Chapter 9

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Murdocs mind immediately shifted to the worst. Oh fuck, she's gonna show him the picture i'm so fucking dead oh my Satan I'm too old and ugly to die fuck- "You a'ight Mudz?" 2d asked. Murdoc quickly tried to dispose of the worried and terrified look on his face. "U-Uh, yea love, I'm alright." Murdoc nodded, forcing a laugh. "What are you looking at-" Murdoc grabbed 2ds chin and quickly turned him away. "Nothing! Look, Noodle skipped off to one of the games lets go follow her." Murdoc quickly distracted. 2d looked at him quizzically before shaking his head and joining Russel and Noodle. Murdoc slowly walked up by them, keeping a careful eye on her. He had to do something and fast, she was gonna know they were here. He lied to her. he said they weren't doing anything for his birthday because he was sick. Well...he technically was sick when I texted her. Murdoc thought, trying desperately to come up with a solution. He had no other choice but to just avoid her and keep an eye on her at all times. A few hours later they all sat in front of a crane game, desperately to trying to get anything at all. Noodle screamed in agaony. "God damnit!" She sighed. Murdoc gasped. "Noodle! Did you just use gods name in vein?!" He asked jokingly. Everyone went into a fit of giggles. Noodle turned to him, handing him a dollar. "You try Mudzie!" he jerked in his place as he felt a harsh tug of his sleeve from Noodle. "Ah jeez I dunno..." Murdoc started. "Awww come on, win something for me!" 2d begged. Murdoc sighed smiling at 2ds puppy dog eyes. "Alright alright, which one do you want?" he asked, stepping up to the claw machine. 2d pointed to a white rabbit with card deck symbols scattered about it's fur. Murdoc nodded, determined to win. "yea, go Murdoc!" Russel cheered. Everyone was cheering him on as he steered the crane skillfully. he'd learned to cheat these things out a long time ago but of course he loved his ego being stroked so he'd never let them know that. he easily got the rabbit and dropped it, just in time. 2d cheered hugging Murdoc from the back. "Thanks love!" he squealed. Noodle and Russel raised their eyebrows at each other. Murdoc noticed this and turned to them. "What?" he laughed as 2d excitedly grabbed his new stuffed animal. "Ooooh nothin'." Noodle giggled giving Russel a knowing smirk. Murdocs face was getting hot. "Hey- no thats not what I-" "Hey, lets go over there!" 2d sang, grabbing a hold of Murdocs hand, intertwining their fingers. Russel turned to Noodle laughing. "Mhm, sure Murdoc." Was all he said before 2d began dragging Murdoc. His hand was warm and a little shaky as if he was a little nervous to be the one dragging Murdoc around. Murdoc subtly gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as they arrived at a zombie shooter arcade game. It was a four player! "I CALL PINK!" Murdoc exclaimed, grabbing the hot pink gun. 2d grabbed the green one next to him while Noodle and Russel also set themselves up. Murdoc took a few tokens and put them in. He looked around, becoming clearly aware he'd lost track of that skanky twig. He couldn't see her anywhere. Fuck! He thought as the game started counting down. he quickly turned back around, getting ready to begin the game. 3....2...1...GO! They all began shooting the zombies, doing their thing. "Headshot!" Noodle cheered, blasting the zombies back. Everyone laughed as they all defeated the hoard. "Whoop! 32 tickets!" Russel said approvingly, taking them and stashing them in his hoodie pocket. Murdoc felt a tugging at his sleeve and looked over. 2d was the culprit. He shyly stopped, still a little afraid of getting yelled at. Murdocs heart panged when 2d gave him that scared look. "Murdoc...I'm hungry." He mumbled. Murdoc laughed a bit. "We can get some ice cream love, how about that? It's getting hot in here anyways." He suggested. 2ds face lit up. "Yes tha' sounds great." 2d nodded. Murdoc turned to Noodle and Russel. "You lot up for ice cream?" he asked. they both nodded eagerly. "Alright then-" he began. He stopped when he saw her. Paula was walking straight for them, but she hadn't seen them yet. Murdoc panicked. She couldn't see them! "Uhh, 2d and I were gonna go for a sec, wait up!" Murdoc finished, frantically looking around. "Wha-" 2d didn't even have time to decline before a firm but gentle hand landed on his back and led him to another area. It was too crowded where could they go?! He spotted the photo booth out of the corner of his eyes and shoved them both inside. He let out a sigh of relief as 2d glared. "What's goin' on?" He asked Murdoc softly. Shit. He slowly turned around. It was a very small space to say the least. 2d was kneeling while Murdoc towered over him in an...'uncomfortable' position. "There's...someone here that can't see me." he admitted, trying to shift around. 2d gabbed his thighs, making Murdoc jump in surprise. "Sit." He instructed. Murdoc sighed, caving in and kneeling in front of 2d. They sat in silence for a second before Murdoc decided to speak up. It was quiet now. "2d, I have something to tell you." He said. Just tell him, then Paula can't use it against you. 2d looked up at him expectantly. "Yea...?" Murdoc took a deep breath. It was such a hard thing to say...what if he didn't accept him anymore? What if this made him not want to date him anymore...He turned to 2d. Just do it. "I...I'm...T-" He couldn't finish his sentence before the curtain was pulled open. "Hey Murdoc!" He felt a forceful shove from behind and lunged straight toward 2d. "SHIT!" He yelped as 2d fell backward, Murdoc landing with his knees on either side of his stomach. The way 2d looked at him made his stomach do summersaults. "YOU TWO WERE FUCKING!" Russel exclaimed. "Well 2d why didn't you tell me? I would've stopped checking my phone." Murdoc said sarcastically, getting off of 2d. 2d also got up, brushing himself off. "ANyyyyways, lets go get some ice cream!" Noodle exclaimed excitedly. Everyone nodded. Thank god.

(AHHh sorry for the shitty chapter work is a bitch ugh. I promise the next ones gonna be super fluffy and awesome, thanks for reading <3)

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