New Members

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"New members!" Lucy yelled out, cutting off the small demon princess, already running downstairs. The others followed, but she was still far in the lead. They all ran to the door and Lucy almost hit into the girl in the front. Instead, she lightly nudged her.
" Sorry, sorry! I didn't stop fast enough!" laughed Lucy. "Lucy!"
"Lulu!" three voices rang out, much too late. Lucy turned around just in time, as all three partners fell on the unexpecting blonde. Lucy started whining underneath the pressure of all of them, yelling "mercy!", which caused two of the six mystery people to laugh. This made the strange group realize that they weren't alone, and they all stood back up to greet these people.


"Sorry about that! So, are you interested in being members?" The blonde curiously asked, tail and ears twitching in excitement.
"Yeah!" The gray haired guy in the back yelled.
"Great! We just finished building the guild, too. I need to tell Yajima thank you." Alice said, chest full of nothing but pride.. sadly.
"What're you still here for, then?" Orion asked, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned. The blonde nudged the brunette, thougu still laughed quietly, and turned to the new recruits.
"Okay. Let's go to the third floor. We'll get you registered there." I told the group of new members, pointing towards the stairs and where they led. The six followed orion and I into my "official" room, while Alice ran off to thank Yajima, and Suta went into the woods to hunt for the groups next dinner.

"Hey, line up side by side for me? Thank you." Lucy asked, waving her arm infront of her to suggest a line.
They all agreed with varying degrees of "okay!", doing what she asked them.
"Okay. from the left to the right, tell me your name, age, your powers, and where the guild mark will be, along with what color." Lucy instructed, getting nods along the instruction. She pointed to the girl on the far left. She had short blonde hair and lilac eyes. She was wearing a Wendy - type dress, and was the youngest by looks of it.
"Um..M.. My name is Loni..I'm thirteen, and I have the power of a Space Dragon Slayer.." she quietly, shyly, remarked.
"I'd like my symbol on the back of my neck in silver, please!" Lucy nodded along with her request, and placed the colored guild mark on her neck, where it was just barely covered behind her short hair.
"Yo! My names Nengo! Age 16! My power is Soul takeover! I'd like my symbol in red on my collar bone!" beemed the gray haired man beside her. He was Lucy's height, and was quite muscled, even though he was slim at the same time. His gray hair was the same length as Rogues, but his bangs were pushed back with a workout headband. His ocean blue eyes were incredibly bright. He wore a baggy black pair of shorts, and a vest to cover his muscles. Even though it wasn't exactly covering anything. Lucy slightly blushed as she saw his chest, but nodded anyways, placing his symbol on him as well.
"The names Winas. Age 14. I'm a a shape shifter. I can change into anything within my memory, or anything within 150ft of my person. I'd like a Golden mark on my cheek, but size it a bit smaller so it's just beneath my eye, please." A soft voice bravely commented. Winas was a pretty blue haired girl, with her hair going down to her thighs even thought they were up quite high in braided twin tails. She had bright aquamarine eyes, and looked a little short for 14. Lucy laughed quietly and complied, sticking a symbol just small enough to fit under her right eye in gold on her cheek.
Lucy continued onto the other three, a tall pink haired seventeen year old girl named Eylis, who was a strong summoning mage. She stops the fights between Nengo and another 16 year old, Bryin. He was a requip mage, who had silky black hair, and brown eyes. He was a brotherly figure to a fifteen year old, Lin. She had orange hair just barely down to her shoulders, and cloudy hazel eyes. Her magic was healing, even though she only knew one or two spells. Lucy felt bad for her, so after all the commotion, she sent the group to look for group jobs they were capable of, while she talked to Lin.


"Lin.. you said you were a healing mage, correct?" I asked the girl to confirm, leading her into my bedroom, where orion was passed out on the bed, probably drooling. I sat on one of the bean bags, and she sat on the opposing one.
"Yes, guild master." she responded quietly, looking at the floor.
"You don't have to be afraid of me, Lin. I'm a healing mage too. Call me Lucy, and tell your other friends to as well. A home doesn't have a master, just a mother." I offered to her, smiling.
"You are..? What's the meaning to bring me in here, Lucy? " Lin asked tentatively while I sighed.
"When I was in Fairy Tail, I was a celestial mage. After two years, they started treating me like trash. Like I was too weak to be there. As if they were better than me. I hated them. I left and trained in the woods for a while, and learned many healing spells. I want to teach you some of them." I said, opening my eyes to see her pondering her options.
"Yes.. Sure. Thank you for the offer. When do we start, Lucy?"

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