Chapter One: Immense and Intense

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[ Chapter 1: Immense & Intense ]

[2551 Strother Street, Beacon Hills ]
[ Sunday February 27th ]
[ First Person: Rebekah Brier ]

     Mom, Uncle Theo and Molly hauled more than a dozen shopping bags of various sizes from the Lamborghini Estoque to my bedroom. In celebration of my waking up, Mom had bought me an entire new wardrobe and a Harley Davidson. I failed to mention that I knew this binge shopping was a result of her guilt for giving up on me and that I was five times more likely to get into another road accident on a Harley than I would in the Estoque. This of course was for her benefit rather than my own.

    “That’s the last of the shopping bags.” Mom exclaimed, clasping her hands together excitedly as I dove backwards onto my bed and Molly took her usual spot on my window seat. “Are you sure you’re up to school tomorrow, hon?” she queried, sitting down at the foot of my bed. “I mean, the doctors said-”

    “Mom.” I cut her off promptly. “I’m so ready to go back to school.” I assured her in a desperate tone. “And I know the doctors said that I needed rest but, Mom, I’ve been resting for a year. If there was ever a time that I’d be at peak performance – it’s now.” I reasoned, but she didn’t look too convinced. “I promise I won’t exert myself.”

    “Okay, honey.” Mom smiled. “There’s just one thing.” She added causing my smile to transform into a worried frown. “I was on the phone to your Principle and, well, he….urm….” she stammered, looking off to her left. “He sorta said he wanted you to continue your sophomore year.” She said quickly.

    “Wha-….I’m going to be held a year back?”

    “Yes.” Mom confirmed, biting her thumb. “I’m sorry, hon, I really am.” She apologized, stroking my leg to soothe me. “I tried to reason with him but he seemed pretty persistent.” She explained as I grabbed a cushion from beside me and cuddled it into my chest. “Night, baby.” Mom cooed, kissing me on the cheek.

    “Night, mom.” I called to her as she was on her way out of my room.

     “Well that sucks.” Molly stated drawing my attention to her before she chucked another crisp into her mouth. In the last year, Molly hadn’t changed very much. She was still brown-eyed, pale and slim with her blonde hair falling to her hips.  “Urgh, you’ll be in the same year as Jackson.” She cringed.

    “How long did it take him to get over me?”

    “A month.” Molly informed me emotionlessly. “Milked the whole my-girlfriend-is-in-a-coma thing for a lot longer than that.” She added on thoughtfully, wiping around her mouth. “Didn’t do any homework for the rest of the year.”


    “Don’t sweat about him – he’s a total tool.”

    “Oh, I know.” I assured her, getting up off of my arse. “I’ll just need some time to get over it, I guess.” I mused. Jackson and I did have feelings for each other but we got together by default – He was on track to be the first freshman Captain of the Lacrosse team in all of Beacon Hills History and I was one of the most popular girls in school and head of the cheer squad. “Mmmm….yeah….I’m over it.” I announced, glancing up to see Molly’s amused expression.

    “So…what look are you going for tomorrow?” Molly asked, gesturing to the bags that were taking up the rest of my bed.

    “I don’t know yet.” I confessed, tapping a finger against my lips. “Urgh, you know what?” I placed a hand upon my waist. “I don’t even care, I’ll put something together in the morning.” I said, scooping the bags in my arm and pouring them into my closet.

    “Future you is going to hate you.”

    “Well Present-Me doesn’t care.” I shrugged as I dropped back down onto my bed. “You know what Present-Me does care about? The events that occurred in the year Past-Me was in a coma.” I changed the subject. “Would Present-You be so kind as to update my clueless present self?”

    “It would be an honour for Present-Me.” Molly bowed her head ever so slightly. “Let’s see….Jackson started dating this little red-head Lydia Martin until he dumped her maybe a month back.” She updated me before I stole the bowl of chips away from her. “Hey! I was eating those! She complained to which I reacted with a batter of my eyelashes. “Okay….so at the beginning of this year things got hella weird.”

    “Do go on.”

    “There was this mountain lion who killed a bunch of people – a teenager, the bus driver and some video store clerk. And pretty recently we had out teacher parent conference at school where the mountain lion made a guest appearance and attacked some more people until Chris Argent killed it.”


    “Yeah. They’re slowly taking over Beacon Hills, I swear. Like Gerard Argent, Chris’ dad, is our new principle – his granddaughter - Allison Argent - is in your year, might wanna befriend her to get on his good side. Oh, and get this – Allison’s aunt was the one who started the Hale House fire.”

    “Oh, my God. That’s horrible.”

    “I know. Bitch got what she deserved though – she’s dead.”


    “What? She pretty much killed off an entire family.”

     It was true. The Hale House Fire had happened when Molly and I were eleven and I remembered it very vividly. Molly and I were playing hide and seek out in the woods when I came across the burning house, fire engines, cop cars and a girl and a boy.

     The next day it was all over the papers, they had blamed the fire on the electrical malfunction and declared eight family members dead - the girl and the boy I had seen being two members of the Hale family. 

    “I know, but-”

    “But nothing!" Molly interjected.  In less exciting news, do you remember that Latino-looking kid that used to sit on the bench at Lacrosse practice? The really dorky one? Yeah? Well, he’s now a co-captain of the team with Jackson.”

    “Oh, Jackson must love that.”

    “Oh yeah, and you know that girl I was talking about? His ex? The red-hea, Lydia Martin? She was attacked at formal like two weeks ago and last Monday she went missing from the hospital – took off out of the window stark naked!”

    “Oh, my God. The poor thing.”

    “Oh, no. Don’t worry – they found her in the woods on Wednesday.” Molly explained. “I’m pretty sure she’s back in school tomorrow too.” she said, obviously taking a pause to think about something before she started again. “At least all eyes won’t be on you.” She remarked.

    “Oh great, thanks, Mol.”

    “Don’t mention it.” Molly snarked, getting up onto her feet. “Well, I’ll leave you to your beauty sleep.” She said awkwardly, grabbing the bowl of crisps back. “You clearly need it.” She muttered under her breath, giving me the once over. “Night, Bex!” she called before exiting the room.

    “Night, Molly.”

    As soon as the door clinked shut I shot to my feet and raced towards my full lengthed mirror to inspect myself. Molly had been right – I needed all the beauty sleep I could get. My aquamarine eyes were bloodshot and were balancing on dark under-eye circles. My lips were a lot paler than usual – they nearly blended into my pale skin. My collarbones were protruding ever so slightly – I had always been pretty slim though.

    On their way back up to inspect my face further, my eyes landed on the bandage that covered the majority of the right side of my throat. I knew it was stupid – I did – but somehow, as if my fingers weren’t my own, they pealed up the bandage so I could see the wound underneath.

    Shocked at my discovery I ripped off the whole of my bandage to see a dark red bite-mark clashing against my pale skin. My right hand automatically went to it, my fingers touching and caressing the skin surrounding it whilst my left hand discarded the bandage on the window ledge.

    I glanced upwards once again but my breath hitched in my throat as I saw a man in the reflection.

    I turned and gasped.

    He was just behind me, so close that I brushed against his stubble as I turned. At that distance, I ought to have sensed his presence behind me – felt his body heat or heard him at least. I reeled back a couple of steps before I could stop myself.

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