White out

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Shawn!" I called out to him.

Running and jumping down my icy and slippery driveway I slid into him and almost took us both out.

"wow! I know it's been a few weeks since we last saw each other but no need to take me out sweetheart!" he laughed giving me a smile.

"Sorry! Icy driveway, you know how it is" I laughed.

Pulling him behind me as we went back into my house I shut the door behind us. Grabbing the last few items I had to pack in my suitcase I closed it and zipped it up.

"ready!" I dragged my suitcase down the stairs.

"Alright let's go!"

Heading out to my vehicle Shawn locked his jeep and left the keys in my house. Getting into the passengers side after loading our suitcases in the trunk Shawn pulled out and onto the road.

"So the mountains are going to be beautiful" I smiled over at Shawn.

"well obviously!" he laughed.

Driving the sun still hadn't risen yet we would still be in the dark for at least another half hour. The roads were starting to get really bad we were caught in a mini blizzard. Not being able to see anything in front of us. Shawn put the hazard lights on and we were driving about twenty on the highway.

"oh god I hope that person knows to slow down!" I gripped the oh shit handle.

"they will as soon as they see us" Shawn gripped the wheel tighter.

Feeling our car shake as the other person zoomed past us I was not enjoying this at all. We couldn't see anything around us and I wasn't sure where we were or if we were even moving.

"I think we need to pull over"

"we can't in this storm Y/N, you know how dangerous that is!" Shawn quickly glanced at me.

"I know I'm just panicking this is so scary" I sighed.

"I know babe, we're going to get out of this and pull over at the nearest stop"

Still driving we were the only people on the road which I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing.

It felt like forever before we pulled over and stopped driving. The wind was shaking the car slightly so we just thought it was best to stay inside.

"I have blankets in the trunk!" I said crawling over the seats.

Pulling out the blankets I dropped the seats and Shawn got the idea. Setting up one blanket under neath us the other one went over top.

Setting my head on Shawn's chest he ran his fingers through my hair and I could feel his hand shaking ever so slightly.

"that bad huh?" I asked.

"what do you mean?"

"the roads?"

"oh yeah, horrible"

"that's okay, honestly we could just like sleep in the car until it clears up" I suggested.

"good idea actually!"

Lying together in the back of my car I couldn't have been more content. In the middle of a white out with my boy.


So literally drove in a blizzard dunno how anyone saw the road because there was one point the snow was so bad and blowing it just seemed like we were stopped and not moving anywhere. I love Canadian winters (said no one ever)

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