A Long Awaited Battle.

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I awoke the next morning and felt nervous.

What the hell did I get myself into?

I was starting to regret my decisions, but I knew I had to fulfill it. I got up seeing Jeremy still mad at me, but I just said good morning and walked out.

I went to breakfast and sat with Yumi at a different table while Ulrich was with Odd at another one. Jeremy and Aelita were the ones really suffering through all of this because they don't know which friend they want more.

The day went through how it normally did, learn, write, go to new class, repeat. Except in P.E. where unfortunately Ulrich and I are in the same class.

"All right you lazy teenagers, today we are going to wrestle each other in a tournament bracket. So first up Stern and Martin!" Jim said and pointed to us.

"No thanks sir, I'll just do laps." Like that Ulrich started running laps, Jim was confused, but moved me up in the tournament bracket.

After all of the matches except the finals it was down to me and Odd. "Alright you two get ready."

We got in the middle of the mat and before we went at it Ulrich jumped me from behind and started beating on me.

Odd just stood there and watched in astonishment. Then Jim came in and separated Ulrich from me. "Stern! What the heck are you doing! Go to the principal's office right now!"

He pointed to the door and before leaving Ulrich kicked me in the stomach and Jim started forcing him out. "Della Robbia bring Martin to the nurse while I take this runt to the principals! Class dismissed!"

Odd helped me up and we walked to the nurse's office and as we were walking he was telling me how Ulrich didn't sleep at all last night. He said Ulrich was so pumped up with anger he actually put a hole in the wall.

I got to the nurses and she just let me rest for the remainder of the day and brought me lunch.

I got up after the school day ended and went straight to my room and Jeremy was there.

"I heard what happened, Ulrich snapped and attacked you. It'll be alright, you have until 5 pm, I persuaded Ulrich because he attacked you."

"Thanks Jeremy, I know you don't want this to happen, but like I keep saying, it's for the best." I said and I gave him a hug.

I spent the rest of my time just hanging around in my room and then I got up and headed to the factory.

Everyone was already there and Ulrich and I just had to get into our pods and then it would be final.

Before I went in I hugged and kissed Yumi for good luck and the twins inside her.

As we were sent into Lyoko, I noticed that Mettox, Klause, and Xana were there. Mettox gave me a wave and Klause grew excited, but Xana did nothing.

I turned to see Ulrich on the other side of me and we faced each other.

"Hold on Ulrich before we do this I want to ask for some peace." He looked at me strangely and then gestured for me to speak.

"I have something to show you to prove that I don't want to hurt you guys and that everything should be fine and there should be no grudges."

"Are you going to get to the point because if this is a really good offer then I might say we don't have to do this." He was annoyed with me and I could tell.

"Mettox could you come here?" She smiled and gave me a hug. While in the hug I moved her in front of Ulrich and stabbed her...

My trident went right through her body as she gasped for her last breathe of air.

She fell to the ground and turned to dust. Before Xana could react Jeremy put a forcefield around Ulrich and I so Xana couldn't get in.

Xana was pissed, but I couldn't focus on what they were doing so I spoke to Ulrich. "How about that, I killed my own sister so that way you and I don't fight." He smirked.

"Why in the hell would you do that, you're a giant idiot, I don't care about your sister. You killed her for nothing."

"Not for nothing, you will lose and then she will be avenged to know that you're gone from Lyoko."

We got ready as Xana died down and went back to Klause, who was whimpering.

Jeremy said go and we charged at each other, he tried to hit me from above, but I blocked it and pushed him back.

Then I charged at him and he took his two swords and blocked me as well. Just like I did, he pushed me off. We are at one heck of a stalemate.


The battle continued like this for about 10 minutes. We just new each other so well that we could know what each other would do and block it.

Finally, Ulrich came for my legs and I trapped his swords in the ground with my trident and kicked him in the face.

This quickly turned into a good old fashion fight. Ulrich knew a lot of karate and could attack me very easily.

I didn't get many hits on him, but when he came close to the trident I picked it up off the ground and whacked him over the head with it.

He flew to the other side of our little area and hit a giant boulder. I charged at him and he dodged it and threw me across the field.

My trident got stuck in the boulder and I was on my own because Ulrich was between me and the trident when he flung me.

As I got up no one was in front of me and it was just a clear land. As I went to turn around to look back at Ulrich I was pushed to the ground.

As I looked up all I could see was Xana and Klause right next to it. That's when I realized what I had a few nights ago, wasn't a dream...

I was seeing the future...

As I attempted to make sure the future wasn't correct, I was stopped in my tracks.

I looked up to see Ulrich smiling down at me with both of his swords in my back.

That's it, I had lost to Ulrich Stern, and I would no longer be able to be a Lyoko warrior.

As I de-virtualized, I could only imagine the disappointment I'll get from Yumi, Aelita, and Jeremy.

I came out of the pod greeted by Yumi who knew what happened and cried.

She brought me up to the super computer and everyone gave me a hug.

Shortly after Ulrich came in and was his well earned victory. "Guess what, I won! Guess Mettox won't be avenged at all will she." Ulrich laughed as everyone gave him an evil stare.

Yumi went up to him and slapped him right across the face and pulled me into the elevator where we would go back to my room.

We came to a stop at my room's door. "Mason I'm sorry this happened to you, I didn't want it to end like that. I love you, goodnight." She kissed me and left.

I could tell she was going to cry some more and I knew she didn't want me to see it.

I went into the room and fell right on my bed and all I could think about is...

What's next?...

Haha, I think I got all of you. I don't think any of you expected that to happen.

Well, that's all for this chapter, only two more left. Hope you enjoyed the suspense and the twist and get ready for this all to come to an end.

Please vote for the last chapters and that amazing twist, thank you all! 😄

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