Trouble with Friendship

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                                                        On a side room you could see Damien looking at someone and speaking. "How can you be so flippant?!" He cried. You could only see half of his face but it was crestfallen, "Flippant!? I'm taking this very matter very seriously." A voice fought back, it was the same old fashioned sounding one from the evening before. It must have been the Colonel, his voice was muffled by the walls. "Oh don't give me that horseshit! I know you hated him, but God dammit he reached out to you!" Damien cried again. His voice was acerbic, he seemed to be the only one having a human reaction to Mark's death. You leaned in for a closer look, "Oh what'd you want from me?" The Colonel snapped at the Mayor, "Wh-I want you to care!" He yelled back. "Just because I'm not weeping like a child doesn't mean that I don't care." The Colonel retorted. It seems like Mark's death didn't affect him too much, and why would that be? Damien's shocked tone came into your head, "I can't believe you." He set his lowered his shoulders and cane. "You come find me when you've pulled your head out of your ass!" The Mayor fumed, his voice rising in volume. It was strange seeing Damien angry, it didn't happen often. As he often kept his temper under control, the Mayor turned sharply and bumped into you. He grumbled a soft "Excuse me." And left. You walked into the room that he had exited, it looked like a home movie theater. With dampening crimson carpet on the chairs and heavy matching velvet curtains on the walls. A screen that would play films was showing the skeleton of a piano, like a waiting screen. In the far corner was the Colonel, sitting with his legs crossed and pinching the bridge of his nose. The golden light of the room made his tan overcoat stand out even more against the red of the room. He must have heard you walk in because he spoke, "Damien, I don't-" The Colonel began, but stopped when he saw that it was you and not the grief stricken Mayor. "Oh! Ah, good to see you again! You were quite the rapscallion at last night's festivities." The Colonel stood from his velvet lined chair. He spoke with an admiring tone of voice, just like the Mayor did earlier this morning. What did you do last night? "But you're probably here to help the detective with his 'investigation of murder.'." He quoted the Detective with a mocking note in his words. After the Colonel was done talking, lightning flashed at the word murder once more. But how did the Colonel know about the Detective and the investigation? He wasn't in the room when you all found out. Did Damien tell him? "Anyway, I'll help you. I'll tell you what happened to our dear friend Mark." He said, throwing his hands up. His words painted a picture of Mark, the Detective and the Butler sitting around and holding a handful of cards. "Oh! Look at me! My name is Markiplier now!" The Colonel mocked. "Forget all my friends or the people that helped me along the way; just look at my money!" Images of Mark dipping his hands in way too many poker chips played in your head like a film, "Oh I need to pay people to be my friends! Ha ha ha! You like me? Too bad!" The Colonel's Mark spoke loudly, "Glug glug! Oopsie poopsie! I can't hold my booze! Gotta go to the little boys' room! Who wants to join me?" Mark threw his arms around obnoxiously around his Butler and the Detective. He stood up, "I'm gonna go there upon my stairs. My house has more than one staircase. Oh look at me and how great I am!" The Mark was now at the staircase from earlier. "Oh no, I'm failing! Ah, I'm dead." The picture of Mark dropped back to the Colonel. He was still standing in the theater as you had left him. You were starting to get the picture that the Colonel and Mark had some bad blood. But was it enough to kill him? The Colonel's voice came back to you now, "And that's what happened. Probably, anyway." He put his hands on his hips, "So if you need to corroborate this story with anyone else, just be on your way and investigate the entire house." The Colonel shooed you away with a few flicks of his hand. "Go now, I'll be here when you're done." He sat back down with small huff, and you turned to walk back to the Detective.

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