Chapter Fourteen: Bloodthirst

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[ Chapter 14: Bloodthirst ]

[ Derek's Loft Apartment, Beacon Hills ]
[ Wednesday, March 28th ]
[ Third Person ]

     Boyd, Erica, Derek and Isaac were all lounging around in Derek's apartment. Erica and Isaac were sitting beside each other on the couch, Boyd was sitting in Derek's arm chair - the three of them listening to Derek explain the meaning of the triskele that they had spotted on the inside of a chest he was opening.    

     "It's a spiral." Derek taught them, straightening up and facing to turn to his pack. "Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another." he echoed the words his father once told him. "Betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas."

     "Like Scott and Bekah?" Erica questioned.

     "They’re with us." Isaac insisted.

     "Really? Then where are they now?" Erica put the question to Isaac who opened his mouth immediately to answer but came up dry. He didn't have an answer. Slowly, the pair of them glanced at Derek - looking to him for an answer.

     "They’re looking for Jackson." Derek responded causing Erica to sigh loudly. "Don't worry, they’re not gonna have it easy tonight either - none of us will." he assured them. "There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."

     "Good thing I had my period last week, then." Erica joked.

     "Well, this one's for you." Derek held up a spiked head band.

     "How do you not feel it?" Isaac queried causing Derek's gaze to shift from Erica to Isaac who was sitting beside her. "The blood thirst." he stated. "The desire to kill anything you can find." he quoted Derek who chucked the headband back into the chest.

     "I feel every second of it." Derek confessed.

     "Then how do you control it?" Isaac queried.

     "I found an anchor." Derek informed his pack with a sigh. "Something meaningful to me." he explained, taking a step towards them. "I bind myself to it." he elaborated causing Erica's eyebrow to arch. "It keeps the human side in control." he finished.

     "What is it for you?" he queried.

     "Anger." Derek sighed. "But it doesn't have to be that for everybody."

     "You're talking about Bekah and Scott." Erica stated causing Derek to lift his gaze to the young blonde. "Scott's anchor is Allison and Bekah's is her mother." she said simply. "Anyone with eyes can see how much they love them."


[ 2551 Strother Street, Beacon Hills | 13.30 | First Person: Bekah ]

     "Chinese or pizza?"

     Bekah studied the two menus her mother was holding out to her across the kitchen counter - her eyes were squinted, her lips were pursed and she was stroking her chin. Slowly, Bekah straightened up over the counter and met her mother's eyes.


     "Wise choice, honey." Louise commended her daughter, swiftly putting the pizza leaflet back in the takeout leaflet draw and grabbing the landline phone out of it's stand. "I'll ring them - chicken chow mein and a can of cherry cola?" she glanced at her daughter unsurely.     

     "Definitely." Bekah smiled as she opened the cupboards - grabbing two china plates and sticking them in the microwave - always eat takeaways on hot plates - it was her one rule. She didn't turn on the microwave yet, she'd wait until 2 minutes from the time of arrival.

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