Chapter Twenty Three: Kill Them All

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[ Chapter 23: Kill Them All ]

[ The Argents Basement, Beacon Hills ]
[ Saturday, April 16th ]
[ Third Person ]

     “Don’t let go.” Chris Argent glanced over Rebekah Brier’s shoulder at the young werewolf who was now free with his arms wrapped around Rebekah’s waist as he held her up to take the strain off her wrists as she was being cut free.

     Boyd nodded and Erica almost laughed at the sight as she stood leaning against the wall having pulled the last bit of broken wire from her wrist – the werewolf and the hunter working together to free the werelioness from the hunters.

     With a quick, skilled slice of the knife, Rebekah was free. Boyd, who had barely felt the change in weight, carefully set her down on the ground but as soon as she did, her legs collapsed from underneath her causing Boyd to steady her.

     Hastily, Chris ripped the tape away from her mouth causing to her to take a deep gasp of air before beginning to pant ever so slightly. Finally, she ripped the arrow from her stomach that her body had previously tried to heal itself around causing her to wobble again.

     “Where were you caught?” Rebekah questioned in a guttural tone before glancing up at Erica.

     “The woods,” Boyd responded automatically before taking a thoughtful pause. “Huh, sorta ironic, don’t you think?” he thought out loud before her eyes went back to Rebekah. “There’s another pack out there, we were leaving.”

     “Another pack?” Rebekah questioned, stammering slightly.

     “Yeah, heard them in the woods yesterday.” Erica informed her. “It’s crazy here….I mean, just look at us!” she yelled at no one in particular, gesturing wildly to the three teens who had seen much better days. “Anything’s better than this.”

     Rebekah said nothing.

     “You could come with us.” Erica proposed causing Rebekah’s eyes to widen ever so slightly – she had never really thought about leaving in all honesty. “I mean, the whole town thinks you’re some sort of psychopath, and…we fought and we’ve lost.” She stated.

    Rebekah took a moment to think it over.

     It was a tempting offer.

     “I….” Rebekah began, before taking an uncertain pause. “Thanks for the offer, but I…” she paused again. “I can’t…I-I need to stay here.” She said, seeming to be convincing herself more than anyone else in the room.

       “Your funeral.” Erica told her light-heartedly.

       “Maybe.” Rebekah chuckled but ended up coughing quite significantly half-way through so much that she doubled over. “I hope you two find what you’re looking for.” She told them sincerely with a nod.

     “Yeah, you too.” Boyd retorted as Erica nodded in her direction, the pair speeding off before another word could be said.

     Rebekah went to take a step forwards but once again, she couldn’t manage it.

     "Woah." Chris exclaimed, deciding the best route was to allow her to put all her weight on him. Quickly, he grabbed her right arm and slung it around his shoulders before he put his arm around his waist and held her side to support her.

     "Th-" Rebekah began before coughing up a bit of blood. "Thank you." she thanked him with sincerity, looking him dead in the eye. He nodded once before he began to help her up the stairs. "But....why.....why are you doing this?" she questioned him weakly.

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