Dwelling on the past

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He lead you out of Mark's room and into the doorway. "Some place far, far away from the prying eyes of, uh, anyone else." His last words sounded a bit sinister, but he didn't mean to do that, right? "Come with me." You both walked into the room with the fireplace and couch. The Colonel turned to the balcony doors and open them. Your eyes were filled with a bright light and you were suddenly down stairs and outside? What? How did you get down here so fast? You opened your mouth to ask the Colonel about it, but he spoke first. "Now correct me if I'm wrong, but," he paused, and somehow managed to turn around halfway through speaking "You and the Mayor know each other, right?" He asked. You were the District Attorney and Damien was the Mayor. So you had a few run ins from time to time, and became good friends. "He's a good man that one. We've been fast friends for as long as I can remember." The Colonel said with a dash of nostalgia. But it was hard to hear him, as he lead you by a pool with a running waterfall and a brass tortoise statue. "Now there came a time when I could have said the same thing about Mark, but..." The Colonel raised his hands, but his hands were clenched in fists of rage. Did the Colonel have something against Mark? "Well, best not to speak ill of the dead." He said, looking off. "Oh! The pool hasn't aged a day!" You looked at the pool, it was the same as its always been. You looked back to the Colonel, who had somehow changed into a bathing suit from the 1910's. As it was red and white striped, his usual safari hat was switched with a straw one. "Geronimo!" The Colonel cried and jumped into the water. A soft voice called out from the right, "Have you seen the Colonel?" It was the Mayor, who swung around the manor wall and held his cane to his chest. "I thought I heard him." Damien pushed back a loose strand of black hair, he sighed. "I need to speak with him, I may have been a little short at our last encounter." he looked around wildly, trying to find the right words. "Well, if you do see him, let me know." The Mayor finally said. As he rounded the corner a gasp from the other side of your ear was heard. "Bully!" The Colonel threw out his arms, you looked for the Mayor. If he heard him the first time when where is he now? A sudden hand on your shoulder made you jump. It was the Colonel again, fully dressed and dry. How? You just saw him jump in a pool, "Oh, life needs a bit of madness, eh, Chap?" The Colonel smiled with a bit of madness. Reflecting his own words, "Now, what were we talking about?" He said with a pause. "Oh yes! The grisly business inside." He pointed to the manor. "Well, I'm sure I'm not the first to say that our host had a great deal of enemies as of late." The Colonel told you, choosing his words carefully. He walked backwards to the stone railing of the house. "My prying eye might suspect that the people that worked for him might have a reason to stab him in the back." The Colonel made a stabbing motion with his hands. Was he trying to blame the Chef? Or Butler? Or was he telling you this to relay to the Detective? "God knows he's a tough son of a bitch to work for..." He turned to the edge of the railing. Did the Colonel used to work for Mark? Before you could ask him about that, he jumped. "Oh! The old golf course! I-I'll go fetch my clubs!" He raced past the stairs on the left and down to a little putting green.

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