The mystery continues...

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                                                                          You walked into the room with rosewood table from the evening before, the square windows letting in the glowing sunlight. You could also see that the door to your left was ajar slightly, opening it you stepped outside, the fresh air was nice. There was a small pool of water in front of you which was modeled as well of the design of the house. Some birds sang cheerly in the trees, aside from a crow in the distance. Rounding the corner, you saw the Mayor with his back to you, he looked as if he was pacing. Behind him was a painted jet black gazebo, which the lighting from it made the Mayor contrast even more than he already did. He saw you walking to him and sigh. "Look, I'm sorry you saw that argument with the Colonel. I lost my temper, and it wasn't right, and... He must be in shock." Damien's tone was somber. "The Colonel's an eccentric; it's his best quality and his worst. But he's my friend, and... So was Mark." The Mayor paused and took a few short breaths, "I know I'm supposed to be a leader in this scenario, but I can't help but feel lost!  I've known Mark for years, since we were kids! And he's just gone?" He lamented, his sad voice filled with concern and questions. The Mayor look at you for a few seconds, as if you had all the answers. As if to answer his own question, he spoke "I don't have any answers right now. I just need to be alone... To process all this." The Mayor wringed his cane, "We'll talk soon, but I need to think." Damien turned and went back to pacing about. His back turned to you once more. Out of the corner of your ear you heard a horse whisper, "Hey! Partner!" It was the Detective. He was crouching in one of the trimmed plants next to the base of the house. "Get over here, now! Hurry up!" He stood up, "You're not gonna believe this; I can barely believe this!" The Detective rushed, "The body: it's gone. It's just fucking disappeared. Look!" He threw open the door, some of the blinds clinked. The Detective through his hand, you stepped into the crime scene area. And sure enough, Mark's body was gone.

        End of Chapter I

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