The Big Secret

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"What the hell!" I spoke angrily as my blood literally boiled. This can't be happening right now.

"It's not what it looks like!" Lucy said as tears flooded her eyes. I wish I could believe her, but this was definitely what it looked like.

"Oh yeah, it looks like you lied and came here to sleep with my brother!" I said angrier than angry at this point.

"Don't talk to her that way! That's not what happened!" Alex snapped and got louder.

"You shut up! How the hell did you end up on top of my best friend?" I said looking at him.

"I should be asking you the same!" He said making me instantly a hypocrite, but I didn't care she's my best friend, the last thing I need his her being a toy for him, I love him, but he'll hurt her.

Deep down I knew he was right I'm calling me out, but it's different to me. My best friend will be telling me about sex with my brother. That's disgusting. I wouldn't want to even hear it.

"Don't you dare turn this around on me! That's not even how you figured out we were together. Lucy, can you leave?" I said as I pointed to the door.

"Riley, I'm sorry." She cried. I didn't reply.

"How did you end up on top of my best friend, because I'm pretty sure you seduced her with your stupid charm." I yelled at Alex.

"I didn't, so if I tell you you have to make dinner for the rest of the week!" He said back smirking.

"Deal, fucker!" I said gritting my teeth at him.

"Nothing happened. She was lying on the couch waiting for you. She said something about her mom bailing on her. She tripped me when I walked by, so I started tickling her and that's where the noises came from. The crying came from me tickling her for so long!" He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I have to cook dinner for a week just for you tell me that! I literally just yelled at her...for that!" I said highly pissed.

"Yep little girl you do, but before you start cooking you should call Lucy, I mean tried to stop you, but Jesus, you're a little feisty today." He said leaving me, I punched his shoulder as he walked past me.

Later, that night I called Lucy. It went to voicemail. I felt horrible. I didn't even give her the chance to explain. I'm so stupid. I decided to call Ashton to vent.

"Hey, can you come over? I just need a hug or something." I said drowning in my tears.

"Yeah babe! Are you alright?" He asked I could hear the worry in his voice. "Yeah." I said afraid of my own voice.

"Okay, I'll be there in 5."


When he arrived, I was outside laying in the grass. He came and laid down beside me and held me tight as I cried on his chest. We stayed like that until he started asking me questions.

"Babe, what happened?" He asked softly as he stroked my hair. "I thought Alex slept with Lucy." I said realizing how stupid that sounded.

"Haha!" Ashton said as he literally clutched his stomach laughing. "It's not funny!" I said chuckling a little bit to myself.

"Lucy's not even his type. He knows he's a bit of a player, he wouldn't do that to you, let alone her." Ashton said kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, I feel really stupid. I tried calling her. It went to voicemail." I said still crying a little. "She is probably sleep. Don't stress about it." He said trying to comfort me.

After talking a while, he had made me feel a lot better and we started talking about different things and changing the subject like every 2 seconds.

"I see your scratch went away." I said as I touched his face gently.

"What are you talking about I never-" He stopped talking and started looking guilty.

"Spill!" I said as I snuggled closer to him.

"Okay, promise you won't be mad!" He said as I felt his heart beat really fast.

"Promise." I said hoping he hadn't killed anyone.

"Okay, your brother was actually never pissed completely. He has known I've had a crush on you since like 1st grade. What really happened was, we had gone to the bar the night before, I got in a fight with the bartender. We didn't want you to know, so we just made it seem as though he was mad at me and he had hit me." He said as we both fell silent.

"Riley?" He asked making me flinch out of my trance.

"If you get in one more fight at a bar, I'll cut off your balls. Did you just say you liked me since 1st grade?" I asked as he laughed hysterically at me.

"Did I say that?" He said getting closer to me. "Yeah you did!" I said leaning in and kissing him ever so lightly on his lips.

The sun began rising, we were still laying out on the grass. He was still sleeping. I sat there and memorized the curve of his perfect cheekbones and his plump lips.

"Are you done checking me out, creep?" He asked cracking one eye open.

"I was so not checking you out there was a spider on your shirt." I said making myself laugh, because if there was seriously a spider on his shirt I would have died.

"Yeah okay!" He said as he smacked my ass lightly. "What?" I asked as I walked in the house.

"Girls!" He said shaking his head "Boys!" I said back as I laughed my way up to my room to find Lucy chilling on my bed.

"I didn't know you were coming over." I spoke calmly as I walked over to my bed. "Your brother let me in. I missed your call!" She said making me smile inside.

"I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I am so stupid to ever think you would do that and I totally get it if you never want to talk to me again after I blew up." I said.

"Oh, Riley you're so dramatic. I accept your apology, you dummy!" She said pulling me into a hug. "There's my Lucy I know and love!" I said laughing.

"Now spill what were you and Ashy talking about?" She said with a smirk.

"Funny, I might use that name on him and to answer your question I am not telling you. It's confidential and it makes me look stupid!" I said.

"You should already feel stupid!" She said making me laugh. 

"Really, I thought we were past that." I said.
"Yeah, yeah whatever!" She said as I laughed and ruffled her hair.


"Boys! The food is ready. Come eat!" I yelled as I went to set the dinner table since I had to cook per my deal with Alex. I decided to cook enough for Lucy and Ashton to stay and eat. The boys have been locked up in the game room our parents bought last year.

"What has my sweet sister made for me?" Alex asked tauntingly as he ran down the stairs.

"Death with a side a salad!" I said as Lucy died in laughter. "Haha!" Alex said dying in laughter sarcastically.

"Shut up and eat!" I said as I shoved a fork in his mouth. "College starts in a few months! You ready to come chill with the big boys?" Ashton asked.

"Don't you mean goons and yes I am psyched to finally go to UCLA." I said as I pictured my dream college.

"Yeah, it's going to be cool going to school with my best friend!" Lucy said.

"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet!" I said.

"Okay...enough talk about school." Alex said looking guilty.

"Why?" I said as I drank a big sip of my punch. "I dropped out." He said as my fork fell from my hand and everything went black.


I bet your wondering what happened but your going to have to wait until next time. VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE AND THANK YOU ITS A CLICK OF A BUTTON.

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