Chapter 12

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"I'm not doing this!"

I said for the fifth time, as I studied myself carefully in front of the mirror. Leigh had taken me to one of these little costume shops in town and we literally spent 2 hours and half choosing the right costume. I had seen a wonderful hippie costume but of course Leigh had to ruin my idea with a black tight catwoman costume.

"Perrie you look fucking great, plus I'm sure you'll stop complaining once Jade will be all over you at the party," I huffed, fixing the jacket a little bit so I could actually be able to breathe.

"You don't seem to understand that it's a school party, which means half of the school's students and teachers, and maybe even the principal, will be there, so no, Jade won't be able to be all over me, even if she wanted to." I looked at myself on the mirror for the last time, before turning around and glaring at Leigh.

"But this will be even funnier Perrie! don't you understand? she will be all hot and bothered, she will literally devour you with her eyes but she won't be able to touch." Leigh smirked, pulling the zip of the jacket down a bit, so it showed the top of my black bra. I slapped her hand away, rolling my eyes.

"What about you though? aren't you gonna wear something to impress Jesy as well?" I smirked at her and she smirked back. Oh this girl is evil, poor Jesy.

"Of course I do, I'll show you now."


"Mom! are you serious?" I laughed sarcastically, my eyes wide at the object my mom was holding.

"why not Jadey? you wanted to impress Perrie, didn't you? that's perfect." she smirked slightly, making me blush furiously.

"Yeah but..." I huffed, my hands resting on my waist and my foot shifting awkwardly.

"No buts Jadey, now go and try it on." she handed me the plastic bag with the costume, sitting at the edge of my bed and clapping her hands eagerly. I rolled my eyes, heading to the bathroom to do what I was told. Why do teachers have to dress up? Isn't it supposed to be a party for students only? goddamn principal and his crazy ideas.

"Jade! You look gorgeous!" my mom said as I got out of the bathroom. I took a look at myself in the mirror and I have to admit, I look quite good. The top is really tight and my boobs look big, I think. The skirt is short but not too short to look slutty so it's ok, and the heels are actually comfortable, thank God.

"Wait! there's still something." my mom said as she took another plastic bag out of her purse, smaller than the first one though.

"here, I'll put it on your head, don't move." I didn't move as she put the crown, If you can call it that, on my head, well, half on my forehead and half on my head, but still.

"Now it's perfect." she smiled at me and I smiled back, holding the material of the mantle tightly,

"You're a perfect wonder woman now."


"Are you ready?" Leigh asked as she noticed me nervously biting the inside of my cheek. I nodded, a bit hesitant.

"Yeah, I am." Leigh smiled at me and took my hand, opening the door of the gym. The first thing I noticed as we stepped in, were the orange lanterns all around the room, and the black plastic bats, then I noticed the cobwebs at every corner of the room and a big table with snacks and drinks.

"Hey Lee!" Jesy said as she kissed her girlfriend, yeah, they are girlfriends now. As Jesy and Leigh pulled away, I took a better look at Jesy, she was wearing an all black outfit, with a black lipstick and her face was covered in white make up, that made her look really pale, almost dead. Her hair was thrown in a messy bun, she looked quite cool actually.

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