Chapter 1

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It's September, the hot and warm breeze of summer is gone, replaced with a cold wind and cloudy weather.

I sigh heavily at the sound my phone buzzing on the desk. I swear, If it's Leigh-Anne again, I'm going to yell at her.

Leigh is my best friend, we've been best friends since kindergarten and this is our last year of high school. You see, Leigh has been calling me non-stop, sometimes she gets way too nervous.

I sighed once again, standing up to take the phone.

"Pez! I need help! I don't know what to wear for tomorrow!" Leigh screamed.

I laughed, "Jeez, Lee, calm down, just wear a pair of jeans and one of your coloured t-shirts, I'm sure it's gonna be fine." I said, trying to calm her down.

"You're right Pez, thanks, by the way, are you excited for tomorrow? I heard there are going to be 2 new teachers!" I laughed at the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, I know, I can't wait to meet them, I just hope they're not boring." I really don't like boring teachers!

"Yup, same here, I'll go now Pez, goodnight and see you tomorrow!" I say goodnight back before hanging up.

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.


I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I sighed lazily and got up, heading to the bathroom. I took a short shower, brushing my teeth and then heading to the kitchen. My stomach rumbles and I notice I'm starving.

"Good morning, sweetie." my mom says, typing on her laptop.

"Hey mom, what are you doing?" I ask while pouring some milk in the bowl.

"Just a thing I need to finish for work." she smiles and I start eating my breakfast.

As I finish, I get changed into pale ripped jeans and a black sweater.

"Perrie, are you ready?" my mom yells from downstairs.

"Yes!" I yell back. I grab my bag, making my way downstairs and then out of the house.

"Have fun today, don't stress too much, it's gonna be fine." my mom says as she starts the car.

"Yeah, thanks mom."


As I get out of the car, Leigh throws herself on me and hugs me tight.

"Pez! I've missed you!" her screams fill my ears.

"Leigh, you've seen me just yesterday and we talked on the phone." I say giggling, Leigh shrugs.

"Come onn, I don't wanna be lateee!" she drags me to our first period, Art.

We sit down on the front row, "I can't wait to meet our new teacher! I hope she's hot." Leigh says wiggling her eyebrows.

I laugh, "Leigh you cheeky minx."

Students start filling the room as the bell rings, still no sign of the teacher. I hear Holly and Jordan, two of my classmates, talking behind me.

"Wow, first day and she's already late, what a great impression." Jordan says and Holly shrugs,

"Maybe there's traffic, who knows."

"Good morning everyone!" A young, short brunette enters the classroom, greeting us with a cheerfull tone.

My jaw drops, as everyone else's. She's gorgeous! I can't take my eyes off of her, her beautiful brown hair, blonde at the tips, flowing down her shoulders, her sparkling chocolate brown eyes, reflecting her enthusiasm, her heart-shaped lips and her beautiful tanned skin.

"Perrie!" I blink repeatedly and shake my head.

"S-sorry, what?" Leigh grins. "You were so checking the new teacher out."

I blush, "Shut up, Leigh." I look down to hide my blush.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jade, but you must call me Miss Thirlwall, I'll be your Art teacher for your last year here, and since this is my first lesson with you guys, feel free to ask me questions." Mrs Thirlwall says cheerfully, I giggle at her happy tone.

"How old are you?" a girl asks, Jade smiles.

"I'm 25." 7 years older, It's not much, I think....I shake my head.

No Perrie! This is wrong! She's your teacher! It's illegal...No matter how beautiful she is.

"Are you single?" One of the class' jerks asks, I scoff.

"Yes, I am." Jade giggles. I swear, her giggle is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

I stare at her, smiling, until she turns around, catching my gaze and smiling back. I blush, looking down at my desk.

I have a feeling this year is going to be interesting.


A/N: This is my first fanfiction. I hope you guys like it so far. And i would like to know what you think about it :) Sorry if my english is not the best but i'm not english aha :)xx

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