Chapter Two: Picking Sides

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[ Chapter 2: Picking Sides ]

[ Beacon Hills High, Beacon Hills ]
[ Tuesday, February 29th ]
[ Third Person ]

Rebekah finished off concealing her dark circles before closing the mirror built into the sun visor of her Lamborghini. Derek had been right – it had been a long night – she had snuck back home at 4.25 AM to receive an earful from her mother.

     In her seventeen years, Rebekah hadn’t even been through so much physical or mental or emotional pain than she had been through last night / this morning. Derek had said he’d never seen anyone lose and gain control as quickly as Rebekah which was both comforting and slightly worrying.

     Tap. Tap. Tap.

Instantly, Rebekah’s head snapped to the right to see Scott McCall sporting a look of worry and anger with his finger tip resting against the window. After a second or two, she flicked the switch to unlock the door and leaned over to open it for him.

     “Morning, Scott.” Rebekah greeted him pleasantly, sending the atmosphere and dynamic was tense as he scrambled into the passenger seat of her Lamborghini and closed the door. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I questioned him.

     “Isaac’s father is dead.” Scott informed her, skipping the pleasantries. Rebekah hid a gasp and continued to gaze at the werewolf whose eyes were fixated to the windscreen. “They think he was murdered.” He continued, now returning my gaze.

     “Poor, Isaac.”

     “You’re telling me!” Stiles peaked his head through the open window to Rebekah’s left. “They’ve taken him down to the station in handcuffs.” He hissed, violently. “They can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours.” He told her causing her to fall back against her seat in defeat. “It’s the full moon, his first full moon I may add.” He pushed his head further into her car. “His urge to maim and kill is at an all-time high, like yours, wait, Derek let you come to school today?”

     " do you know I was with Derek?"

     "Scott heard your little boss calling out to yesterday and then all of a sudden you didn't turn up to class." 

     “Derek’s not my boss.” Rebekah snapped at him, not liking his use of language. “I have just endured thirteen hours of intense training.” She informed the pair. “Learning how to,” she paused for a second, glancing around shiftily. The two boys copied her action in confusion. “You know, control the shift.” She whispered.

     “Wait, what?”

     “Long story short, my werelioness self is in overdrive right now so I insisted we keep on training until I could gain control.”

     "You're a were....lioness?" Stiles arched an eyebrow at her before his gaze flickered to Scott who was looking confused too. "Is that a thing?" he questioned Scott who just knitted his eyebrows together in deep thought.

     “13 hours....That’s some dedication, right there.”

     "Okay, is this going to be ignore Stiles day?"

     “Thank you.” Rebekah thanked Scott before turning to Stiles. “Now could I please get out of my car?” she asked him. Instantly he moved his head upwards, colliding with the body of her car. Hissing in pain, he backed away rubbing his head. “You okay?”

     “Argh, Jesus!” Stiles cursed, rubbing the top of his head frantically. The brunette and Scott got out of her car in sync before she locked it. Now, she looked to Stiles who was currently wearing some sort of bandage on his nose.  “What is that even made of?”


     “Look,” Scott stopped Stiles from giving a witty response and caused Rebekah to pivot and look at it. “No offence, but I don’t know where you stand on this whole thing.” He told her, she raised an eyebrow in complete confusion.

     “He’s basically saying that Erica, Boyd and Isaac have all been shifty as hell since they were bitten.”

     “You can trust me.” Rebekah promised them, glancing between the two boys. “I honestly have no clue what you were trying to say, but you can trust me.” I assured them. “I know that there’s something with you and Derek-”

     “Did he tell you that?”

     “No.” Rebekah answered. “He didn’t need to.” She stated as she began to walk in the direction of the school building. “You made it kind of obvious with your ridiculous attempt at trying to stop me from leaving the canteen.”

     “Yeah, he’s not the slyest.”

     “Basically, whatever you and Derek have going on has got nothing to do with me.” Rebekah dismissed it after smiling at Stiles comment. “I’m not on anyone’s side, I'm on my own side if anything - I don’t do sides or fighting.....” she trailed off, adjusting her messenger bag. “....or exercise, for that matter.”

     “You.” Stiles pointed at her. “I like you.” He told her with a thumbs up. “You’re my kind of person.”

     Rebekah smiled as she opened the doors to the interior of Beacon Hills High. The brunette was surrounded the instant her foot passed through the door. She was being swarmed by her junior friends who she hadn’t sat with at lunch the previous day.

     “I’ll see you later.” She waved them goodbye.
[ Chemistry, Mr Harris | 11:05 | First Person: Rebekah ]

I has allowed a very enthusiastic Lydia to propel me down the hallways, up a flight of stairs and into Mr Harris’ classroom. Personally, I had never been taught by Harris but Molly, the rest of the cheer squad and my other friends would constantly bitch about him – par Jackson. But then again, Molly had said she wouldn’t have been surprised if Harris was caught sniffing his underwear.

“Miss Brier?” I turned my head to see a man in his forties sitting down at the desk facing the class with brown hair, no visible eyebrow hair and a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose – I guessed that was Mr Harris. 

     “Yes, Sir?”

     “Here’s your text book.” Mr Harris told me, passing me a heavy ancient-looking book. “I knew your mother.” He told me causing me to force a surprised ‘Oh’ sound. “She started a rumour that I was gay.” He deadpanned causing me to fasten my arms tighter around the textbook uncomfortably.

     “I’m sorry?” I didn’t know what response to give.

     “You will be.” He told me, staring at me directly in the eye.

     With a look of worry now present on my face, I turned around slowly. I recognised a few faces – Danny Māhealani, Scott, Stiles and Lydia. Lydia waved her hand, beckoning me to sit next to her at the desk behind Scott and Stiles.

     “Hey, Lydia.” I greeted, sliding onto the empty seat and slamming my textbook and folder down on the wooden table. Mechanically, I flicked open my textbook and pencilled my name on the inside. “Sorry about yesterday, my meds made me a bit loopy.”

     “You don’t need to explain meds making you loopy to the girl who ran around in the woods naked.” Lydia swatted her hand at me. “Any boys take your fancy?” she queried, twirling a strawberry blonde lock around her finger.

     “I’ve got a bit more to worry about than boys, Lydia.” I confessed, knowing that she didn’t understand how true that statement was.

      “What’s more important than boys?” Lydia questioned me. “They’re a mark of how popular, pretty you are and well, other things.” She waggled her eyebrows at me. I wanted to say ‘Lydia, I don’t have time for this.’ But instead I allowed her to continue this rant as I eavesdropped on the conversation happening in front of me.

     “Being a teenager means my dad can’t hold him, unless they have solid evidence that is.” Stiles explained to Scott before taking a pause for though. “Or a witness....” he trailed off. “Wait!” Suddenly, he whirled around to face my desk. “Danny!” he yelled – okay not my desk, the desk behind me. “Where’s Jackson?” he questioned him.

     Lydia and I both turned out heads to face Danny who looked up from his exercise book, shocked at the four heads that were turned to face him. “He’s in the principal’s office talking to the Sherriff.” Danny answered Stiles’ questioned before gazing at me. “Hey, Bex.”

     “Hey, Danny. Long time no see.”

     “We need a catch up session.”

     “Excuse me!” Stiles half-yelled causing Danny and I to look back at him. “I was trying to converse with you, you’re gay, you’re not meant to get dragged down into her charm.” He told Danny causing me to cock my head at Stiles. “Why is he with my dad?” Of course he was, Stilinski.

     “Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac and your dad's the Sheriff.”

     “Witness.” Scott stated as they turned back to face the front.

     “We gotta get to that principal’s office.”


     “Those two, however, are beyond me.” Lydia commented. Without a seconds thought, I flicked open my exercise onto the last page of my book. I sensed Lydia’s eyes on me as I ripped free the last page. “He will kill you for that.” She hissed at me. Ignoring her, I crumpled the paper into a ball.

     “Everyone please turn to page seventy three.” Mr Harris requested facing the class before turning on the spot to write something on the whiteboard. Effortlessly, I threw the paper ball at his head – hitting the target dead on. Instantly, he turned around and glanced at the class. “Who in the hell did that?”

     With a smirk on my lips, I pointed to Scott and Stiles who caught on without even turning their heads, indicating to me. Lydia glanced at me, mouth agape as the rest of the class chuckled – obviously living vicariously through me.

[ The Principals Office, Beacon Hills High | 11:20 | Third Person ]

“You really are my kinda person, you know.” Stiles told her as he sat on a chair outside the principal’s office, not making a pass at her (his twos eyes were only for Lydia) but sensing a good feeling about their new alliance with yet another smoking hot teenage girl.

     In perfect sync, Scott and Rebekah shushed him, the pair intently listening in on the conversation that was happening inside. Stiles glared at the pair rather wishing that he had enhanced hearing at that moment in time, it was bad enough with Scott but now another one.

     “Long story short,” Rebekah began, the volume of her voice incredibly low. “Isaac’s dad was an asshole who to quote Jackson ‘was kicking the crap out of him’.” She repeated, making quotation marks with her index and middle fingers.

     The door opened and instantly Stiles raised a magazine in front of his face in order to hide from his dad. The man with greying hair and clear blue eyes looked at Stiles clearly seeing him but making a face to suggest that he was used to his behaviour.

     “Hey, Scott.” Sheriff Stilinski greeted Scott before glancing at Rebekah. “Rebekah.” He nodded to her. “Last time I saw you was, well, yeah.” He ended awkwardly causing the brunette the throw him a small smile - it must have been when she was in a coma, watching him as he walked away.

     “Kids.” Gerard Argent said, moving into the doorway. Rebekah looked up at him, studying him – Mr Gerard Argent has virtually no hair on his head, a lot of hair on his eyebrows and dark brown eyes. “Come on in.” he beckoned the three it.

     Rebekah was the first to her feet with Scott and Stiles shooting upwards almost as if they were in a trance. Rolling her eyes, Rebekah practically shoved Scott into the office which had little in it of note par the brown desk (that Gerard was now sitting behind) and a nameplate reading ‘Mr Argent’. The three of them sat down in the same formation they had been in before Scott at the far right, then Stiles and then Rebekah.

     “Scott McCall.” Scott’s head snapped upwards as if he had been summoned to compete in The Hunger Games. Mr Argent was reading from his private folder. “Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete.” He commented.

     “Rebekah Brier.” Rebekah shifted awkwardly in her seat, it had been her first time in the principal’s office in her whole high school career. “Phenomenal grades, student council member and was captain of the cheerleading squad.”

     “Was? I lost my spot?”

     “It was disbanded after the captain was lost.” Gerard said dismissively. “Mr Stilinski.” He moved on swiftly to Stiles’ folder. Stiles leaned forwards in his chair to try and peak at his record. “Perfect grades but little to no extracurricular. Maybe you should try lacrosse.” He suggested, looking up as Stiles nearly feel forwards out of his seat.

     “Actually, I’m already-”

     “Hold on.” Gerard ignored him, cutting him off. “McCall.” He pointed to the name on the folder before glancing up at Scott. “You’re the Scott that was dating my granddaughter.” He made the realisation causing Scott’s eyes to widen.

     “We were dating but not anymore.” Scott explained rather quickly. “Not dating,” he listed, causing Rebekah to look at him suspiciously. “Not seeing each other,” he quickly added. “Or- or doing anything with each other.” He piped up again as if he had missed vital information. “At all.” He finished, with an unconvincing smile.

     Stiles just groaned internally, glancing at Rebekah who looked as if she had just discovered new information – Yes, Scott McCall had made it pretty obvious that he was still dating, seeing and doing Allison Argent. Gerard smiled.

     “Relax, Scott, you look like you’re about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth.”

     “Just a hard breakup.” Scott lied, unsuccessfully.

     “Oh, that’s too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me.” Gerard sympathised causing Rebekah to raise an eyebrow at their new headmaster – he couldn’t have really bought Scott’s story, could he? “Now listen, guys.” He transitioned away from the personal conversation with Scott and addressed all three of them now. “Yes, I am the principal, but I really don’t want you to think of me as the enemy.”

     “Heh, is that so?” Stiles blurted out sceptically causing Rebekah to kick him lightly under the table. He winced loudly, his hand going to his calf. Her intention had been to kick him lightly but she still wasn’t used to her newfound strength. Gerard looked at him sceptically. “Charley horse.” He lied smoothly.

     “However,” Gerard coughed, looking to Scott whilst Rebekah used that time to mouth an apology to Stiles. “This being my first day, I do need to support my teachers.” He told them honestly. “So unfortunately someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention.”

     Stiles’ head was facing forwards, still looking at Gerard as Rebekah and Scott exchanged glances. Almost instantly, the pair of them turned to face Stiles. Sensing eyes on him, Stiles turned his head to look at the pair. Rebekah was beaming innocently as Scott looked at him with pleading eyes.

     "Awwww - come ooooon."

[ Beacon Hills High Interior, Beacon Hills | 13:25 | First Person: Rebekah Brier ]

     “You’re dead.” Molly spoke in all seriousness, looking me dead in the eye as she gripped my bicep. My eyes moved away from hers, to her hand and then to all of her in confusion – she looked like a mad woman. “Harris?!” she half yelled at me. I exhaled. I had forgotten about that. “I have bitched about this guys for years and you go a throw a paper ball at his head? What were you thinking?” she questioned me, barking the words directly in my face.

     “I needed-” I cut myself off, realising that I couldn’t give her any logical explanation – If I told her the reason why, I would have sounded high. “I...I just did...okay.” I trailed off, with a casual shrug. Molly was squinting at me. “Oh, yeah, it gets better – my mom went to school with him.”

     “Oh, they were friends.” Amelia perked up, she had been my second in command on the cheer squad and one of my many friends I had been neglecting the past few days - she flicker her light brown hair over her shoulder as her gray eyes danced over me.

     “She started a rumour that he was gay.”

     “Oh hell.” Amelia sighed. “You really are dead.”

     “I-” I started before a hand gripped my arm and drove me forwards. I quickly turned my head to see that it was Scott. “I....” I trailed off, glancing back to Molly and Amelia who were now a few yards behind us. “I’ll see you later!” I yelled at her before we turned a corner. “What are we doing?”

     “Saving Isaac from being taken to jail.”

     My heart beat quickened, now feeling the urgency. We raced down the stairs leading to the exterior of the school, bursting through the doubles doors I entered through every morning. But it was too late to save Isaac – he was seated in the backseat of a police car. His head was turned in our direction as the car drove off.

     “Oh, come on!” I protested, throwing my arms up in frustration before letting them flop down again in defeat. “What the hell are we gonna do now?” I asked Scott whilst I was having a strop. Scott sighed and simply grabbed hold of my arm and turned to go back to school.

     The screech of car tires stopped us in our tracks. We turned our heads to see Derek clad in all black and wearing a pair of sunglasses in a black Chevrolet Camaro. God, he was stunning. I thought before quickly dismissing the thought.

     “Get in. Both of you.”

     “Are you serious?” Scott queried, holding out both of his arms diagonally to the floor. Derek moved his head forwards to check if he was hearing Scott right. “You did that.” Scott pointed in the direction the police car was taking off in. “That’s your fault.” He pointed in Derek’s direction.

     Derek changed the position of his hand on the wheel as he fixed his gaze downwards. “I know that.” He grumbled, his eyes still focusing downwards. “Now get in the car.” He repeated again, his head raised to look at us both. “And help me.” he finished.  

     “I’ve got a better idea.” I stated, causing Scott’s head to turn to me and Derek to look in my direction for the first time as I walked down one of the steps. “I’m gonna call my uncle, he’s a lawyer.” I enunciated as if I were speaking to a two year old whilst I was looking at Derek. “Cause she might actually have a chance of getting him out of there before the moon goes up.” I stared him down, now Scott and I were standing in front of his car.

     “Not when they do a real search of the house.” Derek retorted almost seamlessly, Scott and I (now standing in front of the Camaro) exchanged glances. “Whatever your little boyfriend said to the cops, what’s in the house is worse.” He informed us, I cocked an eyebrow at him. “A lot worse.” He emphasized.

     Scott and I stayed glued to our positioned on the school steps. Frustrated, Derek got out of the driver’s side of the car and marched around to the passenger side of the car. He flung open the passenger door and the door to the backseat which he held open.

     “Oh come on!” I looked to Scott who was clearly facing inner turmoil before he got into the passenger seat. “Do I really have to skip class again?!” I moaned. Derek didn’t say something, just kept holding the back seat door open. “Urgh.” I groaned as I reluctantly climbed into the back, my fate sealed as Derek closed the door after me.

[ The Lahey House, Beacon Hills | 14:00 | First Person: Rebekah ]

     “Isaac didn’t kill his father.” I stated, holding a torch that was illuminating my path through Isaac’s house. I felt like I was intruder. Oh wait. That’s because I was an intruder. My list of rebellion and crimes was seeming to get longer and longer by the minute. “Who did?” I questioned, turning my torchlight in Derek’s direction.

     “Get that outta my face.” Derek snapped at me, shielding his eyes from the light of my torch. Smirking, I slowly turned my torch light back down to the ground. “And the answer to your question is: I don’t know yet.” He stated.
     “How do you guys know he’s telling the truth?” Scott queried, now shining the torch in my face.

     “He didn’t tell me anything, I've only spoken to him once in class, I just know.” I told him, pushing the torch to aim over to my right.

     “Because I trust my senses.” Derek answered Scott as he lazily took a step forwards. “And it’s a combination of them.” He added, taking another lazy step forwards. This was a time where I cursed my short height, one of these two giants paces equalled about three of my paces. “Not just....your sense of smell.” He deadpanned, drawing to a stop.

     I elevated an eyebrow as I saw Derek looking at Scott who had drawn to a stop too. His head turned briefly in Derek’s direction before facing forwards again. I stood behind the pair of them wondering what the hell they were doing.

     “You.....saw.....the lacrosse thing today.” Scott said slowly.

     “Yeah.” Derek answered almost instantly.

     “Did it look that bad?” Scott asked almost instantly.

     “Yeah.” Derek took his time to answer as he placed a hand on Scott’s shoulder as we continued down the corridor.

     “Should I even bother asking?”

     “Probably not.” Derek told me, patting my shoulder for a second. “How you feeling?” he queried in all seriousness, looking down at me with cold hard eyes.

     “Like...” I started, getting slightly lost in his eyes and trailing off. “I’m going to get grounded for the rest of my life when I get home.” I continued, glancing down to my feet to avoid his eyes. “If I ever get home that is.” I rambled. “You know because breaking Isaac out of a jail cell might get me a jail know...for life.” I hissed at him.

     “What’s down there?” Scott questioned, illuminating a wooden door that didn’t fit the other ones in the house.

     “No clue, but it really stinks.” I commented as I plugged my nose, sizing up the door. Suddenly, I got the feeling of eyes on me – I turned my head to my right to see both Scott and Derek looking down at me with the same expression. “What? You mean you guys don’t smell it too?”

     “No, I smell it too. It smells like-”

     “-something that leaves an impression.” I finished off Derek’s statement.

     Scott was looking at us both in confusion.

     “Open it.” Derek told him.

     Scott obeyed, walking in front of us and opening the door. Scott looked back at Derek who nodded at him resulting in Scott walking down the steps that lead downwards. Derek stepped forwards and grabbed hold of the door, letting me pass through before he did – allowing it to slam after him.

     “What are we looking for?” Scott asked as he handed his flashlight to Derek. I stepped after him, clinging onto my torch for dear life – well, before it was torn from my hands. Before I could protest, Derek switched it off leaving us in total darkness.

     “I already said: The kind of thing that leaves an impression.”

     "Are we really doing this?" I queried.

     “Well this sure leaves an impression.” Scott commented sadly, tracing scratches on the concrete floor. Apparently we were really doing this. It was strange. I didn’t know they were there but somehow, my fingers found them a few seconds after him anyway. A chill went down my spine as I saw a freezer box on its side a few yards ahead.

     Slowly, I got up from my crouched position and stood straight again, leaving Scott to trace the marks – using his senses or whatever. It was a strange feeling – it was almost like I felt drawn to the freezer box in spite of the overwhelming smell.

     I extended my hands, my fingers gently tracing a rusted lock – now feeling extremely overwhelmed. Suddenly I was illuminated causing me to jump ever so slightly and turn in the direction of the light shining on me. Derek was standing beside me, holding my flashlight.

     “Holly Hell!” I placed my hand over my heart.

     Derek hadn’t even looked at me, he was just looking down at the freezer box with a thoughtful expression on his face. Seeing this, I glared at him. For a few seconds, we remained like that. Finally, he glanced upwards at me.

     “Open it.”

     My eyes squinted even further as I looked at him in disbelief, I jerked my head side to side ever so slightly as if to say something but Derek didn’t even react. I opened my mouth to verbalise what I was trying to say but I just closed my mouth again knowing that it was no use.

     Annoyed, I undid the lock from the loop and tossed it down on the ground. As I did this, I sensed another presence behind me that nearly scared the crap out of me. I closed my eyes feeling 100% done with these two as I flung open the lid of the freezer.

     Little did I know that when I opened my eyes again I’d want to close them again. The torchlight had illuminated the interior of the box. It ought to have been pristine. It ought to have been filled with food. It ought to have been damaged beyond repair.

     But it wasn’t.

     It was a fully functioning freezer box with scratch marks everywhere.

     I opened my mouth but it wasn’t to speak, to be honest I couldn’t have spoken if I tried, I was too shocked to even hold my mouth closed. I suddenly found myself biting down on my lip as I felt tears gathering in my eyes. I breathed shakily before a tear rolled down my cheek.

     This was how Isaac’s father punished him – by locking him in this freezer box.

     “This is...” I sniffed, rubbing my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket as if I had something in them – they did technically have something in them, I just didn’t want them to know they were tears. “This is why he said yes to you.” I declared, getting myself together.

     “Everyone wants power.” Derek stated emotionlessly.

     It was true.

     “Look,” Scott started, I could sense he was startled by our findings. “If we.....if we help you,” he began again, glancing at Derek. “Then you have to stop.” He told the older man who raised an eyebrow at him. “You can’t just go around turning people into werewolves....and lionesses!” he protested, adding the werelioness as an afterthought.

     “I can if they’re willing.” Derek enforced.

     “Bekah was lying in a hospital bed in a coma!” Scott gestured wildly to me. “You can’t tell me you knew she was willing.” He folded his arms over his chest. Derek crossed his own arms over his chest cocking his head to the side.

     “Scott, don’t.”

     “What?” Scott questioned, glancing over to me in confusion. I dropped my gaze to my heeled boots as I stuck my hands in my pocket. “Well, did you tell Isaac, Boyd and Erica about the Argents?” he started his campaign again. “About being hunted?” he queried. “Do you even know that’s we’re being hunted? Because we are. We’re being hunted by the Argents.” He told me.

     “She knows.” Derek answered for me, getting tired of Scott’s crusade. “And so did the others.” He informed him. “Before they were turned.” He added, emphasizing the word before. I now raised my head to look at the pair. “And he still asked.”

     “Then he’s an idiot!”

     “And you’re the idiot dating Argent’s daughter.” Derek hissed back at him instantly. Scott tensed up and looked to Derek. “Yeah.” He confirmed, looking Scott directly in the eyes. “I know your little secret.” He stated. “And if I know, how long do you think it’s gonna that for them to find out?” he queried.

     I thought back to when Derek and I had taken a little break for training to visit the woods where we saw Allison’s father, Chris, the one who had shot the mountain lion shooting an omega – a wolf without a pack. Derek had explained that Scott was a lone wolf as he refused to join his pack.

     “You-” Derek began, directing his upcoming sentence to Scott. “You both have seen Argent’s deal with omegas.” He stated, leaning towards the pair of us. “Both of you, as you are now, are omegas.” He informed me and reminded Scott.

     “Wait...I thought I-”

     “Was a beta?” Derek finished, arching an eyebrow at me. “You were when you were on my side.”

     “I wasn’t aware that not listening to your every order, Oh Powerful and Gracious Alpha, meant I wasn’t on your side.” I hissed at him. “You know what?” I backed away with my hands in the air. “I’m gonna tell you what I told Scott this morning – I don’t have a side!” I repeated. “I’m on my own side!”

      “Yeah.” Derek snapped at me almost instantly. “That’s what makes you an omega.” He hissed at me. “With me?” he went back to addressing both Scott and I now. “You learn how to use all your senses.” He told us. “With me, you learn control.” He spat. He grabbed both of our hands, showing us our claws as they grew. “Even on a full moon.”

     “Scott and I can form our own pack.” I protested ripping my hand away from him and crossing my arms against my chest.

     Derek just laughed at me.

     “A pack needs an alpha.” Derek told me, looking me directly in the eye. “I’m the only one around here, Brier.” His eyes flared red momentarily before he walked past me, his arm brushing against mine as he did so. My eyes didn’t leave him as he began to walk up the stairs.

     “I’m coming with you.” I told him causing him to stop in his tracks. “I’m not leaving Isaac.” I shrugged, walking to his side.

     “Ok.” Derek nodded, turning again to walk up the stair again.

     “Wait!” Scott protested causing Derek to stop once again and pivot around to look at Scott. “I want him out too.” He said, taking a few steps forwards. “He’s my responsibility too.” He joined me on the step I was standing on.

     “Why? Because he’s one of us?” Derek queried.

     “Because he’s innocent.”

[ Beacon County Sheriff’s Station, Beacon Hills | 21:00 | Third Person ]

     Stiles sat inside his blue jeep that he had parked in the Sheriff's station parking lot, all he was thinking about was how lucky he was that his dad wasn't working that night. This plan that they had come up with was risky - very risky.

     "Let me in."

     He turned his head to see Derek Hale standing next to the passenger door.

     "Finally!" Stiles exclaimed, leaning over in the direction of the passenger door. "Take a step back, would ya?" he requested, opening the passenger door manually from the inside. Derek obeyed, crawling into the jeep and uncomfortably close to Stiles. "Have you ever heard of personal-" he started to complain before setting his eyes on Rebekah. "Woah, what is she doing here?" he demanded.

     "She is helping." Rebekah stated in the third person,  preparing to slide into the car before Stiles leaned right over Derek to stop her.

     "No." Stiles disagreed.  "No, Bekah is not helping." he put his foot down, speaking to Rebekah in the third person. "You know why Bekah is not helping? Because Scott's urge to kill and maim has stopped Scott from helping, and Bekah is an even newer addition to the were-family and has an even greater urge to maim and kill." he gave a play by play.

     "She's helping."

     "Wha-" Stiles started to ask, looking back at Derek who (a) he was still leaning over and (b) had just uttered the words. "Are you serious?" he questioned him. "You can't be serious." he stated, but Derek did not falter and just stared at him. With a sigh, Stiles withdrew into his seat.
     "Brier's sticking with us tonight, her were-senses are in overdrive."

     "Oh, and that makes it so much better!" Stiles commented, raising his hands up as he sunk down into his seat.  "Stiles is so going to end up getting maimed and killed tonight." he complained, resting his head against the steering wheel.

     "You feel like you're having bad time?" Rebekah turned to Stiles, leaning over Derek to talk to him. "Try having every part of you wanting to tear itself apart and not allowing it to because you'll kill people if you do." I told him, looking directly into his eyes. "It hurts too." she added. "So could you please give me a break? This is hard enough as it is."

     Stiles looked deep into her aquamarine eyes and a sigh escaped his lips.

     "Fine." Stiles sighed, shaking his head. "Fine!" he said. "Stiles is sorry and is appreciating Bekah's constant attempts to not maim and kill Stiles." he told her, turning his head to face forwards and look into the Sheriff's office.

     "Rebekah is grateful."

     "And Derek wants you two to shut the hell up!" Derek burst out, getting tired of the two teenage jokes. Rebekah finally withdrew and leaned over Derek no more, shifting as far away from him as she could manage. "Give me the down low." he ordered, turning to Stiles. "Now!"

     "Okay!" Stiles yelled at the same volume at Derek before regretting that decision. "Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lock-box in my father's office." he informed the pair. "The problem is getting past the front desk." he gestured to the woman who was visible through the window of the office.

     "I'll distract her." Derek offered, leaning over Rebekah as he went to open the passenger door.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Stiles exclaimed, leaning over Derek and putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him from leaving. "You?" he shook his head absent-mindedly. "You're not going in there." he told him. Derek looked down at Stiles' hand on him, to Stiles, back to his hand and back to Stiles again. "I'm taking my hand off." he announced, lifting his hand off of Derek.

     "I was exonerated."

     Rebekah instantly shifted away from him ever so slightly. Exonerated? Exonerated of what?

     "You're still a person of interest." Stiles snapped back, before seeing Rebekah's confusion. "Basically, when this all started, we didn't know Derek and we got him arrested for a murder that he didn't commit and - oh, we blamed another murder on him because we thought he was dead-" He sighed. "Which he isn' why he's sitting right here."

     "I'm an innocent person of interest." Derek summarised.

     "An-" Stiles went to repeat Derek's words but couldn't bring himself to do so. "You?" he quizzed him with a sceptical look. "Yeah," he sounded disbelieving. "Right!" he exclaimed in the same tone. Derek looked at him, with a stone-hard look. "Okay, fine." he gave up his losing fight. "What's your plan?"

     "To distract her."

     "Uh - huh." Stiles agreed but obviously didn't agree with him judging by his deadbeat tone as he nodded very slowly. "How?" he inquired, with a cock of his head. "By punching her in the face?" he asked sarcastically, pulling a strange facial expression.

     "Heh." Derek let out a very fake sounding fake laugh. "By talking to her." he stated.

     "Okay, all right." Rebekah piped up, folding her arms around the chest from Derek's right. "Give me a sample." she ordered, causing both males to turn in her direction. "What are you gonna open with?" she questioned him with an arched eyebrow.

     Derek lowered his eyes and then raised them to meet hers. Rebekah held his eyes steadily, mentally noting how attractive he looked with the light bouncing beautifully off of his pale green eyes. She found herself losing herself in his eyes.

     "Dead silence." Stiles came in all of sudden, snapping her out of it. Much to her liking, she didn't jump her eyes just moved from his and to Stiles' instead. "That should work beautifully." he said sarcastically causing her to smirk ever so slightly. "Any other ideas?"

     "I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek confessed, causing Rebekah to tilt her head at the back of Derek's head ever so slightly as he spoke to Stiles who just looked slightly scared now.

     "There comes that discussion coming to a close." Rebekah clapped her hands, before using her right hand to open the passenger door which she back out from very easily. "Are we going to sit here arguing about how we do this or are we going to do this?" she hissed at the pair of them.

     A few seconds later, Stiles and Rebekah were stood next to the doorway of the entrance to the Sheriff's Station. Derek entered, glancing around slightly. He moved down the length of the counter and drummed his fingers against it as he did so.

     "Good evening, how can I help-" The female deputy looked up, slightly dazed by Derek's looks. "- you?" she finished off, tilting her head at the young man who she found extremely attractive.

     "Hi." Derek greeted, throwing her a smile.

     "Hi." The Deputy said back, already slightly distracted.

     "Um, I had a question." Derek started, as Stiles peaked his head out of the doorway rolling his eyes as he saw the way the Deputy was looking at Derek. "Um, sorry I'm a little - a little thrown." he stammered. Rebekah peaked her head out too. "I wasn't really expecting someone-"

     "Like me?"

     "Oh, I was gonna say 'so incredibly beautiful'." Derek told her, as Rebekah and Stiles crept past the pair looking like a bunch of idiots as they did so. "But, yeah," Rebekah stopped, now safe to glance at the exchange. "I guess that'd be the same thing." he finished, flashing a 250 killowatt smile that caused Rebekah to nearly swooned at herself.

     ''Oh, come on!'' Stiles whisper-yelled at the brunette, catching hold of her forearm and yanking her out of plain sight. Rebekah's eyes were now front as she allowed Stiles to lead her down the seemingly empty corridor, she was mentally noting how creepy the station was at night. ''You go find Isaac's holding cell - I overheard my dad saying it was cell 12 - I'll go get the key.''

     Rebekah nodded, watching as Stiles disappeared into Sheriff Stilinski’s office. Rebekah slowly sneaked in the direction of the holding cells. The lightest noise sounded from behind her. Rebekah whirled around. There was no one there. 'I'm just jumpy,' she thought to herself. 'Which is perfectly reasonable in these circumstances.'

     Something shifted behind her, just the slightest hint of movement. She felt a warm, damp breeze like breath on the back of her neck. Rebekah whipped her head around, coming face to face with a deputy. Before she could even open her moth to construct some far fetched lie to keep her out of trouble the deputy slapped his hand over her mouth.

     The deputy's hand was sweaty and heavy against her mouth, and Rebekah's attempt to scream underneath it were in vain - only resulting in a salty taste in her moth. Then she realised - this wasn't a normal deputy. Her eyes came across a syringe that he was sporting.

     Her hands went to pry his fingers away from her mouth but then she couldn't let the syringe go anywhere near her - who knew what the brown thick liquid in it was? Her cries were muffled as he span her around, gripping her tightly and forcing her backwards against him.

     Rebekah struggled fiercely with her now amber eyes staying glued to the syringe, flailing her arms and dodging it at any cost as the deputy started to drag her backwards down the hallway. Something red caught her attention - a fire alarm. Desperately, she outstretched her arm to it - but she couldn't reach it.

     Then she managed to trip it - now sporting brown claws.

     Stiles instantly stepped out of his father's office having heard the ring of the fire alarm. He had successfully broken into the lock box to find that there were no keys to be found in there. He began to mentally question why on earth a station would have a fake-out fire alarm in the middle of the night before he made the realisation.

     They wouldn't.


     Stiles began to speed down the hallway, weaving in and out of different corridors as he made his way to the holding cells. Upon entering the holding cells, he saw that his unsuccessful quest for the keys was in vain - there was a huge hole in one of the holding cell's door.

     His eyes came across an unconscious deputy. He took a step forward, instinctively going to help him before he saw an arrow suck in his leg and a syringe filled with a brown substance laying on the floor. This must have been the hunter the Argent's had sent down to get Isaac. His eyes rested on the arrow again. The hunter Allison had attempted to slow down.

     Suddenly, Stiles was knocked down to the ground with great force incoming from his right hand side. He collided with a wall, his back pressed against it. He turned his head to see Isaac Lahey with amber eyes, hair coming out of the sides of his face and fangs that were snapping only inches away from his face.

     Stiles closed his eyes - accepting his inevitable fate - he really was about to get maimed and killed tonight. But that inevitable fate didn't come. Suspiciously and confused, Stiles opened one of his eyes to see that Isaac was no longer in sight.

     A roar sounded.

     He turned his head to see that Rebekah - bronze skinned, amber eyed, fang bearing, claw owning Rebekah - had tackled Isaac to the side. She rose to her feet, standing between Isaac and Stiles. Isaac slowly shot to his own feet, his own amber eyes locking with hers.

     A howl sounded.

     Isaac went to charge at her with the full strength of his body. In order to anchor herself, Rebekah quickly dug her claws into the floor. But this was no use, they didn't anchor her at all and made a horrible screeching noise as she was forced backwards into the wall perpendicular to the wall Stiles was leaning on.

     Another roar - Rebekah pushed Isaac off of her causing him to fly back through another holding cell door and into the wall behind it. Both of them regained their footing - Rebekah prepared to leave it at that. Isaac's eyes however were glued to Stiles who cowered in the corner.

     Protectively, Rebekah raced towards Isaac who had taken a few steps forwards but instead of colliding into him and forcing him against the wall again, he flipped her over his head resulting in her flying backwards against the wall - her back cracking as it hit it and she fell to the floor in immense pain now human again she winced loudly in pain.


     The syringe was now broken glass and brown liquid underneath Derek's foot. The smash had drawn Isaac's attention away from Rebekah causing him to turn in Derek's direction. Isaac however ignored Derek who was standing in between him and Stiles - purely focusing on Stiles as he took a step forwards.

     Derek let out a deafening howl - his eyes blazing bright red.

     In reaction, Isaac suddenly cowered backwards against a holding cell door. He pulled his arms over his head as he trembled in fear. He curled into a ball for a few seconds, practically clinging to the wall. A few seconds later, he raised his head - now human again.

     Rebekah blinked a couple of times, glancing up at Derek through slightly blurred vision. He went to her, crouching down to see the damage. He moved her slightly forwards - seeing quite an impact on the wall behind her.

     ''How.....'' Rebekah started off shakily, feeling like the whole room was spinning around her. ''How did you.....'' she began again before trailing off. Derek aided her to her feet but as soon as she was on her feet she pulled away from him slightly - a huge mistake. Luckily, Derek caught hold of her arm before she hit the floor. ''How did you do that?'' she asked him.

     ''I'm the alpha.'' Derek said smugly, his eyes blazing red again as he looked down at her.

     ''Holly hell.'' Rebekah cursed, really feeling the shooting pain down her spine. She looked past Derek to Stiles who was still down against the wall looking up at her dazed. ''I think we're even now - I broke your nose and I've broken my...I don't even know....but it hurts like hell.'' she informed Stiles.

     ''Yeah,'' Stiles nodded his head, pushing himself up off of the ground. ''We're even.'' he told her, bending over ever so slightly. ''Completely even,'' he breathed out. '' Like, we have to miss out 1-1 and go straight to 2-2 because that's how even we are.'' he nodded at her. ''Thanks.''

     ''Don't mention it.'' Rebekah told him, going to move forwards but stopping herself and biting down in her lip. ''Actually, screw that, mention it a lot, mention it the whole time.'' she said in a small voice, wincing in pain. ''You said we have accelerated healing?'' she questioned, turning to Derek.

     ''I did.'' Derek confirmed. ''Yours however is currently working at healing you from the road accident before.'' he told her, causing her to groan. ''Also, yours is slower because you're an-'' he started, beginning his 'Become a Beta today' campaign.

     ''Omega.'' Rebekah interjected. ''I know, I know.'' she swatted his campaign aside hastily before glancing down at Isaac who was still sitting down against the wall. ''You okay down there?'' she queried, sighing deeply at the whole situation.

     ''Yeah.'' Isaac nodded at her. ''I'm so sorry.''

     ''Still wanna be on your 'own side'?'' Derek quoted her earlier words

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