Twin Dragon Slayers

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Natsu's point of view
"Who dare make Lucy angry?" boomed a large man with an even larger sword. I backed away into the crowd, watching the interaction nevertheless.
"It's fine, king. You can go back now." The blonde said over to him, speaking calmly. The sword in his hand seemed to have evaporated, and he turned to face her. He muttered something inaudible to her quietly, and disappeared altogether. Who was that, and why did Lucy call him King? More importantly, why was he so protective of her?

Lucy's point of view
Suta and I left the guild, wearing cloaks to hide our animal aspects, and went on our way to adventure the new-and-improved Magnolia.
"Oh! I remember this restaurant! It has the best sushi in Fiore!" I yelled excitedly, pointing to a place on the map and mentally drooling. Suta nodded, and we headed onto the next train out. I was passing by the VIP  area and the rooms that inhabited it when I saw two men. They both looked incredibly sick, as if they might puke any moment. I looked at Suta worriedly, knocking quietly as I entered their room. I quickly realized they had motion sickness. Remembering the various healing spells that Loke had taught me, I stuck my hands out towards the first man, chanting a spell to cure him.  I then went onto the other man who had black hair, doing the same. When they were both back to normal,  I bowed and apologized.
"My apologies. I acted on instinct when I saw you two." I walked away, and had almost walked past the door out of their area, to freedom, when I felt someone grab hold of my arm and hold me back. I turned around quickly, a tinge of pink rising to my cheeks as one of the two men, the blonde, was no farther than 4 inches away from my face. Now looking closer at him, he had crystal blue eyes, and a scar over his left eye.
"How'd you do that?" He asked.
"Um...You see... it's a bit of my magic I picked up.." I muttered, only now noticing that my hood had fallen down when I turned. He seemed to have noticed the same, and smiled brightly.
"You look like a fox!" He beemed, laughing like a child and petting my ears. He grabbed my tail and I was stuck. Someone petting my tail always felt nice. I stood there, awkwardly deciding if I should purr or try to pull my tail away.
"Sir..?" I asked, quietly. I glanced over at Su, who was besides the other man, winking at me as if to say "I approve."  Then I got an idea.  I closed my eyes, chanting quietly, and turned into a small fox. Before he could catch me, I ran behind Suta. She giggled like a preschooler watching her friends fight as I transformed back. He looked at me with an excited glint in his eyes.
"Change back to the fox!" I sat there for a second. "..Fine. But only if we can stay in your room until we need to get off."
"Sure, sure! Just hurry up!" he yelled excitedly, probably ignoring anything I was saying. I transformed back into the small fox I had only previously transformed out of, and let him pick me up. He ran his hand over my head me a couple times while carrying me to a booth, and sat down on one of the seats, talking to Suta and the other man.
I was about to get up and sit next to Suta when he started petting my back. Upon the foxes instinct, a minor fault about using shapeshifting magic, I acted the way a cat would and rolled around in his lap. My mind knew it seemed weird, but it was so comfy! After all, we were going to stay on the train anyways. Suta giggled at me, and I stuck my tongue out at her. Then the best thing happened. The blonde was petting my ears again! A foxes ears are the best place to pet! Suta began to laugh for the second time, and I noticed I was missing out on the conversation.
"She really loves her ears and tail pet, you know. The names Suta. Su for short. I'm Lucy's pet. Her actual name is Lucy Heartfilia, but she stopped using her full name a long time ago." She stated matter-of-factly to the black haired boy, as if replying to a question.
"Lucy? No way! This little thing? Rogue, she looks nothing like what she used to!" The man holding me yelled. Then I realized. Rogue. A blonde man and a black haired man, traveling together with two exceeds? Motion sickness?! This was Sting. Sting Eucliffe
The one from Sabertooth. I transformed back, running over to Suta.
"Su! Why'd you tell them who I was so in depth? that's dangerous!" I whispered to her.
"Aaaaaah, sorry! It slipped." Su apologized, though obviously just saying it to say it. I looked over at Sting.
"I was training. I found her along the way.  I'm stronger now, one it the top S-Classes there." I said confidently, basking in the glory for a few seconds. He looked at me in awe, and smiled.
"Wow! Not even the salamander himself is an S class yet! Some training you've been through!" 
"She's continuing it tomorrow, if you want to come along." Su offered, smiling as if that was totally okay.
"Suta! It's most likely lost magic! They can't come with!" I protested. Rogue suddenly took an interest.
"Lost magic?" He asked. I was taken aback, knowing I shouldn't have let that slip. How could I possibly respond to that?
"..Yes. we're stuck in a different dimension for a year and train with a mentor of whatever magic that dimension has to offer."
"Oh. Then we can't come." Sting replied, cutting off Rogue.
"We have the GMG's. Besides, It'll just bother Lucy." A small smile rose to my face, and I walked over to the boy, sticking my tail out.
"Thank you. Pet it all you want." I muttered. His face lit up like a neon sign, almost instantly placing me on his lap and messing with my tail. I spent the rest of the train ride conversating with the other two, and learned a lot more about Sabertooth. When the train alerted us of our stop, Suta and I began to leave. To our surprise, the twins were also getting off here. Su yelled in delight when we got off the train, probably spotting the Sushi restaurant already.
"You guys want to come? It's a sushi restaurant." I asked the two, walking towards the area Suta ran off to. Sting looked as if he wanted to, Rogue shook his head no, and sting waved goodbye in defeat.
"Bye Lucy!" he yelled over to me, a smile as big as the moon on his face. I felt something strange, but swallowed it and smiled back.
"um...Goodbye Sting! Rogue!" I yelled across to them, offering small wave in return. Stings smile widened, if that was even possible, and Rogue cracked a small smile as well. Turning back from them, I jogged lazily over to Suta, who was waiting VERY impatiently at the entrance doors to the restaurant. We stepped inside the Japanese themed room as the bell attached to the door rang out.
"We'll be right with you!" a voice rang out from the middle of the restaurant, yelling over countless other people enjoying their food.

After stuffing our bellies with raw fish and rice, we headed home on the last train. We walked to Levy's Apartment, enjoying the cold midnight air, and told her about how we had to leave. We had spent our day and a half, and we were going onto stage two. I told her how it would take one or two years, and to tell Makarov I'd be back. She watched quietly as I summoned King, (His new nickname, according to Suta) and wrote down notes of her own as he taught me how to summon stage two. Once again,  the minute I touched it, I passed out.
I woke up next to Su, surrounded by darkness. A girl even younger than Suta stepped out from the shadows. She had short midnight black hair, black ram horns curling around either temple and crimson red eyes. She looked almost as if she was a dark version of Aries, yet didn't have curled hair and had the body of a 13 year old.
"So, you're my master? Very well." the girl observed, pulling me through the darkness and towards an underground city lined with torches. I stepped out alongside her, And Suta stopped behind me. This one seems scarier than last.. but it'll be fun.. I just know it!

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