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"Sorry, Rogue, Su, Sting. I have to go. Lo is more important over a job request I could finish in a second."

I said weakly,  teleporting to the demon world with  Lo and Li.

After two hours,  Lo was announced with only a few scratches. Thank god. If she had been hurt, I would've started the magic games disaster all over again, and this time, Erza wouldn't land on Natsu.  Oh no. She would land on death himself.

teleporting back into my guild, Sting was the first voice I heard amongst the rest. The usual, petty whining.

  "Where's Blondieee?"

He whined like a five year old child.

"Oi, Shut up!"

Wendy yelled towards him.

"Wanna go, Wind Baby?!"

Sting yelled at Wendy.

"Yeah, Lazy Light!"

Wendy screeched back.

They were silent when they heard me laughing so hard my eyes were watering above them.

"L - Lucy-san!" Wendy paled.

"I - it's okay!" I said, through my choking laughter. " Ne, Sting. Wanna go see the dragons with me?" I asked.


"You see, I promised them that every  four months here, I'd visit them. And that I'd bring someone along. They test whoever I bring, and decide if they should get to be a dragon or not." I explained.

"Hm, okay." He answered after thinking for a second. I opened the portal easily, and pushed him in before I jumped in as well.  Into the dragon world!

I looked back to see Sting with his eyes shut closed tightly. Giggling at how cute it was, I poked his cheek lightly.  "Sting-san." I informed quietly.  "We're here." He opened his eyes to see the world the dragons lived in. A small island where a humongous portal resided, and larger islands in two rows, going straight forward. Each island was themed with a different climate, or setting. From the portal onwards, it went from the weaker dragons, to the stronger dragons. If you squinted, you could see two islands between all the lined islands in the very end. Those were the last two defenses from the castle. The last two defenses were the strongest two dragons. The Celestial dragon,  and the beautiful shining water dragon. It was a water dragon, yes,  but it was a hybrid. A child born from a water dragon and a light dragon. Behind the two islands,  there was a humongous pearl white castle.

Transforming my wings into their second biggest form,  I told sting to jump onto my back.  Awkwardly, he did. I flew to the castle with five quick flaps of my wings,  and waved to my dragon maid.

" Sting,  hide behind the door." I instructed.  Surprised, he hesitated but did what I asked. "DRAGONSS! LUCY-SAMA IS HERE!" Called the maid. Sting was confused at first, but his eyes shook almost immediately after. There were many more dragons then I remember. The sky darkened, the dragons covering the sun. Squeaking quietly, I feared the hug I was to get.


the sky rang out. All dragons began to drop at once, flying even faster towards me. Last moment they became human, pulling me into a fierce hug.

" Who'd you bring this time? " asked Ai . waving to Sting, he slowly walked out from his hiding place. "The light dragons son!" A dragon gasped.

"I'm her boyfriend." He laughed, pulling me closer by my waist. My face turned beet red.

" Aww!" Many dragons rang out."Ano..." I muttered. Of course, no one heard.

"We must make him a dragon!"

One yelled out. Others seemed to agree, aud a dragon casted the spell onto him. "

"Wait! Already? You didn't even let him decide!" I called out.

"Ha! It's fine, Blondie!" Sting laughed. Sighing in defeat, I carried him up to my guest room, a Sparkling black and white themed room. "feel free to jazz it up all you'd like." I smiled sarcastically, laying him onto the bed. "I'll speed it up." I muttered to myself,  enchanting his body with a speed spell. The scales seemed to move much faster, without any delay. When I saw him going into pain, I stopped the speed spell and took off my ring. My power raised to 30% without me noticing.  Oops. I turned on my healing spell to full blast, to numb out the pain almost entirely. After almost two seconds,  he started glowing. With this, I realized something.  He was becoming a dragon. In a human room. I grabbed onto him tightly,  teleporting to a forest in Magnolia,  far from anywhere anyone would see. immediately when we got there he grew massively.  He was a foot or two taller than my dragon form!

" Okay." I muttered loudly. "I need to stop helping. It's making dragons massive."

Looking up at Sting, I gawked. He was a beautiful white,  and everything vortex black on me, was vortex black on him.  It was like we had the same dragon form, if only he was smaller and he resembled a girl dragon, not a guy dragon.

N/A: Girl dragons are more feminine in the build, and more slender. Male dragons are bulkier and manlier.

Quickly, I helped him become human again. It only took a minute. I was shocked at his appearance when he transformed back. He was like himself, but instead of curled horns like I had, His horns curled,  but the last curl was unraveled, making the point of the horn face behind him. He had a light skin tone like I did, and his hair was a lighter blonde, but still blonde. He had pointy ears, and his teeth were as sharp as before. He wore a crown on his head, and wore his regular clothes. His dragon. wings were larger than mine, by a few feet. I could grow mine to be that big, but it would take magic.

He looked around at himself, smiling.

"I like it, Lucy!" He laughed, suddenly kissing me. I stiffened at first, but quickly melted into the kiss. He licked my lips for access, and access was granted.  We were fighting over dominance for longer than I remember, when I suddenly felt something against my back. Realizing it was a tree I hit into, I blushed slightly.

I threw my legs around sting, letting my hands lay on his shoulders. Stings hands ventured up my shirt, as if looking for something. His hand suddenly found my breast. I heard him chuckle as we kissed, before he began undoing my bra. I gasped at first, but couldn't stop myself from kissing him. Is this okay? I asked myself.

[A/N: this part makes me feel weird. I shall not insert lemon. Gumene. Let your fantasies run wild. ^3^]

Panting, I woke up next to Sting, naked. shrieking quietly,  I summoned my regular clothes on. I turned around, only to see that sting didn't have clothes on either. My face turned beet red. I summoned his clothes onto him, and cuddled closer. I rested my head on his chest, and fell asleep.

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