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What the hell, what does Mettox want with Yumi? Shit! How am I going to explain this to the others and her parents?

I looked at Aelita and she looked at me, I wonder if we have the same idea.

We both ran to the elevator and went to the super computer, we needed to see if Yumi was still on radar to find her.

Unfortunately, there was nothing on the radar and I had lost her...

"Dammit!" I yelled and then kicked the wall.

After dwelling on what happened for a good 5 minutes the elevator door opened Odd, Ulrich, and Jeremy came out and saw Aelita and looked at me.

"Um what's going on here, why are you on the super computer, and where is Yumi." Jeremy asked, the super computer was like his own child.

I had to tell them everything besides the part that Yumi and I are dating.

"She's what! How did Mettox know where you guys we're?" Ulrich got angry quick.

"That we have no idea on how Mettox found us or knew we were there, but all we need to do know is make up something to tell her parents and then Jeremy you need to hack into the school to change the files to show Yumi was here." I said thinking that it's only going to be for a few days because I know we are going to find Yumi in a few days.

Jeremy went to the super computer and started to hack into the school while Aelita went back to Yumi's and the rest of us went to the school.

The next day came and I got nervous, is anyone going to notice Yumi missing, if so what was I going to say.

Luckily no one said anything and we got to go to the lab right after school ended, as for Yumi's parents I don't know what they said Aelita's taking care of that.

So as we got to the lab Odd, Ulrich, and I all went to Lyoko, Aelita went to Yumi's house to tell her parents she went on a field trip for the whole day. Jeremy is on the super computer looking for Yumi.

We got into Lyoko and we split up into regions, Odd got the mountains, Ulrich got the desert, and I got the forest.

We'd meet up in the ice region after we searched our regions and Aelita would meet up with us there too.

I checked and searched the whole forest and I didn't find anyone not even any monsters, so I went to the ice region and meet up with the gang.

"Guys what's the status report?" I asked them.

"Nothing in the mountains." Odd said

"Nothing in the desert." Ulrich responded.

"Yumi's parents know and they completely understood, but are going to be mad at Yumi because she didn't tell them." Aelita said.

"Damn! Where could Yumi be, I mean if she's not here where could she be?" I needed to know I don't want her life to be taken from my hands.

"Mason, I think I've got an idea where they could be, there's this place called Sector 5 there's a great chance that they're there if they're not here." Jeremy spoke to us.

I nodded in agreement and we walked to the edge of the region and a giant ball came and brought us to this weird place that I've never been before.

In Sector 5 there are a bunch of obstacles in order to get to where Jeremy told us he found someone. It was very hard some of us almost died.

Then here it was, Mettox was standing there with a cage by her side, and guess who was in it...


I immediately grew angry and ran after her avoiding all monsters in my path, but then remembered if I touch Mettox the place is going to explode and I stop halfway.

"Oh did you forget about a little explosion if we touch?" She chuckles after this.

I gave her a smirk and looked back at everyone and didn't make any sound, but mouthed "Distract her."

They all gave me a nod and ran at her from 3 different angles she lost focus on me and focused on them.

I ran to Yumi killing monsters on the way only to be stopped by this weird jellyfish looking thing that attacked me and I couldn't break free.

All of a sudden 2 different tentacles came to my head and changed to bright colors...

--Visual Time--

"Come on Mettox let's go play!" Who said that I mean I see two kids, but I'm a different person than those two kids.

"Okay okay I'm coming just hold your horses ..." What did Mettox say I couldn't hear her she said it quietly.

That boy that Mettox is with who is that, he looks a little familiar.

All of a sudden I see Klause coming up to them and nudging them with love.

Is Klause just using me in order to finally get rid of me.

That's when I see this dark figure come near them and I get closer to trying to hear what they say.

"You can't play anymore today ... is leaving and he won't be coming back for a while. He must go to the human world and he will come back and then and only then we will..."

The last part gets cut off before I can hear it, but I can't tell if the dark figure is a man or a woman. However, why is the kid being sent away to the human world.

"No! This can't happen why can't he stay longer I'm going to miss him!" Mettox said.

"Because it's all part of the plan and when that day happens then and only then will you get to see him. It will be fine you will have Klause and the other monsters for you to play with." The dark figure doesn't show a face or nothing.

"Goodbye Mason, I will see you later in life and we can spend a lot of time with each other then."

Mettox said this...

--Real Life--

The jellyfish monster got destroyed by ,Ulrich's sword and I fell to the ground only to have Yumi catch me.

I blacked out...

--Out of Lyoko and an hour later--

"Mason, you awake now?" I heard a girls voice say this.

"Ya, but what's going on?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see everyone starring at me in Jeremy and I's room.

"Well you blacked out when Yumi caught you, but you never moved after we told our plan and got caught by the jellyfish." Odd said

"And after that Mettox left and we tried to take out the jellyfish, but it didn't want to give up. What did you see? Because obviously you remember us." Aelita said

"Well..." I explained everything I saw besides the part about how I could be part of a plan to destroy the world.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Mason I hope everything works out fine." Yumi said when I know she wanted to hug and kiss me.

"Ok, guys there's one more thing I have to tell you." I looked at Yumi when I said this.

"Are you sure?" Yumi whispered to me.

I nodded and continued to talk "Yumi and I have been dating for 5 months now and I think it's time to tell you." I said to them and Ulrich grew mad and stomped out the door.

I can tell we are going to need to have a talk in a few days for everything to be fine between us. However, I'm pretty sure what I saw means Mettox was right and that I'm Xana's child and her sister.

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