@The Messages

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-Goooooood morning Sir xAlli

-Goooooood morning Ma'am. How are you? xAsh

-I'm just waking up but good. How about yourself? xAlli

-What time it is there? And I'm pretty good, waiting for Luke and Michael to get back with some food. xAsh

-Almost 10:30am. Jackie and Toni made pancakes :3 xAlli

-Pancakes sound amazing right now. I have no idea what they are bringing back, but it better be good. So, how long have you and Toni been friends? xAsh

-Well, we met in 9th grade Social Studies. Shes been my best friend since. This is the first time we have gotten together in a while cause we are both in college. xAlli

-Damn. What are you guys going to college for? xAsh

-Toni is going to Sexology haha. I'm going to school for fashion design, mainly clothing. q: xAlli

-Sexology? And that sounds awesome, how long are you there for? xAsh

-She will have to explain it to you lol. It's a 18 month program, I have about 2 months left. Graduation is the February 19th. :3 xAlli.

-I have exciting news then :) xAsh

-Whats that? xAlli

-We play in Kentucky on February 21! xAsh

-OMG no way! My parents said they might let my sister and I go! xAlli

-That would be so awesome. I hope you can xAsh

-I do to. I have always wanted to see you guys live, you guys are in my top three favorite bands! xAlli

-Really now? What might the other two be? xAsh

-All Time Low, and Of Mice and Men. <3 xAlli

-Who's your favorite?? xAsh

-Really? Making me choose? That's like asking a mother to choose her favorite child. I love you all equally that's why there's three silly q: xAlli

-Hahaha, You have a good point. I could never choose who my favorite band is, there are to many. So, what do you like to do for fun? xAsh

-Dance around to music, read, tumblr. Ya know typical white girl stuff. Haha. What do you do for fun on your days off? xAlli

-My life is fun, days off I do nothing. We typically stay in on our days off. Unless we get really bored, then we cause havoc :) xAsh

-So days off = cuddle puddles and sappy movies. Gotcha. ;) xAlli

-Hey now turd, not every day off ends up in a cuddle puddle...maybe. But thats not important. So, Tell me about yourself. xAsh

-I'm Alli, I'm 19 almost 20, I live in a small nowhere town in Kentucky. I have a rather boring life. One sister. One best friend. Tumblr is life. I have 2 tattoos but want more. A secret love for Ed Sheeran. I love cats. Nutella. and I really want to see you guys live. Tell me about you xAlli

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