S02E02 - Great Expectations (Part 5)

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The day seemed to move quickly for everyone and, on his way to the cafeteria, Sam saw Sandy walking down the hall by herself. Pumping himself up to talk to her before nerves got the better of him, Sam trotted to catch up to her, galloping on his imaginary horse, Pepper, and neighing when he reached her, telling Pepper to slow up.

"Hey Sam what's up?" Sandy asked, smiling and not finding his entrance weird or unnerving at all.

"Well, I've been thinking a lot about the financial problems of the student council. You know, the problems that we've never talked about before and just introduced to the reader right now as a cheap and easy way for me to talk to you? Anyway, I think I've come up with some great new ideas about how to solve this new problem we're both just hearing about this very instant."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"Like, okay, how about we hold a fundraiser called 'Home Invasions'? The idea is that we will break into people's houses, sneak a homeless person in, put their name on the phone or electricity bill and give them squatter's rights. Then, the homeowners pay a fee for the removal of the bum that we snuck in during the night. We can charge whatever we want, cause they'll probably pay whatever we demand. Money problems solved!"

"Sam, that sounds like an amazing idea! I love it!" She gave him a big hug. "Let's talk it over with everyone during the next meeting and fine-tune it!"

"Okay," Sam agreed, smiling and giggling. "I-I also have one more idea. Here, take a look..." He pulled a piece of paper out of his binder. On it, a festive, colorful message was written asking Sandy to come to the Gnarly Barley cereal dance.

He got down on one knee, mimicking a proposal. "Sandy, would you be the Snap, Crackle or Pop of Rice Krispies to my Cornelius 'Corny' Rooster of Corn Flakes at the Gnarly Barley?"

Sandy smiled and laughed, covering her mouth momentarily. "Oh, Sam, that's so sweet! Especially since almost everyone I know drowns both of those in sugar! Of course I'll go with you! Except... I heard Ashley and Brett are going as those, so maybe we could be something else? Like, Franken Berry and..."

"Count Chocula!" Sam beamed, making Sandy giggle again.


They smiled at each other in silence for a few seconds until things just felt awkward.

Shifting her feet and slightly twisting from side to side, Sandy pointed behind her, stating, "Well, I should get going. Time for me to vanish for no acceptable reason aside from the fact that I'm just a plot device for a story line that the author isn't even sure he knows where to go with yet."

"Okay," Sam said, grinning like a fool. "I'll call you tonight and we can talk more about the dance."

"Sounds completely boring! Can't wait, Sam!" She waved and disappeared around a corner a little ways down the hall.

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