First Stage Completed

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Suta's point of view
Lucy was adorable! Out of all of the animal aspects she couldve had, to both of our surprise, she obtained a foxes aspects! She had blinding golden fox ears that were as soft as a baby cats, and they poked out sideways where her human ears used to reside. To complete her new form, she had a fluffy tail that poked out just above her butt. It flowed down to her calves, and was the same blinding-gold hue as the rest of her hair.
" I look okay?" the blonde asked, rubbing her arms and looking at her feet. I jumped on her back, poking at her unruly-soft ears, which were now fidgeting intensely under the prods.
"Of course, Lucy!" She looked as if she was a princess to a royal family, of course she looked "okay"! My blonde first-in-command shrieked from the tickling, and jumped to get away, landing on one of the roofs in the village we were staying in. She had caught onto the magic training quickly, and we had more than half of our year to waste. I ended up using those few months to train her reflexes. She was now incredibly flexible, inhumanly fast, and she could jump so high! I'm so proud of her, I couldn't imagine being an exceed to any other!
"Hey, Su. Should we exit the stage now?" The blonde asked. Her chocolate brown eyes had a hint of a glimmer in them, as if there was someone she was waiting to get payback on. wondering who she was so determined to prove her power on, I obliged. She opened the portal with the wave of her hand, and stepped through before I could praise her for it.

Lucys Pov

I opened the portal, and stepped through eagerly. I instantly appeared in the front of a guild. Fairy Tail. Suta stepped out behind me, and I put my keys away. I was wearing a white crop top with a black leather jacket over it, and black jeans that had a belt for my keys. In each of my ears, there was a small black bow. I wore my hair in a huge bun bundeled at the top with my regular bangs. Suta, however, was wearing a black oversized t-shirt that says "bad" in white capital letters on it and black ripped jean shorts. her hair was down, and her ears were fidgeting from excitement. her tail was smaller than mine, so it stopped mid thigh. we were both barefoot, as well. Shoes restrict our feet, and slow us down. I pushed open the guild doors and felt all eyes on me. I smiled brightly, yelling.
"Hey, everyone! I'm back!" A familiar redhead look at me, shocked. It was my best friend, a bluenette who had an affinity for books, who first came up to me. Suta seemed standoffish, but I waved my tail infront of her to calm her down.
"Hi, Levy!" I greeted her, happily as can be. She looked at me for a while longer, tearing up.
"Lucy! You look like a fox!" she yelled, running into my arms for a hug.
"I know. they're cute, righ? " I heard her giggle in response, and I stopped hugging her. "I'm gonna go talk to Makarov for a bit, okay? I'll only be staying here for a day or so." I whispered to her. Levy nodded, thanking me for showing up anyways. I just nodded, walking further into the guild.
"Lu, the King wants to speak with you!" I heard Su call out to me from the guild entrance.
"He does? Got it!" I yelled, running over to her. "Key of the Celestial King! Open!" I chanted out, raising my arm to the sky. as he appeared almost instantaneously, hugging the life out of me.
"Old friend! It's been too long!" He cried out. My face went beet-red as I noticed everyone from a specific team look at me in shock.
"I'm gonna spend a day or two here before I go back to stage two. Come talk whenever, okay, King?" I said, asking him. He nodded happily, disappearing. Suta trailed behind me into Makarov's office, closing the door.
"Apologies, Makarov." I said softly, waiting him look up from his papers. He was taken in by shock for a moment.
"I'll be staying here for a day or two, if it's okay." I continued. He nodded, looking relieved.
"Oh, Makarov. Is it okay if I train with Suta in the back field while I'm here?" He laughed loudly at such a strange question, and nodded.
"Of course, Lucy. Go ahead. Glad to have you back." I walked out of the office, and positioned myself in a running stance as a familiar redhead looked over.
"Race you to the back field?" I yelled over to Su. She nodded eagerly, and we were about leave when I heard a poisonus voice leak out over my ears.
"Lucy! Fight me!" The voice yelled.
"Don't speak to me. " I growled out. Darkly. Suta laughed under her breath at the conversation, while Levy just ignored it and counted to three. The second she hit three, we both took off. Of course, I had won. I stuck my tounge out at her like a little kid when she came in second place.
"I won, I won!" I mocked. She giggled in confirmation, and we sat in the grass and talked for a while. Before we knew it, the sunset faded into darkness. We ran to Levy's apartment in Fairy Hills, taking her by surprise when she opened the door.
"Levy! Can Suta and I sleep here tonight?" I asked, using my world-class puppy eyes. She agreed immediately.
"Sure! But Lucy, your magic feels a lot stronger than last time. What happened?" I tapped my chin, looking at Suta for help. She shrugged, guessing it was okay to speak about.
"I unlocked the power to call forth the Spirit King. Not permanently, though. He's offering me four training stages, and I learn a new magic at each of one." Levy took this information in quickly, nodding.
"One last thing. Where are you going to sleep?" I rolled my eyes at such an obvious question.
"On the couch, of course!" She started to argue, but gave up.
"Okay.. I suppose. I'm going to go to my bedroom and read, but call me if you need anything. I have leftovers in the fridge if you haven't eaten."
"Will do! Thank you! "

I laid on the couch, letting Suta curl up on my stomach. I wrapped my tail around her, and felt her doze off. She was like a sister to me, and I wasn't going to lose her. Even if it kills me.


So this is the girl I'm tasked with training?  Mmmm.. Interesting.

Lucy's point of view

I woke up to Suta frying eggs, and I quickly changed back into my outfit, tying a messy bun to the top of my head. After we finished breakfast, I knocked on Levy's door. After waiting a bit, I gently pushed it open. Levy was fast asleep, curled into a ball on her right side, a book open next to her. A small smile made its way to my face as I remember all the sleepovers we had shared in the past. Somehow, she always manages to fall asleep in the exact same position. I whispered goodbye to Levy, and told Suta where we were going next. She yawned, but agreed, and soon we were walking back to the guild. When we got there, Makarov called us to the bar. Of course, we obliged.
"If you two are to rejoin the guild, you will be promoted S class upon joining and will be permitted to take S class quests off the board. Suta and I smiled, agreeing, though telling Makarov I'll only stay for a few months. While walking to the quest board, I felt a warm hand grab my shoulder, and heard low growling coming from Su. looking over in her direction, she truly looked like an angry cat. Her ears were down and her tail was puffed out, swishing violently back and forth. She truly hated this man. I touched her face with the back of my hand, smiling gently. She got distracted almost immediately, and calmed down. I looked him, waitimg for him to speak. He didn't for a few seconds. Gonna say something, you redheaded idiot? Or did those flames of yours burn your brain to ash, too?  I began to think to myself, growing more impatient as each second passed.
"You're not Lucy." The redhead spoke, matter-of-factly. On instinct, I slapped him. He looked shocked, once again.
"The hell you say, boy? I'm pretty sure of who I am. Sorry for not leaping into your arms like you expected." I hissed back at him, voice full of venom. I could feel the eyes of new guild members that hadn't known me, and felt Lisanna glaring the hardest. Suta sensed this, per normal, and glared at the weak animal-requip mage back. The redhead looked back at me, and sighed.
"Want to get the team back together, Lucy?" He asked with a smile, as if he seemed happy about his decision. My blood seathed. Suta looked back at us.
"Lucy. Don't show him your power. He isn't worth it." She was right. I growled deeply at the idiotic redhead, and he backed up in shock. Suta rubbed my back with her hand, and I grew calmer.
"It's okay, Lucy. You're fine. He didn't see anything, and he doesn't mean anything." she whispered to me, continuing to rub my back.
"You're right, Suta. Thank you."
The necklace around my neck lit up, and the Kimg appeared with a sword. His Celestial sword, in fact.
"Who dare make Lucy mad?" He seethed, standing in front of her Protectively. Natsu backed up immediately, disappearing into the crowd of mages that surrounded us. I shrugged it off, thankful that he would at least leave me alone from now on.
"It's fine, King. You can go back now." He turned back to face me, probably inspecting my facial expression. His shoulders relaxed, and the sword disappeared.
"Yes, old friend. I shall see you soon, then." With those few words, he disappeared into thin air, leaving me and Suta at the guild.

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