More Things I Should Know About Lyoko.

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I didn't know what to say, but I did know what to do and that was give her a big hug.

"Wait how is Jeremy going to react?" Yumi asked.

"It's ok I already talked it over with him on what would happen."

She nodded and we went back onto her bed and cuddled for a while until I had to leave.

When I was walking back to Kadic Academy I decided that I wanted to go see Mettox first and tell her the news before anyone else finds out, she is my sister.

I went to the factory and put myself into Lyoko, only to find Mettox near by.

"I felt you wanted to talk to me?" She was sitting in a tree, she's always sitting when we talk to each other.

"Do you know why I wanted to talk to you?" She shrugged and I sat next to her.

"Well, Yumi, and I have been dating for a while and one day we did the diddly doo." She sighed and looked down.

"And with that I got her pregnant so your going to be an aunt!" She grew a smile and hugged me.

"I can't wait for this to happen, Xana is going to be so happy!"

"Great, I hoped Xana would. Since Xana is my father?" Mettox shook her head.

"Oh then Xana will be a great grandmother." She shook her head again.

"I don't really know what gender Xana is, but what I do know is Xana is our parent."

"Well then tell Xana they are a grandparent and I have to go I will see you tomorrow ok?"

She nodded and waved her hand to have some monsters kill me and I was sent back to the real world.

I walked back to my room to see Jeremy sitting in a chair on his computer. He turned around and looked at me with a scowl.

"So tell me, Mason, what's the verdict?"

"Well looks like I'll be in Lyoko all by myself for a whole month, but please we can't tell the others yet, until they start getting suspicious because Ulrich might be pissed."

Jeremy nodded and turned back to his computer. "Well if that's how you want to do it be my guest, but I can't promise it'll stay a secret with me."

"Jeremy you have to promise me this, this is serious!" I walked over to him and spun his chair around so it was facing me.

"Ok ok! I promise you, but I need to tell Aelita because she needs to deactivate the towers if your doing it alone for the month."

I nodded and flopped on my bed, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up and went through my day just like everyone else until it got to night where I went back to the lab to go hangout with Mettox.

I teleported and there she was sitting on a rock like usual. "Well hey, Mason, how's everything going?"

"Good just thought I'd stop by and learn more about Lyoko."

Mettox smiled and she just went on and on about Lyoko, and after about an hour or so she stopped, caught her breath and continued.

"There's one more thing I have to tell you, if you ever feel like you're hated on Earth by everyone just jump in the water and you'll come right back to your old self not that there's anything different just you won't be de-virtualized anymore and you'll stay with us." She smiled and I nodded thinking that if things get bad I'll use it.

"So it's like an escape button to get back to my old life?"


"Wow I didn't know any of this stuff about Lyoko, thank you for telling me Mettox."

She nodded and gave me a hug and said she had to go, but before she left she made sure to kill me.

I really think Mettox and I are getting closer as siblings now that I know what's happening. I hope that everything can continue like this and everything can be calm.

Hey guys I know this is short, but it's just to put something in to amp up the upcoming chapters and what's going to happen in them. However, in other news the second Youngblood story is coming out tonight probably by the time you read this and another story is coming out in October called the Island of Death if you didn't read about it in the chapter of the Purge Has Become Real. Hope you like it! The reason for the second story coming out today is because it's my birthday and I thought it'd be nice to do that my dreams open up on my birthday!

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