Half a heart

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Based off the One Direction song Half A Heart.

Y/N's P.O.V

Shawn was on another press tour in the states and here I was stuck at home without him. I missed him so much and he had only been gone for a week now.

Lying in the bed that was in his condo I sighed as my phone started ringing again. Picking it up I looked and saw my friends trying to group facetime me. Turning the ringer off I rolled over and pulled the hood of Shawn's hoodie over my head. Closing my eyes again I tried to fall back asleep but that was almost impossible considering it was noon.

Shawn's P.O.V

Finishing off my interview with Ellen I grabbed my phone from the dressing room and saw I had a few texts from Y/N's friends.

She's not answering us

Have you heard from her?

Well go check on her

Quickly dialling Y/N I just mumbled under my breath for her to pick up.

Hey, it's Y/N you know what to do at the tone

Hanging up I couldn't think of any other way to reach her. If she had her phone off she obviously didn't want to be bothered.

I couldn't call the landline because I didn't have one in my condo. I didn't want telemarketers to call me constantly.

We're at your place, she's in your room with a hoodie. She's a mess

Sighing I sat back in the vehicle with Andrew so we could head back to the hotel.

"What's up?" Andrew asked as I sighed and tossed my phone aside.

"It's Y/N" I ran my hands down my face.

"is she okay?" he looked concerned.

"yeah she's fine, just misses me. Her friends are texting me telling me she's a mess" I could feel my lip quiver.

"you miss her to?" Andrew set a hand on my shoulder. "don't you?"

"yeah" my voice broke. "I do" feeling the few tears fall down my face I wiped them away.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N. You have to get up, you can't just stay in this bed until he gets back" one of my friends tried to drag me out of the bed.

"leave me alone to die" I rolled back over and shoved my face into the pillows.

"oh my god. Your so dramatic" I heard her footsteps retreat.

Rolling over I checked my phone and saw Shawn had tried to call me. Quickly dialling him back I waited for him to pick up.

"Hey!" I heard him sniffle a little.

"Hi, everything ok?" I asked him. 

"I should be asking you that, your friends texting me saying your a mess"

"oh god" I mentally cursed them. "yeah uh something like that" I honestly told Shawn.

"well it's okay, i'm a mess to" I heard his voice break at the end.

"please don't cry" I felt my lip quiver.

Shawn crying was my one weakness, it always made me cry no matter what.

"I know i'm sorry, i'm trying not to" he took a breath. "I must just be tired or something" I could tell he was smiling a little.

"get some sleep then baby, we'll talk later"

"okay, next time your sad like this you call me ok?" he asked.

"yeah okay" I sighed. "you know I don't like bothering you when your working though"

"I know that, but you know you can"

"I know I know!" I smiled a little. "I love you Shawn, i'll see you in a few weeks."

"I love you to Y/N, i'll call you tonight okay"

"okay, bye baby"


Hanging up I set my phone back on the nightstand. Throwing the sheets off of me I got out of the bed and went into the kitchen in search of food. 

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