A broken mind and a broken soul

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No one seemed to be there, there was no noise in the house. You turned around to see the Colonel. Sitting in a chair with the Mayor's cane in his hands, he looked different. You immediately stumbled backwards to seeing him, this wasn't the Colonel you knew. He seemed to notice you and looked up, and as you fell back he put a hand out to you. "Oh! No! No, it's ok." The Colonel stood up from his chair, a smile of childlike glee on his face. You could see him clearly. He had taken off his overcoat and safari hat, his shirt was a simple light pastel yellow the collar and sleeves where a stark white, with dark maroon suspenders holding up his gray pants. The Colonel's hair was disheveled and messy, as if he had been constantly running his fingers through it in worry. "I-I thought you were dead." The Colonel drew in breath shortly. "I-I-I mean of course!" The Colonel shook his hand to his head, babbling madly. "You're not dead!" He moved to set The Mayor's walking cane down on another table. You stood still, a circle table cutting you off from him. "You're not- How could you be dead?" The Colonel spoke again, he seemed to be in deep shock, like the Mayor had told you so long ago. The fragile white orchids and mountain of candles blocked you off from him for a few seconds as you followed him across the room. "I, I wouldn't have killed you!" The Colonel smiled, "I didn't kill you!" He threw his head to the side and his voice climbed in pitch at the end of his words. "I mean, I, I. Of course," The Colonel set the cane on the table and paused. "I didn't kill anybody!" He spun around slightly, he began to laugh. "It was all a joke!" The Colonel threw his head back to the white ceiling, "Of course, it was all a joke!" He flung himself forward to you, "Were you in on this?" He laughed once more, it was pitiful. He was going insane right in front of you. You felt your heart strings being pulled, your friend was gone. You went to help him, but froze when the Colonel spoke again. "Did Damien put you up to this?" The Colonel's sad eyes light up at the mention of the Mayor's name. "Of course he did." He answered his own question with an exasperated smile. The Colonel fell into the foyer, "Damien where are you? You rapscallion!" He leaned off the edge of a small set of stairs, almost tripping into the next sitting area. "Where are you?" The Colonel looked around wildly for his friends, dragging his boots on the floor. "Celine?" The Colonel called. He slowly made his way to the entry of the kitchen where he could still be heard. "It's time to come out now!" You took your attention away from the Colonel and onto the objects to your right. A mirror and an old cane. The Colonel's cries could still be heard, "Ah, it was good, it was good, you almost had me!" You picked up Damien's cane, but something was off. You could barely hear the Colonel now, the only thing you could pick up on was him saying. "Ha ha, Celine?" Your hand was smaller and more feminine, but when you picked up the cane, it turned into a man's hand. You looked up into the mirror and didn't see your face. But Damien's, and Celine's eyes. Your eyes looked at the silver topped cane, bittersweet memories washed over you. You cracked your neck, the mirror broke, the once clear reflection had turned gray and anaglyph. In the cracks where the glass had broken there was static, like a screen. Your ears were filled with static as well. Something was wrong, this wasn't you. This is someone making a puppet out of you. Your body is no longer yours, it was taken from you by those you trusted. Nothing but a broken mirror of what you once were. Nothing but shattered glass. Dark eyes, filled with anger and revenge. Your lugs took a deep breath, and went off to find Mark.

End of Chapter IV

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