut. Just a little nap...

Heres what the outfit looks like btw

Heres what the outfit looks like btw

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Dont mind the shitty drawing shhh

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