Deeper into mystery

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"What word? Murder?" The Chef scoffed, and as lightning flashed you were in the room where you had first seen Mark's body. How did you get there? Do the laws of physics not work in this house? "Yes! That word!" Celine scolded the Chef. The warm lighting in the room bounced off the dark clothing of her dress. The bright light from the crime scene were no longer there, nor was the outline of the body. "Well, I mean murder is an accurate description of what occur-" The Butler started but was cut off by Celine hitting his shoulder at the word. "Do you not see the lighting?!" She exclaimed. She now stood next to the Colonel, who still had his gun aimed at one who talked. It shined in the dull light, as it was now aimed on the Detective. "You sayin' that it was lighting that murdered Mark?" The Detective narrowed his eyes. Thunderclaped once more, "Well, Mother Nature doesn't strike me as having murderous intent." The Colonel shrugged, even more lighting struck. His voice turned, "Unless you count that time I was sucked into the board game Jumanji! And I wa-" His rambling was cut of by Celine "Stop! Stop! Look, whatever's happening here is tapping into forces far beyond our control." She eyed everyone carefully. How was she able to calm everyone down so quickly? When the Detective gives orders, arguing and grumbling are followed, and yet, there was none. The Colonel still waved his gun around the Detective, who looked like he was ready to draw his own at any given second. "Murder." The Chef said in a small voice, probably a just to hear the lighting one more time. He shrugged and pursed his small lips, and yet reseactive no backlash. You went to turn back to Celine but stopped as the Colonel spoke "Murdock...?" He clicked his tongue, still holding his revolver to the sky. No lighting, "Malarkey." The Detective now said with narrow eyes. No thunder, you now turned to the Butler who smiled. "Marco!" Two loud bangs of thunder answered him, as the following lighting flashed, you all moved. How do you keep doing that? You where now in the round room with the rosewood table where you had first met the Chef. That seemed like months ago. But why has no one said anything about it either? Is teleporting every time you say murder not enough to say something about it? "Enough!" Celine slammed the palms of her hands on the hard table. It was strange having everyone in one place. No one was missing from the table, the Mayor, the Chef, Celine, the Butler, the Detective, and the Colonel. All in one place for once, "Look, Mark's death is a terrible thing indeed. But I fear that there forces much darker than anything we've seen today." She softly placed her hands down on the table, her black nail polish and slim rings shining in the bright sunlight from the glass windows. "I'm well versed in the Arcane arts, but if you, untrained and uninitiated, can summon lighting with a mere word." Celine looked at the other members of the table through her black veil. No one said anything, not even the Detective. Which was strange, but he was probably making his own brash deductions in his head. "We're all in far graver danger than anything we could ever hope to face alone." How did she know so much about what was going on? How did she know that there are worse things out there? "We're gonna have to work together if we're gonna survive this." Celine finished with a hint of wavering concern in her voice. What did she mean 'survive this'? Was there really that much danger here? Why didn't anyone else seem worried about that? A calming voice on your left spoke first, "Celine, what are you proposing?" Damien asked, he also sounded concerned. His face was worried as well, "We need to speak with Mark." Celine answered in a slightly monotone voice. "I knew it!" The Chef hit the table with his fists, "He's a flesh eating zombie!" He cried absurdly. "No." Celine started in a quiet voice. "Maybe one of those smart zombies, Homo sapio Zombifus!" The Colonel said excitedly from the right. "No, no." Celine said with a firmer tone, she then sighed, "I need to commune with the dead." A gruff scoff was heard, as it was the Detective. "That, doesn't sound like a good idea." He finally spoke up, pointing a finger at Celine. Who then in turn spoke as well, "Well, it's a good thing I don't need your permission." She sassed him. You saw the Butler snickering to himself, you were about to see what come back the Detective had, but was stopped by a voice speaking out.

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