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Shawn's P.O.V

"I'm so nervous" Y/N smiled leaning into me.

"I know babes me to" I could stop the smile on my face.

Yeah we were both nervous but honest to god good nerves. Me and Y/N were adopting a baby, we were unable to have one but that didn't stop us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mendes" our name was called.

Getting up we followed the lady into an office.

"Sherrie will be with you both in a moment" she disappeared closing the door.

"this is it!" I said grabbing Y/N's hand.

"yes. I can't wait" she looked at me.

"Hello you guys are Y/N and Shawn?" a lady came in.

"yes that's us!" I smiled at her.

"perfect i'm Sherrie" she sat down across from us.

"so you guys are looking at adopting a child?" she folded her hands on the table.

"yes we are" Y/N started. "we understand that it takes a lot to adopt a child but we're ready"

"it says here" she opened a folder on her desk. "that you guys both lead very busy lives" she looked at us.

"well yes, i'm a singer and song writer" I smiled a little.

"and I work at a hospital as a register nurse" Y/N said and grabbed my hand.

"Shawn it says here that your an international pop sensation and your away from home a lot?" Sherrie questioned.

"yes I am, but with a child in the picture I wouldn't be as busy. I wouldn't book as many things" I said suddenly nervous.

"and you Y/N work odd hours because your only causal with your position" she said.

"yes at the moment i'm just casual. It's all I was able to find once I got out of school" she said.

The room was tense.

"okay well I can see you guys want this very badly. Anyway we can arrange a house visit in the next few weeks? Just see how your doing with the child we decide on today?" she smiled standing back up.

"yes of course, we can plan one!" I got up as well.

"How does December 5th sound?"

"that sounds perfect!" Y/N smiled.

"great i'll put you guys down for that date"

Following Sherrie out of the room once she had written down the date we wandered into a room with all sorts of children. From older to younger, babies, toddler, and even teenagers.

"So these are a few of the kids I wanted to show you guys" Sherrie led us to the smaller kids.

Seeing a small baby with fluffy white blonde hair and sparkling light blue eyes I smiled.

"Who's this?" Y/N asked about the baby I was just looking at.

"This here is Gus, he'll be one next week" Sherrie picked him up.

Handing him to Y/N she tucked Gus into her. Rocking back and forth with him he almost instantly fell asleep in her arms.

"Your a natural babe" I smiled at the two of them.

"What can I say?" she smirked at me.

"he seems to like you Y/N" Sherrie smiled. "your the first person he hasn't cried with"

"well i'm thinking if that's not a sign I don't know what is" Y/N said.

"that's true!" I laughed.

"would you guys like to take him home with you?" Sherrie asked.

"I'd love to" Y/N waited patiently for me to say something.

"me as well"

Following Sherrie back to the room with Gus with us we filled out a few forms and signed a few things and then we were good to head home.

"Thank-you Sherrie!" we waved at her as we headed to the car.

Locking Gus in the car seat we had bought just in case we started our journey home.

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