Chapter 15

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"I'm going to fucking kill her!" Leigh said angrily. I shook my head quickly, wiping the tears that had made their way down my cheeks for probably the fourth time in an hour.

"Leigh, no, I don't want you getting involved in this," she sat next to me, wiping another tear off of my cheek.

"You're my best friend, Pez, I don't like seeing you upset, I would get involved in anything for you." she said, smiling slightly. I smiled back, weakly though.

"It's just..." I paused to sniff, looking down at my lap, "I love her, Leigh. And she said she loved me too but if she really loved me, she wouldn't have given up on me so easily, would've she?" I felt my eyes beginning to water again and Leigh sighed, taking my hand in hers.

"I think you should talk to her tomorrow, to clear things up. You'd feel better, I guess," I shook my head, drying my wet cheeks with the sleeves of my jumper.

"I don't want to see her right now." Leigh gave me a grow-a-pair look.

"Well you can't avoid her forever though, she's still our art teacher and she will be for the rest of the year. You better talk to her on monday or I'll drag you to her classroom." Leigh said as she passed me a pack of tissues. I nodded, getting lost in my sweet memories with Jade once again.


I laughed as Jade fell of the swing, landing right on her bum. She stood up, massaging her bum and pouting slightly, while I was still laughing.

"Do you find this funny?" Jade asked as she took some steps towards me.

"No, I find it hilarious," I watched Jade's face amused.

"Well, you wanna know what's even funnier?" she asked, tapping her chin with her finger in fake thought.

"What?" she grinned, getting closer to me.

"That you won't be getting any kisses for the rest of the day, as a punishment for laughing at me," she said, pocking my cheek playfully. I pouted, fighting back a smile at her childish side showing.

"Noo Jade please, I take it back, It wasn't funny, I love you please kiss me!" I said in a baby voice, wrapping my arms around her waist. She rolled her eyes, giggling. Eventually, we both leaned in, our lips meeting softly in the middle. I smiled into the kiss, tightening my grip around her waist.

"You can't resist my lips for more than 5 minutes," I teased when we pulled away, and she gasped.

"Wanna bet, Edwards?" her face soon turned into a smirk, causing me to laugh.


The bell rang, signaling the end of school. All the students sighed in relief, packing their things and exciting the school, happily chatting with their friends or texting on their phones. Meanwhile, I was heading right to the opposite way, to the second floor, to Jade's classroom. I inhaled deeply, rubbing my sweaty palms against the material of my tight blue jeans. It's been almost a week since me and Jade broke up and I'm about to confront her about it.

I knocked softly on the door, and when I didn't get a response, I decided to get in anyway. There she was, sitting on her desk, with her head in her hands, resting her arms on the desk. Her hands were gripping her hair, and she was shaking slightly.

"Jade?" I asked hesitantly, closing the door behind me. She looked up, showing her puffy and red eyes and her beautiful, brown orbs that had now turned into a dull colour, showing no emotion whatsoever.

"Perrie?" she whispered, looking at me like I was an allucination.

"Are you okay?" she shook her head, a little tear making its way out of her eye and down her cheek.

"My m-mom got into a c-car accident," she said between hiccups. I gasped, "Oh, Jade" I immediately rushed to her side, hugging her tightly. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around my neck. She was shaking and my t-shirt was soaking wet but I didn't care.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" she nodded weakly, looking down.

"The hospital called me during my last hour, telling me that my mom has gotten into a car accident this morning and her conditions are really bad, they don't know if she'll make it," she said, tightening her grip around me; the sound of her cries made my stomach churn badly.

I hugged her again, nuzzling my head into her brown locks, "Don't worry Jade, she'll be fine, it'll be okay. Don't worry." I rocked her back and forth slightly, patting her back. I was never good at comforting people, but when it comes to Jade, making her feel better is my first thought.

"Please, stay with me." she whispered, sniffling.

"I'm here, Jade, I'm here with you."


This is awfully short, I'm deeply sorry. Though it's just a filler chapter so don't worry, next will be longer. sad things are happening lately right? Damn I feel such a bitch now haha lol hope you enjoyed this and that you are enjoying my story :) x

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