Physical Alterations

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Enis turned into her former dragon self since stepping through the gate, a black silky dragon with gigantic black wings, golden eyes and golden horns. She inhaled for a second, and I took this as my chance to cover my ears. She roared, letting out an ear splitting noise that could alert a dragon hundreds of miles away. She continued doing this two more times, occasionally turning to look at the scales on my body, now fully covering my arms and reaching for my neck. I had scattered scales along my chest reaching towards the top of my neck, and some around the base of my head, which were barely able to be seen through my hair. As I looked down, my hair was turning a vortex black. The feeling of panic crept into my mind. What's Happening?! 

Soon all the dragons gathered. Three hundred, give or take, massive dragons in one small area was a bit frightening, to say the least. They all transformed into humans to save up some much limited space, and all wore sad or frightened expressions on their face, some even sporting both at once.
"Lucy...." Enis choked. Enis was my absolute best friend among dragons.if something was bad, she would be the one to tell me. My inner-self commented, making me think the worst of the tension. I took a deep breath in and looked Enis straight in the eye.
"What's happened?" I asked, albeit moreso demanding than usual. Enis was on the verge of tears, yet these tears seemed to be happy. "You're becoming a dragon now. One of us.. immortal." She said through salty tears, smiling such a weak smile that I was tempted to think she might pass out. ..a...what...? 

I widened my eyes as her and A - a dragon that i considered to be my sister - hugged me.
"Welcome to the family, Lucy. "
Enis stopped hugging me before A did, and looked me straight in my eyes.
"You're going to be a dragon, immortal. Natural causes cannot kill you, though enough magical power will. To be honest, I'm not sure how this will work out.. I mean, you have a tail and ears, don't you? ..Anyways, in two hours, you will feel an unmentionable pain. It will be as if  everything you've ever learned backfired, all attacking you at once instead. All your bad memories will resurface too, just for a moment. It'll be like hell and back. That's the hard part. Afterwards, you will awaken in dragon form. You'll still know all the same powers you've learned, buy you will need a dragon limiter in replace of your current one. When you wear it, the limiter will keep your base power at five percent. Unless, of course, you want to raise it." Enis explained slowly, letting me absorb the facts.
"Once you will be able to change into your human form, you need to put on the dragon limiter and adjust to it. Your human form will most likely be drastically different from your current appearance, by the way." She finished.
"Got it." I replied.

timeskip, lucy has now learned how to go back to her human form.

"You can change into your human form!" The small blue haired girl, A, cheered. She was the one who had been training me. It wasn't that hard, to be honest. My "Dragon" self, was a huge white-scaled dragon- almost twice the size of the normal ones, with Golden eyes and black horns. Along with black talons, and black rims along my wings.
"Finally! Hymantis Mortis!" I chanted loudly, preparing for the rush of transformation to hit. I felt a strange tingling, like what you feel when your foot falls asleep, and opened my eyes again to a gawking A who handed me a mirror. I had pale white skin, and sparkling white hair that went down to my hips. Black horns right above where my fox ears used to be poked out from my skull, unmovable. Pushing my hair back, I saw I had normal ears again. Well, not 'normal' .. they were shaped to a sharp point, like an elf's. My eyes were a dark golden, and I had the same long white and black rimmed wings, yet a smaller version, just short enough to not touch the floor.
"Um. Not that I mind, but wouldn't everyone know I'm a dragon? I said, voicing my worries to the dragon child. For the most part, I had the same body. The only visible change, aside from the wings anyways, was that my thighs were thicker.
"I figured it out!"
"What, did you think of a plan?"
"I can just live in the guild! After all, I already do. My guild wouldn't dare tell anyone, and outsiders can't even pass the gates to begin with. I can just get food from the bar." I told the woman, looking closely at the new freckles underneath my eyes. A seemed to take well to the idea, and Enis let me go back to the guild. When I was teleported back, I landed on my bed, next to a frightened Suta. It was priceless! I cried with laughter, holding my sides as if they wouldn't hurt as much that way, and realized I looked different.
 "Su, it's me! It'!" I choked out inbetween laughs, tears still running down my face. She visibly relaxed, but not enough to let me off the hook.
"What's my actual name? What's my favorite food? how'd I get my animal-like traits?" Stopping my laughter, I thought for a second.
"Suta, a translation for 'Star'. You love Nigiri, preferably Salmon, and you're my pet exceed." I answered the girl, showing the soft part of my wrist to reveal an s×l symbol we had gotten tattooed onto each-other to help if anything were to happen in the future.  
"Lucy! What happened?" she yelled out, looking at my wings. I pointed at my quartz ring, shaped like at white dragon twirling around my finger, and explained what happened.

When Suta finally understood, we went downstairs to tell everyone else. Everyone seemed shocked, though it'll only last for a few days maximum. I opened my wings, flying around the guild to show them.
"I'm the BEST!!" I shouted cheerfully, still soaring around like a hawk towards the top of the second floor ceiling, occasionally twirling around the second story banister and diving towards the ground, only to stop smoothly, and soar another direction.

"Hey, should we should make S-class members?!" I yelled down to Suta and the others, many already beginning to cheer in the guild.
"S-class It is then! ... Hm. What should the test be?" I asked myself, flying down to my group to sit in a chair and discuss ideas.

"How about, since Suta is the weakest, and I'm - regretfully - the second weakest, we should have them battle us. If they win, They're S-class." Alice tried, throwing the idea onto the table. "Sure, that sounds manageable." I agreed.
"Its settled then!" Suta cheered. Orion seemed to do a mental face palm, looking in Suta's direction.
"Did she not just notice she was called weak?" he muttered under his breath.


"Hey, listen up!" I yelled out to the guild, flying in place above the first floor.
 "An s-class test has been made! Competitors will go one at a time, and either battle Suta or Alice! The best 5, based on speed and power, along with agility and reflexes, will be chosen as s-class!" I scanned over the cheering crowd to set my eyes in Wendy and Levy talking together. I gave Levy plenty of books, and already had someone teach Wendy. I flew down next to them.
"Hey, you guys okay?" I asked quietly.
"..Yes, of course. Just homesick. " Levy muttered.
"Right. Did the deal we made slip your mind? You can leave whenever you want, I just have to erase your memories of Soul Star before you go." I told the two blue haired girls, reminding them of the previous promise.
"Wendy, I'll do the same for you."
Levy seemed to think for a minute, and agreed. Wendy, however, was absolutely confused.
"Wendy, You can stay as long as you'd like. Just remember, you'll forget alot of it." I said, trying my best to be as comforting as possible, though probably not being all that comforting. I patted her on the head, rustling her hair a little bit before apologizing once again.

"Of course, Lucy. I'll go later, then." Wendy muttered to me, seemingly still half and half on the stubject, waving goodbye to Levy as she ran off. Probably before I could ask her any further questions.
"So, you want to? I understand. I'll always remember you, Levy." I said to the girl, smiling (though more like a sad grin) and wiping her memory clean. "Levy, please tell the guild what I say. Tell them Wendy would like to stay longer, and that I wiped your memories of all but the book information. They may be mad, but please advice them not to start a war. Last time was simply a warning." I whispered into the frail girls ear, hugging her. 

I walked around to the front of the Fairy Tail guild after what felt like an eternity, knocked on the door, and lay levy down infront of them. I flew just above them, watching to see what would happen.  I watched Gajeel come out and pick her up bridal-style, carrying her back inside. I made myself invisible, thanks to Envy, the stealth dragon, and ran in behind Gajeel. I watched the others run up to Levy, and flew above them just before someone touched me. A new member I didn't know the identity of said she felt a gust, but the others just ignored her. Natsu lightly slapped Levy awake, and Mira silenced the others.
"What happened?" Mira asked, comforting the book-nerd. Levy told them exactly what I told her, Thank the lords. I watched for a bit longer, before flying to my home. On the way back, I passed over some strange sights only found normal in Magnolia. Small girls walking around in the dead of the night, whispering about how strong they had recently become, and macho men talking about a new wrestling guild alike. When I had finally got to my guild, most were gone and the lights were off. I locked the doors, waving goodbye to the last few people, and headed up the stairs. As I snuggled into my bed and wrapped myself in my comforter, I thought about what I had to do tomorrow.
 "Oh! The S-Class test!" I whispered to myself, just noticing Suta. She was in her exceed form, curled up in the corner of the bed, snoring away. I let out a small giggle at how loud her snoring was. Alice was also in her exceed form, a soft and silky black exceed with aquamarine eyes. Orion was on the other side of the black exceed, An arm wrapped around the small cat protectively. They really are like girlfriend and boyfriend.. I thought to myself, smiling as I closed my eyes.

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