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Isabella looked at her little Stefan as he played on the floor with his toy as she looked at the scar on her stomach as Stefan looked but didn't ask how she got it.

She put her dress down and looked at Stefan as she smiled at the little dirty blond boy on the floor as he smiled back at his sister.

"I love you, bella." Said Stefan as she smiled at her 8 year old brother. "I love you too, Stefan." She said as Damon was standing by the door way, listening how much sadness was laced in her voice and he frowned, because most of it was because of him and he regretted it.

Damon walked all the way in getting the attention of his two siblings, Stefan smiled at Damon as Isabella sadly smiled at him.

"I have to be somewhere." She went up to Stefan and kissed his head. "I'll see you later, Stefan." She said walking past Damon without even speaking to him making him really upset and making him grab her by the arm as she gasped when Damon turned her too face him as he had a sad face.

"It's been- what? 4 years since you haven't spoken to me, why? He asked her making her look at him in the eye.

"Because Damon every single year you do something bad, you have to blame me for it and I get hurt and get hit by our father and he doesn't hit you, I am always the abomination daughter that wasn't suppose to be born, and I am the black sheep of the family, I should've just died when I was born maybe your life would be so much better, Damon. You can rot in hell, because sooner or later, everything you have ever done to me will come back to you." She spat walking away from a shocked Damon and Stefan just witness everything and Damon had tears in his eyes.

"I'm so so sorry." He whispered to himself.

3 months

Giuseppe was yelling at Stefan fir touching his important things. "Stefan! You do not touch this do you understand! Do you understand!" Giuseppe yelled as Stefan nodded with tears in his eyes.

"I just wanted to play here." He said softly making Giuseppe grow angry.

"I don't care Stefan, I don't care you should know better, you know what, I'm going to show you what I do to your sister and let's see if you listen." He said as he slapped Stefan on the cheek making fall on the ground making him cry.

Damon and Isabella heard their father when they entered the house and heard Stefan cry in pain and her eyes went wide.

"No, no, no,no he's to young to be abused by our father." She said as she picked up her dress and ran up the stairs and with Damon following right behind her.

Isabella saw her father raise his hand agin about hit Stefan but she grabs his wrist making him look at his angry daughter.

"You. Do. Not. Get. To. Hit. Him!" She yelled with venom in her voice, pushing him back as she helped Stefan up and Stefan smiled and hugged his big sister but when Stefan looked at his father he saw how angry he was and he gasped.

"Isabella! Watch out!" Stefan yelled as she turned around but was hit by her father and she groaned.

"You little brat, you do not yell at me!" He said as he started beating her and she looked at Damon.

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