Turning and turning

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                  "But you!" It was Celine, who was now pointing a finger at you. "You've been awfully quiet though this whole thing..."  She eyed you carefully. As she leaned back with a suspicious expression, "With those beady little eyes." The Chef glarred sharply at you, you looked around the table, one of them was bound to prove her wrong. You were innocent, right?  "And wearing those raggs? Pfft." The Butler scoffed at you. "Maybe I shouldn't have trusted someone so goddamn gorgeous." The Detective once again narrowed his eyes, but this time it was at you. How could they all turn against you so easily? Even the Detective was beginning to question you, you were his partner! Even if you didn't want to be, you finished looking around the table. Ending on the Colonel who simply put up a hand and said, "Oh, I'll pass."  The Mayor said nothing. "But I feel like I trust you." Celine turned to you once again. "I sense you have a far greater part to play in all this." She closed her eyes, and placed a hand on her chest. "Will you help me find an answer?" Celine pleaded, her eyes asking you. Why did you have a greater part to play? And what was that part? Looking for answers, you nodded your head. "Perfect, come with me." She smiled devilishly. Does she have something planned? Celine got up from her chair and was about to say something else when an another voice spoke first, "Alright, that's enough!" The Detective yelled, forcing Celine to sit back down. "I'm not gonna just sit around and let you drag my partner off to their very likely death." He told her with authority. You had almost forgotten about the Detective's curse. Celine did say that we need to work together if we're going to live through this, how much danger where you in? "I won't stand for it!" The Detective rose and put his hands on the table, making a slight bang as he did. It was clear he didn't really trust Celine, but then again, he said he didn't trust anyone. "Well I trust Celine with all my heart!" The Colonel went to match the Detective. "I see no reason why any-anyone should doubt her!" He stood up while stammering, did he and Celine have a romantic past? Is that why the Colonel's picture was broken? Before the Detective could fire back, the Butler held up a finger. "I have to agree with our intrepid detective here."  He looked around at the other members of the table. "It just doesn't seem natural." He claimed, and he had a point. Everyone was so easily swayed into Celine's side against you, but now on the Detective's side against her. Could your friends morals change that quickly? You looked around the table, everyone had said something about you or Celine. Expect the Mayor, who was quiet this whole time. Yout turned to the Chef, "I never liked this uptight asshole. He walks around with a stick up his ass." He looked at the Butler, seems like the two only tolerated each others company. "But I think he's right, something's weird." The Chef sighed, he was right too. How could Celine just walk through the door and almost immediately have everyone trust her? The Detective had been put in change because he was the next responsible figure, but why then wasn't the Mayor in charge? Was Damien too busy mourning to solve a murder? Celine's voice came into your train of thought. "If it makes you feel any better, you guys can stand watch outside the door, but my work cannot be interrupted!" She addressed the group, what was she planning? "Oh believe you me," The Detective put out a hand, and then spoke again "I'll be keeping a close eye on every single one of you." He turned sharply to the other members while pointing fingers. He then jabbed a thumb at himself, "Even myself..."  He looked down, "Especially myself." The Detective trailed off. You guess 'trust no one.' applies to yourself. Celine sighed and stood up fully from her wooden chair, she quickly moved to the stairs where Mark had once stood.

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