The Day Of Forgiveness and Learning

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I had to apologize to Ulrich, I mean I stole his dream girl without even knowing.

How could I know that he liked her before hand I mean he keeps it such a secret that he won't even admit it. Then again that is how boys are, how some of us don't admit our true feelings.

Never mind that I got up kissed Yumi and whispered to her, I'll be back, and ran out the door.

It was late at night and pitch black, I checked his room before going out, but he wasn't there.

I checked for a good hour or so and didn't find him, where could he have gone I mean we all know his secret places.

I went back to my room and kissed Yumi goodnight as she went to Aelita's room and would come back later that night to her family.

Next morning came and I was on a mission to find Ulrich and apologize to him.

I looked everyone in each class for the whole morning and then lunch time and I still didn't find him. Even when we were all supposed to meet up at the vending machine like everyday.

I asked everyone and they said they haven't seen him all day.

"Do you want help? Odd and I can help you find him." Jeremy gratuitously wanting to help.

"No this is something I have to talk to him about alone just between us. Thank you for the offer though." I responded and ran off looking for him.

"It's so cute how he wants to make everyone feel happy and then he tries to keep himself happy, putting others needs before his." Yumi said as I was leaving.

I ran all around the school to see Ulrich talking to other kids at the track field, so I captured him and took him into the woods.

"Get off of me you asshole, I don't want to talk to you!" Ulrich trying to claw out of my incredibly tight bear hug on his body.

I finally got deep enough into the woods and threw him to the ground. "Now just stay put! We have to talk to about this and most importantly I have to apologize to you!"

"Me? Why would you apologize to me and there's nothing to talk about you stole the girl I wanted!" Ulrich was getting pretty mad now, but he's just not understanding me.

"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just thought it'd be more romantic if we just had a hidden love and I didn't want to tell you guys unless it didn't work out so that way only Yumi in I knew."

Ulrich seemed to calm down and got up from the ground and brushed himself off.

"And as for seeming like I took her from you, I didn't. I found out you liked her on that day we played truth or dare, I had no idea before hand. Now that I remember Yumi asked me out, she kissed me when all three of you guys went to Lyoko before the race."

"Really? Wow, I didn't know it was like that, I just assumed that you knew I liked her when we met because everyone usually thinks that and started seeing how cute she was and decided you liked her." Ulrich actually thought I was trying to hurt him, but I think everything's cleared out between us.

"Ok, now that all the misunderstandings have been settled come over here and get a big ol bear hug." I smiled and opened my arms wide as he came in and we both hugged it out.

After that we both headed back to the gang and hung out, we didn't say a word what either of us said to each other, as it should be that talk was just between us.

Yumi and I started holding hands now since the gang knew it was time for everyone to know.

I did see people whispering and staring, but it didn't phase me at all, though I did promise to show Yumi's little brother how to beat Dead or Alive 5 for the Xbox to keep him quiet to Yumi's parents about this.

Now I think everything was fine and Ulrich I guess apologized to everyone after school for his actions last night and said that he's buying us all a pizza.

Which all sounded great to us I mean Yumi and I could go on a date freely at a restaurant for the first time, except people our with us, but we'll just have us two the next time.

Surprisingly everyone was kind of normal about it and just let us do our own thing. Later that night after we got back from eating our pizza I had a feeling, like a being drawn to something feeling.

I didn't know what it was for, but all I knew was that I needed to go somewhere. It wasn't until I got back to my room that I was being drawn to Lyoko because it just kept occurring in my thoughts.

So as soon as Jeremy went to sleep I snuck out to go to the lab, where I knew how to virtualized myself thanks to Aelita for showing me.

I got into Lyoko and there was Mettox, she was just standing there almost like she was waiting for me.

"Hey there, so I guess you know huh?" She said truthfully, not like her usual voice.

"Ya, I'm sorry I didn't believe you I mean I didn't even think it was possible and I guess that's why you had to take Yumi, in order to show me."

"Exactly because I knew you would try and go after Yumi and have the others fight me, so I had to get you by yourself in order to show you." I nodded and she motioned towards a rock where we both sat together.

"So tell me, how are we brother and sister I mean the results were false?"

"That's exactly true only because we have different DNA's because your in a different body."

I looked at her funny because I thought she was crazy I mean how could I be given I different body?

"What are you talking about?"

"Well the dream you saw that was us 16 years ago, and your body then is still in Lyoko, only your life is in this new body in the real world. You see what happened was Xana put you inside of another kid's body just as they were born. How Xana did that I have no idea, but as soon as you turned into just being born I did too. Xana had wanted us to be the same age so Xana made me a new born, but kept my memories. Don't ask again how she did that I still have no idea."

"I understand a little bit know so I have two DNA's the real world one and the Lyoko one and that's why the test was false." She nodded and looked the other way for a few seconds and turned back.

"Yup and your Lyoko body is in sector 5, so if he just took DNA from that body the results would've been positive, even though you have no idea where the body is."

"That's very weird, but cool as well. Though this discussion will have to continue another day, I'll miss you Mettox."

"Till we meet another day in Lyoko brother, I'll send monsters to de-virtualize you." Just like that she saluted goodbye and went on her way.

As I got destroyed by like 15 monsters I thought to myself that I should do this more often.

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