Chapter 7

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"So did you take her offer?" Leigh asks, throwing herself on my bed, as usual.

"No, I walked home. I think it's best for both of us if we stay away from each other, or at least it's the best for me. I think I'm going to say yes to Zayn..."

"Yay! Perrie! I'm proud of you." Leigh squeals, hugging me, and I smile.

"Soo, enough about my love life, what about you?" I position myself better on the bed, getting comfortable.

"Erm, Perrie..." Leigh starts playing with her fingers and I frown.

"What's up Leigh? You can tell me everything, you know right?" She nods, smiling weakly.

"I think..." she pauses, sighing and looking up at me, "I think I might like...Jesy.." she looks down again, almost ashamed.

I squeal, clapping my hands excitedly.

"Leigh! That's beautiful! did you tell her?" I scream, jumping up and down like a child opening his christmas presents.

"Sssh, no, Pez. Are you crazy? She's straight! she would never feel the same?" I gasp.

"Leigh-Anne Pinnock, please. You're beautiful, you have the hottest body and prettiest face, you could turn anyone gay." I scoff, glaring at her. She giggles, shaking her head.

"It's different with Jesy..She has always been one of my best friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship with a stupid love confession." she says truthfully.

"Well, I have an idea. Maybe I could ask her? I mean, I wouldn't go like 'do you like Leigh' because she would get suspicious, but maybe I could give her some hints about your crush or ask her how she sees you?" she smiles widely and hugs me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Thanks Pez! You're the best." She squeals.

"Yeah I know. But enough love now I can't breathe." She lets go of me and laughs.

"Movie marathon?" I ask grinning, she grins back.

"Of course, Miss Edwards." she says in a posh accent and I laugh, shaking my head.


"Good morning, class." Jade drops her bag in the classroom and looks down at the papers on her desk, avoiding everyone's looks. I frown, where is that oh-so-secretive smile she sends me everytime she enters the classroom?

"I'm sorry, I've been feeling bad lately and I have no motivation to teach today, so you can do whatever you want, chat, paint, whatever, as long as it's not dangerous." she looks down once again, putting her head in her hands. I frown sadly, what's up with her?

I spend the whole period talking with Leigh and Jesy, often looking up at Jade to see if she's ok. She keeps looking down at the desk, avoiding everyone's gazes. Her mood seems to affect mine because since she showed up in class I feel really sad, and upset as well because she hasn't looked at me even once.


The bell rings, signaling the end of the first period, and everyone stands up, heading for the door. As everyone's out, I stand up, shutting the door and then walking to Jade's desk. She notices me but looks down at her bag, searching for something.


"It's Miss Thirlwall." She says coldly.

"But I thought you said-"

"Forget what I said, It's Miss Thirlwall to you as everyone else." She cuts me off again with a stern tone. I bite my lip, looking directly at her.

"Have I done something wrong?" My voice is low, quiet, almost inaudible. I see her features softening a little bit.

"No. You haven't done anything wrong." She says, but her eyes say something else.

"C'mon, Ja- Miss Thirlwall, please." I beg, wanting to know why she looks so sad.

She sighs, walking towards the front of her desk and standing right in front of me, her body really close to mine's.

"Why didn't you show up yesterday?" She asks, her tone not cold, just upset.

I sigh, suddendly feeling bad.

"Uh, um, I-I couldn't." I lie, though I know she will ask me further.

"And why not?" she asks, her voice cracking and I feel my heart break.

"I-I had to walk home with Jesy, I d-didn't want her to walk home alone." She scoffs, nodding.

"Yeah, right. Whatever." She rolls her eyes and I frown.

"Why is it so important to you anyway?" I ask, my tone clearly annoyed. She shakes her head.

"It's not important."

"Then why are you asking? And why are you acting so cold towards me? I have done nothing wrong to you so?" I raise my voice, anger taking over me.

"I don't fucking know why it's so important, I don't fucking know why you're so important to me." she says, throwing her hands up frustratedly. I blush, am I important to her?

"What do you mean?" She sighs, looking at me and shrugging.

"I don't know..."

"Jade, Please, I deserve to know why you're acting so cold t-"

She interrupts me before I can finish my sentence, kissing me. Her lips on mine's feel so good. The kiss is soft and sweet, and I can taste the coffee she probably drank earlier. I feel the all too familiar electric feeling taking over my body, making the kiss even better. I feel her hands around my waist, getting our bodies closer, so I put my hands around her neck and she smiles into the kiss.

She pulls away a little bit, to take a breath and then reconnects our lips again, softly tilting her head to get a better angle of my lips.

I feel... euphoric, I feel pure bliss. I feel like I'm on cloud nine, it's actually hard to explain. We pull away, our foreheads still touching and my mouth drops open, realizing what just happened, I just kissed my teacher, and holy fuck it felt good, no, perfect.

"Perrie, I..." I interrupt her sentence, kissing her again, tightening my grip around her neck, our chests touching. She gasped at my action and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth, getting a low moan out of her. We kept kissing a bit more, our noses brushing together searching for a better angle on each other's lips and tongues brushing against each other's. Eventually we pulled away, smiling slightly. Jade opened her eyes, revealing her breath taking brown orbs, now sparkling with happiness. I smiled.


"Yeah, Wow.." We were both speechless after out rather heated make out...

"D-do you want to come at mine's today? I really want to talk" she says scratching the back of her neck awkwardly, and I smile, pecking her lips gently, "Sure."

She smiles widely, kissing my cheek, causing it to turn red.

"See you at...six? maybe? You can give me your number so I'll text you my address." she hands me her phone and I quickly type my name and number on it.

"See you at six then, Miss Thirlwall." I wink, causing her to giggle and blush slightly.

"See you at six, Perrie." she smiles sleepishly and I smile back, walking out of the door.


The smile never leaves my lips as I lay my bag on my desk and throw myself on the bed, thinking about the kiss over and over again.

I can't wait to see her again today...


Yayyy they kissed!! So I would like to know what you think of the story so far and if i should keep it going, also if you have any ideas feel free to suggest i don't bite lol :) x

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