Chapter 4

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Jade wraps her arms around my waist, forcing me closer to her body. I shiver as our bodies make contact, I stare at her lips for a second, and then back at her eyes. She smirks. I see her leaning in so I do the same. Our lips are just about to touch-

"Miss Edwards?" Jade says waving her hand in front of me. I've been caught daydreaming again....

"I'm sorry.." Jade sighs, walking back to her desk, I can feel a pair of eyes burning holes into my skin so I look around and I spot Leigh watching me worriedly. I smile, almost apologetically. She smiles back, knowingly.

After 20 minutes, the bell rings, signaling the end of first period. I sigh, taking my bags and heading to the door. Just as I'm about to get out of the classroom, I feel a hand on my arm, pulling me back. I turn around, coming face to face with Miss Thirlwall.

"Perrie, can I talk to you please?" She says, taking her hand off of my arm. I nod, getting ready for the usual lecture. She closes the door, walking towards her desk, telling me to sit, so I take a seat on the first row.

"Perrie, I'm worried. Can you please tell me what's up? You've been zoning out during all of my lessons since the start of school, and it's been 1 month already. I've talked to other teachers about it, and they said that you don't zone out very often during their lessons. Is it something wrong with me? Do you find my lessons boring?" Miss Thirlwall says, eyes filled with concern. I shake my head, sighing.

"No, Jade, it's not your fault really. Honestly...I don't know what's up.." I lie, hoping she will let it go, even though I know she won't.

She stands up, walking towards my desk, taking a chair and sitting beside me.

"You know you can tell me everything right? I might not be your closest friend but you can trust me." How can I tell her? I mean, I can't just go like,

I keep zoning out during your lessons because I've got a crush on you!

That'd be awkward, and I honestly couldn't stand a rejection.

"It's just like....I like someone." I say, looking at her.

"Oh." She says, frowning at first but then smiling at me.

"Tell me about him." Shit, what am I going to do now?

"Well uh, that person is, kinda out of my league, but I really, really like them and I can't stop thinking about them. That's why I keep zoning out..." I say, well, this is kind of the truth though.

"I think you should tell him about it, maybe he feels the same way about you. You can never know."

"I'm sure they wouldn't want someone like me..." I mumble, hoping she didn't hear.

"Perrie, I'll stop you right there. You're really beautiful, like one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, you're very clever, and I can say this because I'm your teacher. You're a great friend, I mean, we talked about some things and you seem such a great friend and a bubbly person. I love y- that. I love that." She says. I blush furiously. I'm so falling for this woman...

"T-thanks Miss Thirlwall, that made me feel a lot better." I say truthfully. She smiles, shaking her head.

"I told you you can call me Jade when we're alone." For an unknown reason, the way she said we're alone, made me blush a little bit.

"Okay, Jade." I say, smiling. She giggles, staning up.

"You can go now. Your teacher is going to kill you for being so late." She says, pointing to the door.

I stand up, walking towards her.

"Thanks for making me feel better, Jade." I say, before kissing her cheek and walking out.

I can feel tingles on my lips!


I look at nothing particularly, I just stare at the air. I touch my cheek with my hand, smiling sleepishly.

I was kind of sad when she told me about her crush...But then, when she kissed me on the cheek I forgot how to breathe for a second. Everything was irrelevant.

When she mumbled something about why he would want someone like her, I felt something deep in my stomach, like I needed to explain to her that she was wrong, she's beautiful and someone wants her. And that's me. But that's irrelevant, she has a crush, and you're just her teacher...Yeah, just her teacher, remember that.


"...And then she said I was beautiful, and that she thinks I'm a great friend and a bubbly person. I really, really wanted to kiss her." I say excitedly, speaking to Leigh on the phone.

"Oh my god, Pez! That's beautiful..."

"Leigh?" I ask, hearing her uncertain tone.

"Perrie, you know I love you, but she's our teacher, It's illegal..." She says, with concern in her voice.

I sigh sadly, "I know, Leigh. It's just that...I can't keep away from her, I really can't."

"I know, Pez, I just don't want you to get hurt." Leigh says sighing, I smile, she's such a good friend.

"What should I do then?"

"I think you should accept Zayn's request, I mean, he's very hot and handsome, he looks like the right guy for you." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I don't know, Lee..."

"It's just one date! And if you really don't like him after that, then we'll think about something else." She says with a pleading tone.

"I'll think about it tonight, Ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight Pez."

"Night, Lee."

I hang up, throwing myself on the bed, my face on the pillow. I groan loudly, thinking about what Leigh said.

Maybe I should give it a go? I really couldn't stand Jade's rejection.

Maybe I will try....


It's short and shitty, I know, I'm sorry, I promise next will be longer. I wanted to tell you guys to check out my fan fiction 'Would you mind if I took your heart?' on tumblr. It's a jerrie knight and princess fan fiction and I've already written 3 chapters. :) x

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