Things are not always what they seem

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                   She dragged her thin fingers along the Mayor's chair, who then turned to her. "Wh- Celine!" Damien stood up on his heels. "Celine, wait! Wait!" The Mayor raced to cut her off on the stairs, he put out a hand. "Yes Damien?" Celine sighed, her hands at her sides. "I... Are you alright?" The Mayor out his hand out to her, it seems like Damien was always the one to ask if people were alright. He was the most compassionate out of anybody here. Celine had to have some kind of relationship with Mark, right? Otherwise she wouldn't have shown up after his murder. Celine sighed heavily, it seem that it was still affecting her. "I know this news can't be settling well with you." The Mayor started to say, "I'm fine for now." Celine pushed his locked arm down and moved up the spiraling stairs. Damien looked back at you for a split second, then dashed up the steps in turn, following Celine. "I...Er... But all this talk of the occult! And-and Mark is dead, wait!" The two reached the top with you walking slowly behind both of them. The Mayor reached his hand out to Celine once again, "Wait!" He cried out softly to her, it was barely louder than a whisper. Celine turned to him and said nothing, Damien sighed softly. "I just didn't think you were the type to become mixed up in all this." He finished. "There is more to this world than you ever to hope imagine." Celine's strong voice explained. "I just had my eyes open to a small portion of it." She turned and walked off, leaving you and the Mayor standing there. "I," Damien started, then looked down, running a hand through his jet black hair. "Just be careful." He called after her, as you walked past him you heard him speak quietly "You too." The Mayor's eyes were filled with worry as the sunlight from the gothic windows around him made him look less angelic than before. On the morning when everything was still okay, you looked back at the Mayor for a second. He was leaning on the dark wooden wall, as you moved in Celine's footsteps. You walked down a narrow and small walkway, a lit chandler hanging next to the same rickety railing that you had once walked past with the Detective. The hallway was dark, almost as if it was suddenly night. But there was little light that painted long shadows on the tan wall to your left. Celine ran her pale hand against the railing, looking over the edge. You did the same, looking over, you saw that it was the ivory foyer that you had walked into. At the end of the thin strip of hall was a door. But no lights were on to let you see it, but it opened nonetheless. Celine's silhouette was all you could see for a brief moment. Her footsteps echoed as you stepped in, she sat down in a small dry wooden chair. Behind her were curtains that were the same pale blue color as the ones in Mark's room, it was finally light enough to see.  In the same room was a table, and another chair. Presumably for you to sit, had Celine planed this? "Could you hand me my bag?" Celine asked, pointing to the other chair. You looked at the ricky seat, there was no bag. You turned back to Celine, she had her bag in hand and tossed it to the ground. "Thank you." She spoke, the room had changed dramatically. The light blue curtain was now a deep dark green. The only main source of light was the candles on the table. Tarot cards and some other objects were placed around them. "Please, have a seat." Celine gestured for you to sit in the creaking chair. You now faced her, she took off her hat. "Now, I'm sure this must be unsettling for you." Celine spoke, smoothing out her hair across her forehead. "Being thrust into this series of unfortunate events." Celine looked at you with careful almond eyes, "But I promise, with your help. I'm going to get to the bottom of this." She finished. "Now, I'm not sure who would want to kill Mark," Celine checked her cards to make sure they were in order. As they were, she continued. "But something tells me that this seemingly significant event is actually a footnote in a much larger mystery unfolding in our midst." Why did everything she say have to sound so ominous? And what could possibly be worse than Mark's death? No one else was going to die, right? No one else was going to get hurt as long as you helped Celine with whatever it is your doing doing now. At least that's what she promised. Celine took a deep breath, "I've never been very comfortable in this house, but something tells me..." She trailed off. Celine has been in this house before, but why? Did she and Mark have a past together? What about the Colonel? Celine's eyes dashed around the room, it looked as if someone was watching her every movement. "Now that my eyes are open, there are dark forces surrounding this manor." She finished, but it was difficult to understand what she was saying. The world around you seemed to zoom and bend as if it were a child's putty. And then it was dark.

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