Chapter Nineteen: Graveyard

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Chapter Nineteen: Graveyard

[ Beacon Hill’s Preserve , Beacon Hills ]
[ Thursday, March 29th | 05:30 ]
[ Third Person ]

     “Well.” Stiles coughed, lowering his voice by a significant amount as he leaned in closer to Rebekah causing her to quickly shift her eyes over to the left before doing the same. “Do you know about Peter Hale?”


     “He’s……” Stiles started. “He’s the werewolf who bit Scott.” He may have started slowly but that changed within an instant. “Derek’s uncle.” He added on swiftly. “Basically, he’s a giant bag of dicks….but is now a dead giant bag of dicks because Derek killed him.” He explained causing Rebekah’s eyebrows to shoot skyward.


     “He kinda went on a homicidal killing spree, killing all of the people who were involved in The Hale House Fire-” Stiles cut her off short. Rebekah’s mind briefly registered that as ‘fair enough’. “After he killed Derek’s sister to take her Alpha status for himself.”

     “Oh, wow.”

     “Good thing he’s dead, right?”

     “You’re…..” Rebekah opened her mouth, merely uttering the word before closing it once again and taking another breath as she stared at the man who had claimed to be Peter Hale. “You’re…’re dead.” She stated before gulping.

     “Now, now, little lioness.” Peter took a step forwards causing Rebekah to take yet another step back. “I think you’ll find that I was dead, emphasis on the was, not so much on the dead.” He stated, his eyes dancing over her face as hers wildly searched his.

     A brief thought. 

     Suddenly, Rebekah grabbed him by his shirt, whirled him around and slammed him into the tree that was initially behind her. At the impact, the bark splintered and some pieces entered his back as he groaned in pain and shock.

     “How?!” Rebekah demanded with such intensity that her eyes blazed silver. Despite her undoubtedly angry and intimidating appearance, the corners of Peter’s mouths tilted upwards in a smug smirk, clearly amused. “How did you come back?!” she shook him ever so slightly. 

     “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?” 

     Rebekah released him for a second before shoving him back against the tree again, ten times harder than she had the first time. “I asked you a question!” 

     “I can give you your answer but you’re not going to like it.” Peter choked out causing Rebekah to loosen her grip on him. “It took a lot of planning and scheming and effort….” He started. “And a lovely little strawberry blonde.” He revealed.

     “Lydia.” Rebekah uttered, slightly taken aback. The pieces of the puzzle were all fitting together now. Lydia wasn’t slowly descending into being Beacon Hill’s new crazy young cat lady, she was just descending into the world of the supernatural.

     “Umhm.” Peter confirmed, dusting himself off at the first opportunity – regaining his calm and collected manner. “I know what question you’re really asking me, Rebekah.” He stated. “You’re asking whether you can bring back your mother and cousin.” He told her. “Those were the people who died back at the station, weren’t they?”

     Rebekah remained silent.

     “The answer to your question, Rebekah…..” Peter drew out his sentence lengthily, eyeing her up and down as he did so, taking a few steps back towards her. He enjoyed having the power now. “… no.” he finished causing Rebekah’s eyes to remain cold and distant. “They’re gone forever.” He said bluntly causing Rebekah to swallow, her eyes brimming with tears. Hope was such a fragile thing. “Just like him.” He concluded, jerking his thumb in the direction of the teenage boy who lay dead in the river. 

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