S Class Trials

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I woke up to the noise of twittering birds outside, not fully realizing that the windows were open when I had gone to sleep. I yawned, rolling over to nudge Suta and tell her to close the window. Of course, though, my complaints just came out as incoherent muttering. The intended words probably never made their way to her. She grumbled under her breath from the nudge, shoving her face further into the pillow and covering her head with a blanket. I groaned quietly at this, now taking in that I had to get up and actually be productive today.
I stretched my limbs out, rolling (almost falling, actually) out of bed and letting my feet hit the wooden floor beneath me. I walked over to the window, letting the wind and the sun hit my face before closing the gap a little. Not all the way, just so that the birds wouldn't seem as loud.
I walked over to my bathroom, closing the door and turning on the light once I got inside. I brushed my hair and teeth before stepping into the standing-shower, cautiously turning on the water and pressing my body to the wall to avoid feeling the arctics against my back. The water started, and once it was warm enough, I stepped into the animated rainfall.

Once done, I grabbed the cotton towel off of the shower door and dried myself off. Putting my usual outfit back on, I blowdried my hair and put on some strawberry after-shower lotion. I worked a bit of magic to make my wings look smaller, and I was ready. I wanted to go outside today and make use of my free time, y'know, before I had to catch up on all of the Guild Master-ly duties.  I walked over to the window, whispering a 'sleep well' to the passed out three unconsciously fighting for space on my bed. Once I had opened the window, I slipped out and shut it halfway. I used my wings to hover in front of the window for a second, debating where to go. I suppose I could just go to the market, and if anyone asked about my features I could say I was a dragon slayer.
I flew to the path entrance of my guild, landing once I got there. Afterall, it would be a bit strange to see someone flying to the market, wouldn't it? I picked up a woven basket sitting next to the gates and began on my journey.

Once there, I took a second to take in my surroundings. The street was COVERED in stalls, some edible and some not. I decided to just buy whatever I felt like, as I wasn't exactly in need for anything. It was when I was looking at a woman's peach-flavored stall that I heard the commotion. Three voices fighting, two recognizable. I was walking over to see what all the fuss was about when I saw what was going on. Sighing deeply, I looked back up at the argument. The familiar blonde and black heads of hair were fighting with a seller about his apple prices.
"Sting, Rogue, do you really have to fight about this? We both know you can pay a few cents more per apple." The two boys turned around, both expressions turning into a smile when they recognize me.
"Lucy, see here, its a DOLLAR per apple! Who would pay that much?! The stall next to Sabertooth only asks for 50¢ an apple!"  The blonde yelled, pointing in the direction of the apple stall.
"...I'm just here because we were on a mission earlier." The midnight-haired boy muttered, looking to the right, obviously bothered by the entire situation. I sighed, taking an apple out of my basket and reaching towards the blonde.
"And now you have one for free. Happy?"
"Of course! Thank you, Lucy!"
Sting reached out to grab the apple from my hand, creating small shock sensations when his palm brushed over mine. I jumped a little, causing him to look up at me.
"You okay?" He asked, worry evident in his expression. I decided to play it off, laughing to myself and nodding my head yes.
"Yeah, just a little sting, Sting."
"Well isn't that a rude word-play?" He muttered over to me playfully, swiping the apple.
"Lucy. You smell the same, but you look different. Like a dragon now, almost. Why?" I looked over to Rogue, debating his question.
"Long story short? I had too much power, so the dragons decided to turn me into one of them."
The boy processed this for a bit, looking down and tapping his chin. Once he decided my answer made sense, he nodded his head and began to walk down the isles of stalls again, waving a goodbye to me. Sting yelled after him, trying to catch up. When he did, he turned around to wave at me.
"Bye, Lucy!" he yelled out, hands around his mouth like a makeshift amplifier. I did the same, yelling back a goodbye for both of them. When they were gone, I sighed to myself, walking back to the guild. The two boys were always fun to talk to, but tend to show up at strange times, especially considering they live quite far. I wonder if they finished their resignation from Sabertooth yet.

When I returned, the guild was already packed to the brim. A lot of people were muttering about who would take on the S-class challenges, and who they thought would make it. I flew into the middle the guild, silencing everyone.
"Okay, guys! The test will begin shortly! The tryouts are as follows: Kimera, Emere, Ryu, Kyo, Soe, Mikasa, Nengo, Eylis, Bryin, Winas, and Loni. If I called your name, please pair up with another called name. You will duke it out against Suta and Alice. They must stay on two feet. If they fall or surrender, you win. If you win, your next opponent is Orion, and the same rules apply. Win against him and you will be promoted. Understand?"
The crowd below cheered, some contestants already pairing up. While they decided, I went outside to lay out the runes. There was a small box to the furthest left that would contain all of the contestants, and two bigger boxes further back that would house the corresponding battles.
When the pairs were decided, The games began. Kimere and Emere decided to go first, struggling against both battles but making S class by the skin of their teeth. Apparently, knocking over a wizard saint isn't the easiest task to accomplish.
Mikasa and Eylis were next, the two water slayers just barely making it by. Winas and Ryo followed suit, only Winas being Promoted. Ryo had given up after the battle with Suta and Alice. Loni was the only one afterwards that had made it.
"Give it up for our newest tier of mages, the S-Class!" I yelled out happily, my arms directing towards the mages. The crowd cheered, some laughing at the fact that only females were promoted. I turned to them.
"Congratulations! I haven't entirely thought the S-Class thing through, but hopefully you're content with knowing you're some of the strongest mages in my guild as of now! I'll find some particularly hard quests and make an S class board soon." The females nodded along to my explanation, all of them smiling to themselves. Probably proud, I bet. Once we were finished speaking, someone called out 'party!'. Soon enough, the entire guild was shaking with loud music and cheering for the new S class women.

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