Chapter 11

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I opened the door of my brother's room quietly, taking a look at him. He was laying on the bed, playing games on his phone. I took some steps, walking slowly towards his bed.

"Who was that?" His gaze still fixed on the phone as he spoke. I sighed heavily; now or never, Perrie.

"She's my girlfriend, her name's Jade and she took me on our first date today." His eyes left the phone to look at me.

"So.. you're gay?" His question came out more as a statement but I decided to answer anyway. "I don't know about my sexuality, honestly, I didn't even think about that. I just like Jade, a lot." I answered truthfully and smiled at the thought of mine and Jade's relationship.

"Okay then, I have no problem with you being gay sis. But tell me something about that Jade girl." My smile slowly faded , happiness being replaced by fear. Fuck, how do I tell him that she's older than me and she's my teacher?

"Well, um... s-she's my art teacher and u-um she's 25." His eyes widened, his mouth opening slightly.

"She's what?" He yelled, and I'm pretty sure the neighbours heard it too. I winced, covering his mouth with my hand.

"Shut up Jonnie! Do you want the whole town to hear you?" He slapped my hand away from his mouth, gasping.

"Are you fucking serious Perrie? My sister comes home saying she's gay and dating a 25 year old, and to top it all, that woman is her art teacher! How hilarious!" He threw his hands in the air, laughing sarcastically. I awkwardly made my way towards his bed, sitting next to him.

"Listen, Jonnie, I know that's very surprising for you, that I'm gay and I'm dating Jade. I know what you're thinking right now, that she's some weirdo or pedophile that tries her way with younger students, but it's not like that! She has never dated a student before, believe me when I say it took us more than 1 month to confess our feelings because we were scared of what people would think. But eventually we did and I couldn't be happier now, Jade is the sweetest, and most beautiful woman ever, she treats me like a princess, no, a queen, and I couldn't imagine being without her. So I hope you understand me, and accept my relationship with her, and maybe you could get to meet her and talk to her someday." I let it all out, making probably the best rant I've ever made and I watched as his expression changed, softening.

"Okay, Perrie. You can be with her. But I swear to god, if she does something to you I will end her, and I want to meet her as soon as possible!" I let out a relieved sigh and hugged him tightly, squashing my face on his chest.

"Thank you Jonnie! You're the best!" He laughed, hugging me back.

"I know I am."


She looked at me intently, like studying my face, and I blushed immediately under her scruting gaze.

"You're so beautiful" she whispered, making the faint blush on my cheeks more visible.

"Says you" she shook her head, adjusting her position on the sofa, turning so half of her is leaning on it.

"You're so beautiful, like, the kind of beautiful that gets everyone mesmerized. You're so beautiful both inside and outside, you're a literal ray of sunshine and I couldn never thank god enough for sending me his most precious angel." I blinked, not knowing what to say. Her words had taken me by surprise. She sounded

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt something wet on my cheek. I'm crying!

"Don't cry" She hugged me, caressing my back with her hands. I pulled away from her embrace, our faces only inches away. I brushed my nose against her's softly, getting the cutest giggle out of her.

"I'm crying because you're so perfect, God. I don't know how I got so lucky, you're so beautiful and amazing, and you're just so...flawless." her cheeks went red and I tilted my head to the side, bumping my nose with hers briefly before connecting our lips in a sweet, soft kiss.

"I love you Perrie" she said after we had pulled away and I smiled, because my girlfriend, the most beautiful woman in the world loved me, and I loved her too.

"I love you too Jade" we both smiled and leaned in for another kiss, one of many others to come.


I picked my art book from my locker, before closing it. As I was making my way towards the classroom, I heard my name being called.

"Perrie, Perrie! Wait!" I turned around, giggling quietly as I saw Zayn running towards me, struggling with his heavy bag.

"Hey, Zayn." He dropped the bag on the floor, smiling at me and trying to regain his breath.

"I wanted to talk you about, you know, us. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out again." His brown eyes looked at me hopefully, they look so much like Jade's but Jade's are bigger and way prettier.

"Listen, Zayn..I liked the date, I did. But I don't think you're my type, and I'm definitely not your type, I don't think it would work out, I'm sorry." I shot him an apologetic smile, hoping he wouldn't get too mad at this.

"Why don't we give it a chance though? You never know if you don't try."

"I know Zayn, I do. I'm sorry, I have to go now or else I'll be late for art, sorry." I hugged him before making my way towards the art classroom, leaving a probably confused Zayn behind.


"Stop staring at her! It's getting creepy." Leigh whispered, hitting my arm with a pen. I gasped quietly, rubbing my arm.

"She's way too beautiful." I said dreamily, my eyes focusing on her pink lips once again. I could feel Leigh rolling her eyes beside me.

"So, changing topic, what are you wearing for the Halloween school party?" Leigh asked, while trying to draw a flower on a spare white space of her art book.

"I have no idea." I shrugged, my eyes still focused on the brunette beauty, who was busy correcting some tests and sipping a coffee.

"Perrie! The party is Friday! Literally everyone will be there, even teachers, so this means you'll have to impress Jade." she wiggled her eyebrows and I frowned at her, knowing that she had a plan already.

"You should dress of something like catwoman, Jade would be drooling for you." my eyes widened and I quickly shook my head,

"I'm not doing this!"


I have a feeling that writing the next chapter will be funny eheh :')x It's short and probably full of mistakes but it's 2 am so sue me. Remember to leave your feedbacks, Love you x

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