Chapter 10

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"Leigh, I called you to help me out, not eat all of my food." Leigh groans, her mouth full of nachos.

"Okay, okay, calm down, it's still 5 hours till your date with Jade, we'll find something." she says, rolling her eyes. I groan frustratedly,

"You don't understand, I want to look pretty for that date, for her." she smiles, "When do you ever not look pretty, Perrie?" I roll my eyes.

"Fine, pass me a nacho, casanova."


I look at my phone, 7:55 P.M. she'll be here soon.

"Pez, you look lovely." Leigh says, standing at the door. I blush, taking one last look at myself in the mirror.

"I'm nervous. She hasn't told me anything about where she's taking me and what if I say something stupid? What if I make a complete fool of myself?" Leigh rolls her eyes, sighing.

"Pez, there's nothing to worry about okay? I know you're ready for this...besides, you have to be, because she's here." I gasp, standing up and looking out of the window. She was there, hands in the pocket of her black leather jacket and feet shifting nervously. She looks so cute yet so hot at the same time.

"Okay, that's it. I'm ready." I convince myself, before heading to the door. The doorbell rings just as I'm in front of it.

"Hey P-wow" I open the door, revealing a smiling Jade, with the hottest outfit I've ever seen. Grey t-shirt with red lines, a black leather jacket, and tight black jeans.

"You look..." she pauses, taking a small breath, "" I blush furiously.

"I could say the same to you." she blushes and takes my hand, "ready to go?" I nod eagerly and she smiles. I see her getting closer to me, her lips only inches from mine's.

"Oh no, you only get to kiss me after the date." I tease, my pointer finger on her lips.

"Yeah, and why so?" she grins.

"Have you never seen one of those cliché movies? You know, where the boy takes the girl out on a date and they kiss outside the girl's house door." she laughs, kissing my cheek.

"You're such a dork, my dork though." I blush and nod, I'm hers.

"Let's go then."


"If you tell me where we're going, I'll shut up, please!" I beg, looking at a smirking Jade.

"Nice try Pez, but I'm still not telling you." I groan, leaning further into my seat. All I can see is trees, and darkness.

"You're not taking me somewhere in the woods to kill me, are you?" I ask and she laughs, shaking her head.

"No, don't worry, I don't kill before the third date." I gasp jokingly, looking around as I feel the car stopping.

"Here we are, m'lady." she hops out of the car and then comes over to my side, opening the door for me, "what a gentlewoman." she giggles, nodding.

"Where are we?" I see nothing but trees, no houses, no shops, no restaurants, nothing.

"You'll see." she takes my hand and we start walking, passing loads of trees.

"Okay now close your eyes." she turns around to look at me and I do as I'm told. "Okay now I'll guide you to the place, so be careful." I nod and we walk a little bit more, though it's very hard to walk with her body pressed against mine from behind and her hands covering my eyes.

"Okay, you can look now." she says, taking her hands off of my face. I look around and gasp, admiring the beautiful place. There are lanterns all over the trees, illuminating the place, a basket, and a blanket laying on the grass, and I notice an hammock not far from the blacket, tied up to two trees.

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