Chapter 17

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I splashed cold water on my face, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"You can do it, Perrie. I know you can," I repeated once again to myself, in a reassuring way. Even though Leigh had been reassuring me for the whole afternoon, it wasn't enough for me. I have a whole speech prepared for tomorrow night. I'm going to take Jade out and then tell her I want her back in my life. Jonnie kept telling me it would work, but I still doubt about it. I really want Jade back, I want to be her girlfriend again and I want to feel her soft lips on mine's.

" Jade, do you want to get back with me? No, this sounds bad, um, Jade, do you want to be my girlfriend again? No! that's even worse," I corrected myself for the tenth time, talking to the mirror like it was actually Jade.

"Jade, do you want to be mine again? Yes, that sounds better." I nodded to myself, nervously walking around the bathroom. If the plan doesn't work, I don't know what I'm going to do. I love Jade, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me and losing her was the last thing I wanted.

"Perrie! Leigh is here," my brother screamed from the corridor, knocking at my door. I took a last look at myself before walking downstairs.

"Pez!" Leigh face was red, hands shaking and a big smile evident on her face.

"Leigh?" her name came out more as a question, reflecting the fact that I was confused by her actions.

"I did it. I did it with Jesy!" Leigh scream-whispered once my brother was gone. My eyes widened, and in less than a minute, me and Leigh were jumping around my room, screaming like mad women.

"Tell me, how did it happen? Was it good? did it hurt?" Leigh blushed, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling.

"Oh was... oh my... her parents are away for a week because of a work trip, so she cooked me a romantic dinner and then we did it. I can't believe it, it was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better first time," I clapped my hands happily. Leigh rarely blushes. Oh boy, she must be really in love.

"I'm so happy for you! Oh my god. I wasn't expecting it at all," we both laughed, laying down on my bed.

"So.. what about Jade?" Leigh asked, looking at me. Her eyes were filled with both pity and- anger?

"I'm going to try to get her back tomorrow. I hope it works, but in case it doesn't, I'll come at yours and we'll devour every flavour of ice cream existent while watching sad romantic films and crying our eyes out." We both laughed loudly, Leigh nodding istantly. That's what I loved about Leigh, she's the best friend you could ever ask for, she may seem all badass and cold outside, but inside, she's such a softie and a sweetheart.


I looked up from my desk, frowning when I didn't see Jade's beautiful face. Instead, my gaze met the face of an old, strange lady.

"Good morning class, I'm Miss Hudson and I'll be your art teacher for, I don't know how much time actually, until Miss Thirlwall comes back," she explained, throwing her bag on the floor lazily.

"What happened to Miss Thirlwall?" one of my class mates, I believe it's Anna, asked. Miss Hudson sighed, looking rather annoyed at the question, or better, looking rather annoyed at the whole class.

"I don't know, and I don't care. The only thing I know is that I'll be teaching you art from now on; now open your books at page 45." I scoffed, how does she dare talk like this about another teacher? even more, Jade. My Jade.

I opened my book, thinking about what happened the last week. Our break up, the car accident, the hospital. Maybe she just needed to spend some time with her mother. Yeah, that's it, don't stress to much, Perrie; focus on your plan!




"Box of chocolates?"


"The picture?"


"Ok Perrie. You've got everything. You're more than ready for this, so go to Jade's, get her back and fuck her for god's sake." I fake gasped at Leigh, hitting her with my free hand.

"I don't plan on getting laid tonight, Pinnock. It's not Lesy we're talking about," I smirked, remembering yesterday and how she came at mine's all red and shaking.

"Yeah, It's Jerrie. Oh my god! I just made up your and Jade's name, Jerrie. I'm gonna call you that from now on," I giggled, shaking my head at Leigh's behaviour.

"Shut up, Leigh, I don't even know if it's gonna work. I mean, what if she doesn't love me anymore and she rejects me? I'll be a mess then." I started panicking once again, thinking about the worse scenarios.

"Listen, Perrie, since Jade started teaching in our school, there hasn't been one time, one, where I looked up from my desk and Jade wasn't staring at you. You two are completely love drunk for each other, and I bet Jade regretted breaking up with you. Now stop panicking and go get your woman back, Louise. I believe you can do it."


I got out of the door, inhaling deeply, and looking at the outside of Jade's flat. I tightened the grip around the box of chocolate, hoping it wouldn't get ruined by the time I got there. I took the elevator and pressed the button to the fourth floor, checking my reflection on the little and dirty mirror of the small, metallic room. I've always hated elevators, but I'm kind of used to this one because I was at Jade's house literally everyday.

The elevator came to its stop, the doors opening in front of me. I breathed in once again, trying to calm my nerves. It's gonna be okay, you'll get her back. I pressed the doorbell beside Jade's door, and what I wasn't expecting to see was Norma.

"Oh hi Perrie, what are you doing here?" Norma looked rather surprised, but mostly happy to see me. She eyed my presents, her smile fading.

"I'm here to see Jade, is she home?" I asked nervously, but with a smile plastered on my face.

"Um, Perrie, love, come inside please," I got in, looking around the little flat. Just now I realized how much I missed it. The sofa where me and Jade would always cuddle and watch films together, stealing kisses from each other here and there; and Jade's room, where I would rarely sleep in, telling my mother that I was sleeping at either Jesy or Leigh's.

"Sit Perrie, make yourself comfortable. Do you want a cup of tea?" Norma asked politely, to which I shook my head.

"No thanks, I just wanted to see Jade. Can you tell me where she is? I have something really important to tell her," I smiled slightly, my nerves calming a little bit at the memories of Jade's flat.

"Perrie," Norma paused briefly, taking a deep breath, "Jade's not here anymore." I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't they tell you at school?" She tilted her head, and I shook my head.

"Perrie, she decided to get away from here for a little bit, to clear things up in her mind. She said she didn't know how much she would stay there but I know that she needs time to think about things." I dropped the flowers and the other gifts at Norma's words, the picture shattering on the floor, just like my heart.

"W-what? w-where did she go?" Norma sighed, looking down momentarily before looking back at me, her eyes fulled of pity.

"New York."


Thought I'd add a bit of Lesy action on this chapter. Soo, Jade moved! Veeery far. In the last chapter, where Jade said she needed to get away, what did you think it would mean? eheh. I feel evil now but don't worry, there's many more to come ;)

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