Fairy Tail~

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*After a day for Fairy tail, × months for Lucy*

"Minna!" Called a certain used-to-be blonde mage. Emere was the first go welcome her back to the guild. " Hai, Master-san!" She yelled happily.  "Fireworks!" Lucy called out into the guild, running towards the field in the back. When everyone that came out was in a crowd- or, groups, Lucy shot a powerful stream of vivid colors up into the air. After ten seconds, she lowered her hand and watched as the magic bounced off eachother and exploded in a big puff of magic power and colors. Many cheered while others set off those of their own. Soon it became a full out firework competition, with groups competing over who could set off the biggest fireworks. Lucy had set up a bar area outside with her Imagine Magic, and Ayres was watching the fireworks and serving the members at tables in the back of the field area by the wall their food. "Pow!" Three fireworks seemed to screech as they exploded across the vast night sky. "Welcome, all the new s-class!" Lucy cheered into the already - joyful crowd. The crowd yelled wildly,  and Ayres along with the other bartenders, Wana and Lin, passed out drinks to everyone. It was so loud Lucy doubted even fairy tail could make a noise louder than them. "Wooo!" a drunk Sting yelled into the air, pumping his fists up as he quickly picked Lucy up bridal style. "Kyah! Sting-san?!" Lucy rushed. "Lu-sheeee~*" Sting giggled. "I loavveee youuuu." He laughed, his face bright red. The red wasn't coming from

embarrassment,  however. It was coming from the massive amount of the famous magnolia beer. Lucys face lit up,  and for the right reason this time. "M-Majikaio?!" (*I thiiiink that's how it's spelt,  it means "Seriously?!" c; )

Giggling, Sting did no effort to talk, he just leaned closer to her now standing body. It was as if Lucy was paralyzed.  She couldn't say, move, or do anything. She couldn't even think straight. The smell of beer in his familiar breath was addicting. In her mind, Lucy both wanted and didn't want Sting. Which was correct? Still paralyzed,  Lucy was merely centimeters from Sting and his moist, smirking lips.

" A-ano? Lu...cy?" A familiar boy her age- Her kind, choked out. Turning to face him,  Lucy lost all color in her face.


××Authors Note!

Uhm, Hai. I'm so sorry omf gumennnnnneeeee. I had a book project, and a bunch of math homework, and German, but! that doesn't mean I couldn't have taken the time to write. There's no excuse, so I'm really sorry. Anyways, should Lucy be with Mano or Sting? Tbh with mano, I could make up a perfect character,  but sometimes perfect is too much. With sting, it would follow his "Daring/Dorky" style, then again, I'd have no control over his character style/Additude. Either way, it's up to you guys. The one with the most votes shall be the pairing!




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