Girl's Day Out

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"Wake up Riley." I heard a voice say in the distance.

"No get out!" I said groggily. I was so tired I haven't a good sleep in months.

"Riley get your ass up now." I heard them say again.

"Dick." I said as the door shut behind them. I got up to see my hair tousled up in a crazy way. I shivered at the sight has I opened my door to find Ash and Alex holding water guns.

"Paybacks a bitch!" they both screamed as they squirted me with ice cold water. I shrieked and tried to cover my awful hair. I ran fast to the bathroom but not fast enough they followed me in as I screamed out happily. They realized they were running low on water and ran away fast to get more. I locked the door and put the basket in front of it.

I grabbed my comb and flat iron. I admired my face and decided to do something different.

I cautiously walked out of the bathroom watching every single thing around me. I made it to my bedroom safely and locked the door.

I grabbed my white skinny jeans and my halter top. I grabbed my gray converses and commenced my way downstairs. I had a secret weapon of my own with me this time.

I fixed eggs, bacon and pancakes for myself and sat outside on the balcony. I heard the boys coming but I didn't move. They stood in front of me armed with two water guns each. I looked up and smiled at them.

"Riley, what the hell did you do?" Alex said.

"Nothing." I said as I pulled out four water guns, two in each hand.

"Oh shit!" Alex said as he tried to duck for cover. I caught him and sprayed him and Ashton until they were soaking wet.

"Bye boys." I said smirking as I dropped the guns and grabbed my coat.

"Fuck," they both said in unison as I laughed my way outside to Lucy's car.

"Hey chica you ready?" she said as she pulled out the driveway.

"Yes go now before the guys try to kill me." I said as she sped up.

"I'm so happy that we get to have a girls day out. We seriously need to talk." she said excitedly.

"Me too, finally we can relax. The boys are like little monsters especially Alex since Liz went out of town with her family." I said as I laid my seat back.

"Why didn't he go?" Lucy said.

"It's a family tradition and they aren't married, so he stayed."

"Oh well speaking of marriage.....Copper proposed!" she screamed.

"Did you say yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" she said making me laugh.

"Congratulations baby your getting fucking married!" I screamed.

"I'm super uber happy. I've been looking at dresses, flowers and cakes." she said as we walked in the nail salon.

"I can't believe your engaged." I said as she glanced at her ring. It was a round little diamond.

"The colors are going to be green and pink." she said as she grabbed the two colors.

"Cute." I said as I got turquoise color. I walked around to the chair and put my feet in the soothing water. I closed my eyes as Lucy shrieked over the different dresses in the book. I'm so happy for her. She's getting married and I just got Ashton back.

"Riley, what about this veil?" she said.

"Cute." I said as the lady massaged my feet.

"Cute that's all?" she said looking a little sad.

"Lucy promise me right now your not going to be a bridezilla!" I said watching a smile appear on her face.

"Promise." she said smiling.

"Good now the veil looks really cute and sophisticated that's not Lucy she's wild and crazy." I said.

"True." she said as she kept flipping.

The lady was finishing up as I grabbed my phone and shook Lucy out of her wedding trance.

"Let's go eat." I said as I dragged her out. We ended up settling for some Chinese.

"What's been the new with Ash?" she said.

"Nothing much or shall I say none of your business." I said laughing.

"Have you been sleeping with a cripple?" she whispered.

"Shut up Lucy he's my boyfriend I'll sleep with him if I want." I said a little pissed. She's very nosey.

"Sorry it's just ever since the proposal me and Cooper haven't really seen each other and I'm horny as he'll" she said.

"Lucille watch your sexual language!" I said smirking.

"Hahaha." she said sarcastically.

"Let's go." I said as I threw our trash away. She dropped me off at my house as I opened the door cautiously awaiting a surprise attack.

I tip toed to the kitchen to find Ashton waiting.

"Hey babe." I said as I kissed him.

"Don't play sweet babe because were coming for you." he said kissing me back.

"Oh really?" I said grinding into him.

"Stop sweet cheeks you don't want to know what that leads too." he said.

"Maybe I do." I said seductively as I exited the kitchen he was right on my heels. I opened my door as he lightly pushed down on the bed and hovered over me. His tousled brown hair looked shiny and his eyes had turned a darker blue with a little lust in them. He kissed my sweet spot on my neck causing me to moan. He took off his shirt as I took off mine. I kissed him on the lips passionately as the door swung open.

"Fuck, Alex get out!" Ashton said laughing.

"Aw Ashy's getting some." Alex said still standing there.

"More than you." he said as Alex turned red.

"Liz decided we do it. Have you ever heard happy wife, happy life?" Alex said.

"Alex we all know what's the real problem. It's okay." Ashton said smirking as he still lay hovered over me.

"Fuck you!" Alex said laughing as he walked.

"Now where were we." Ashton said as he flipped me over and I yelped.


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