Healing Spells

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"Yes, sure, thank you for the offer. When do we start?"


"Open, gate of the Healer! Lyx!" I chanted, raising the silver key to the air. A loud "ding-dong" noise ran through the air as the pale girl appeared. She had waist length white hair and a large white dress, both decorated by crosses.
"Yes, Lucy?" The soft girl asked, examining the room she was summoned in.
"Can you please teach this girl some healing magic?" I asked of the spirit, pointing to Lin.
"Affirmative. That can be achieved."
"Great! Lin, this girl is the best healer I've ever seen. Better than me, even. If youre looking for a healing spell, shes guaranteed to have it!" I said, smiling at the now blushing-with-praise spirit. I had picked up her key in the angel realm with Suta, and haven't yet used her. Though I still summon her at times, just to speak.
Lin nodded along to what I said, introducing herself to Lyx. The spirit greeted the girl back, and they were soon learning healing spells. I backed out of the room quietly, walking back downstairs. I looked down at my keys to ponder what would've happened if I never had them, and saw I still had my dragon key. Aaaah.. Might as well train a bit.

I told the rest about my plan to train. It'd take me 2 years approximately, and I told them to earn us a lot of members by the time I get back. They all seemed to be sad I was leaving, even though they all still smiled ahead and wished me luck. Good, I'm proud of them. I don't know much about these new members, but I know I'll miss them. They're the start of a great family.
"I'll be back soon, guys!" I yelled out, getting practically suffocated when they all jumped in to hug me goodbye. I went outside and summoned Celest soon after the goodbyes.
"May I train with you? I'm free for two years."
"Of course, Lucy. However, two years in the dragon realm is only a month here." celestia stated in a calm matter-of-fact tone, looking down at me.
"Ah, so that's how that works? Got it."
Celest nodded in confirmation, suddenly biting down on the back of my shirt and disappearing, taking me with her.  when I woke, I was in a strange land of nothing but dragons.

One dragon year later

Crying, I hugged  Celest goodbye. She was like my mother, but now I had to go back home and look over my guild. I turned to Azule and Igneel, hugging as well. While I was training with Celest, learning all of her skills  only took two months.  As surprised as we were, we took the next year to train with every other dragon that would allow us to. Because of this, I was alerted to keep my power at just below ten percent, unless something dangerous happened. If something were to happen, I could raise my power to twenty percent. unless I was battling Zeref of some horrible person on his magical scale, I shouldn't raise my power over fifty percent when battling. However, I could easily raise it if I wanted to, for fun. If I raised it to fifteen, I could create tremors and craters with nothing but me walking. at fifty, I could wipe out an entire city the size of magnolia in a swipe of my hand! I felt like some sort of final boss. Smiling brightly at the three dragons, I opened a portal and went home. to Soul Star. I threw open the doors as soon as I got there.
"Everyone! I'm home!" I yelled happily, basking in the attention.
"Lucy! But, it's only been a single month! I thought you were staying for a couple years!" Suta exclaimed, both confused and happy I was home.

"Suta, two years in the Dragon Realm is only one month here! I missed you so much!" I yelled back to her, hugging her tightly. She showed me to the new members, and wow, were there a LOT. there was a good quarter of them that were purely just dragon slayers belonging to different dragons, and maybe ten percent were weaker mages.  The rest, you ask? They were strong mages, yet weren't Dragon slayers. There were even two Godslayers! Basking in the glory of such a strong guild being my home, I yelled out to them.
"Party!" Everyone began to cheer at this, people already ordering another pint. While they were partying, I figured I might as well say hi to Makarov.

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