Chapter 8

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I'm here, oh god. Should I do it? Should I knock? What if it's too early? It's still 10 minutes to six. Should I wait? No goddamn Perrie knock at the fucking door!

I knock at the door quietly, nervously biting my lip. Almost immediately, the beautiful brunette appears in front of me, wearing an over-sized jumper and jeans.

"Hey Perrie! Come in." she opens the door further as a sign for me to come in. I smile, getting in and admiring the place. Wow. It's big. And it looks quite lovely.

"Wow, it's big and quite lovely." I voice my thoughts, admiring the house from the light purple walls to the sofàs and the TV screen.

"Thanks. Do you want to drink something? tea, coffee, water?"

"Um, no thanks, I'm good." she nods and I smile, my gaze briefly falling to her lips before quickly going back at her caramel colured eyes.

"Don't stand there looking all awkward, you can sit if you want." she giggles quietly and I sit on one of the sofàs, with her following me behind.

"So, about today..." she looks at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to continue her sentence.

"I liked what happened today, Jade." she grins at my words, releasing a sigh.

"Thank god, I thought you regretted it. I liked it too." we both smile sleepishly looking at each other, and I once again find myself getting lost in her intense brown orbs.

"But, do you think it would work? I mean, you're not 18 yet and you're my student so It's illegal, I don't want you to have to hide and sneack around for me, you could easily find someone else and have a normal relat-" I cut her off, placing my lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss, her hand softly caressing my cheek.

We pull away, our foreheads resting against each other's,

"I don't want to be in a relationship if it's not with you." her smile widens, which causes her teeth to show and her dimples to pop out. I smile adoringly at her, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Though are you sure you want to do this? I mean, sneaking out and hiding...We can't go out, I'd risk my job and you'd risk your education.." I nod, caressing her cheek with my hand in a reassuring way.

"Yes, Jade. I want to be with you, and I don't care if we have to sneak out or hide, I really like you." she smiles and nods, pressing a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. Forget about butterflies! I feel a whole zoo there!

"So, Perrie...D-do you want to be my girlfriend?" she says, taking my hand. I smile widely, throwing my arms around her neck.

"Of course I do, Miss Thirlwall." she laughs, wrapping her arms around my waist, looking straight into my eyes. We both lean in and our lips meet in a sweet kiss, my hands now cupping her cheeks.

She pulls away and laughs as my stomach rumbles. "Someone's hungry?"

I pout and cross my arms over my chest, "are you laughing at me?" she laughs harder, squeezing my cheeks and I smirk, leaning over her ear, leaving a soft skiss on her earlobe.

"No one laughs at Perrie Edwards." she shivers, closing her eyes and tightening her grip on my waist. I smile proudly at the effect I have on her. Please tell me this is not a dream and this brunette goddess is actually my girlfriend.


"Oh my god, are you serious?" Jade laughs hysterically, with her mouth full of pizza.

"Ow Jade please, eating with your mouth full is not classy." she rolls her eyes and kisses my cheek, leaving a bit of tomato sauce on it.

"Jade!" she laughs, sticking her tongue out at me. I swear she's not the oldest one here. I take a napkin and wipe the sauce off of my cheek, glaring jokingly at her.

"Peeez, I'm cold." she pouts, whining like a little child. I stand up from my position, sitting on her lap, my face only centimetres away from hers.

"Happy now?" she nods, brushing my nose with hers in an adorable way that makes my heart flutter.

"Can we watch a disney movie? Please." she pouts and looks at me with teary eyes,

"Jeez Jade no need to get all pouty, I would've said yes anyway." I laugh, standing up and taking Aladdin, her favorite movie, putting it in.

"Yay! You know me so well, Pez."

"Mm, I think now that you call me Pez I'll have to think about a nickname for you." I rub my chin with my hand as in deep thought, getting a little laugh out of Jade.

"Jadey! That will be your nickname, Jadey." I smile proudly, taking another slice of pizza from the box.

"I like it. I like you." she kisses my cheek, causing it to almost immediately turn red.

"Aw you're so cute when you blush." she cooes, pocking my cheek. I slap her finger away.

"Shut up." I pout.

"Ohh, sh, the film is starting." I roll my eyes at her jokingly, focusing on the film.


"I should go home now Jadey, it's already 10 PM I should've been home for dinner." she pouts a bit but nods, taking the car keys and her phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"duh, driving you home?" she laughs and I shake my head.

"Oh no Jade don't worry, I can walk."

"What? Are you crazy Pez? It's late and I don't like the idea of you walking alone in the dark, please, let me take you home." she pleads and I sigh, shaking my head.

"Fine, you're such a gentlewoman." she laughs and nods, opening the front door.

The car drive is silent, but it's not awkward, it's actually a comfortable silence.

"We're here Pez." she looks sadly at me, I don't want to leave her now.

"I don't want to leave you." I pout, hugging her tight, feeling her arms around my waist. I feel so safe in her arms, I could stay like this forever.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay Pez? Have sweet dreams, oh, dream of me." I giggle, nodding my head. "I surely will." I wink.

As I'm about to walk out she grabs my wrist, sparks invading my body from the touch.

"Hey, where's my goodnight kiss?"

"Mm, I don't know if you deserve it...I still got tomato sauce on my clothes from your earlier joke." I pretend to think about it and she pouts adorably.

"Noo Pewwie pwease." I kiss her softly, my hands cupping her cheeks. I tilt my head to the side to find a better angle on her lips, but before things can get heated I pull away, grinning slightly.

"Peeez." she whines and I laugh, "goodnight Jadey." I kiss her cheek and get out of her car, heading home.

I close the door behind me, leaning on it. I touch my lips with my hand,



Soo it's 2 AM and this is shitty but meh I can't sleep :( please leave your feedbacks! Oh and thanks for 1K readers! I love y'all <3

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