Where are you?

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Now there was darkness, is this what it's like to die? A heartbeat grew in your ears, some of the darkness moved for you to see a body. It was Mark's still in a robe and draped over the floor, his eyes were alive. His hand flug on to the floor, lifeless. Suddenly, they were black. Mark's body moved, "It's not fair, is it?" The tone was almost mocking or teasing. The void around you creaked and groaned, two people appeared. It was Celine and Damien, both seemed to be glowing. Celine was a dim red that spread across her pale arms and face. Damien was a icy and cold blue, the color coming from his dress shirt. His footsteps echoed, "He took everything from us," He looked at you. "he trapped us in here with this broken shell and no way out." He jabbed a hand at the body lying down in front of the three of you. "It's true, this whole time I thought it was the house" Celine looked around at the darkness. "But I never thought he'd fall this far." Her voice bounced off the walls of the void. She looked down sadly at the body, almost pityingly. It looked like she still cared a little bit about him. They seemed to have switched tones, Celine was soft and calm. Damien's had turned harsh and unforgiving. "And we played right into this hands, he's been planning this for years." The Mayor glared down. "And now that son of a bitch is out there walking around in my body!" He pointed a finger at himself. The Mayor's deep voice had turn cold, what did Mark do? And what did he mean? Did Mark steal Damien's body? How was that possible? Before Damien had a chance to speak again, Celine cut him off. "Damien, we can't do this right now." She held her hands out to calm him. She turned to you, "Look I know you have questions, and I can't answer everything right now." Celine spoke reassuringly. "Just know that Mark took everything from us for his twisted quest of vengeance." She looked down sadly once more. But, her eyes changed. "But death does not mean the same thing here." Where you all not dead? What is even happening?

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