You're The One That I Want

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As I laid entangled in Ashton's strong build he kissed my hair softly as I traced his chiseled chest.

"I'm sticky, want to take a shower?" He asked smirking as he got up and pulled on his boxers. I admired his body.

"Sure thing just let me grab a few a things." I said as he came over and picked me up.

"Trust me you won't be needing anything." He said as I buried my head in his neck.

He turned the knob on the shower and I stepped in with him quickly behind me. He smirked as I leaned against the wall he kissed me. I felt jolts of pleasure. I felt alive as the water went through my pores.

We dried off and ran to my room. He quickly slid on some jeans and fell on my bed watching me find an outfit. I swiftly grabbed my long, big dark blue and pink sweater. I stood back looking through my jeans.

"Go with the dark blue jeans and pink Vans." He said smirking as I turned around.

"Are you my new stylist?" I asked smirking back at him.

"No I'm just a lot better than that Riley girl." He said as I jumped on him and swatted his chest.

"Oh shut up!" I said.

"I'm just joking babe" He said sticking his cheek out for a kiss. I playfully slapped it and grabbed my sweater. I slipped it over my head as Ashton was still watching my every move. I slid the jeans on all at once as I checked my butt out in the mirror Ashton laughed.

"Don't worry you're good in that department." Ashton said as I blushed and plugged in my curling iron.

"Thanks babe." I said laughing as I curled my hair in a wave motion. As I finished up I pinned one side around with a waterfall braid.

"What do you think stalker?" I said we both laughed.

"Beautiful as always." He said smiling at me with those gorgeous crystal clear teeth.

He got up and grabbed his shirt as he followed me down stairs. We saw Liz and Alex in a heated conversation. I didn't think she'd be back by now. We swiftly moved by with out them seeing us. I grabbed two bowls as Ashton grabbed the milk. We both sung a song called Teamwork. My mom used to sing it all the time when we ate breakfast in the morning. Back then she used to be around a lot more. I wonder were she and dad are right now.

"Teamwork is the key!" We sang as we sat down and ate. We laughed at our childish selves as Liz came storming through the kitchen.

"Your brothers a fuck face."  She said as I dropped my spoon and clapped my hands.

"Amen, I agree." I said as Ashton kicked me. I glared at him and realized that Liz and Alex were in a fight.

"You wouldn't believe the way he........" She said looking at Ash. He got the idea and left probably to find Alex.

"I feel like honesty is the key in a relationship, so I thought I was doing the right thing by telling him what happened. While we were there my dad made me double date with his friends son. I didn't even want to at all. He kissed me. I pushed him off and cussed him out. My dad was furious I didn't care I jumped on a plane and came home." She said crying.

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