Chapter 14

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Last month has been the best month of my life, honestly. I got to spend my days with Jade, even though it's a bit hard to pretend we're only teacher and student in class, we managed not to make out in class yet so that's good, I guess. Everyday, when school ends I go straight to Jade's class and we go to hers, watching movies and eating pizza. My parents still don't know about it, Jonnie keeps asking me to tell them but I don't think I'm ready yet.

"Jade? do you need help?" I asked Jade from the living room, as I know she isn't the best when it comes to cooking.

"No, don't worry, I've got it." I laughed quietly to myself, I knew she was lying. She always tries to impress me but I guess she should use something else rather than her cooking skills.

"I'm coming anyway,"

"That looks good Jadey." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder, with my front pressed against her back.

"Thanks Pez, I told you I didn't need help." She turned her head around quickly and kissed my cheek, before going back to cooking.

"Well, I thought you were lying, considering you're not the best at cooking..." I teased, eager to find out what her reaction would be.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" She turned around, slapping my hands away from her waist. I laughed, and she pouted like a 5 year old child. Suddendly, her pout changed into a grin, oh my... this can't be good.

"Jade!" I screamed as she started tickling me. I tried to step back, away from her but after many attempts my back hit the door, as Jade continued tickling me.

"Say you love my cooking skills." Jade smirked and I shook my head quickly. I laughed harder when she started tickling my neck as well, which was my weak point.

"Say it!"

"Okay! Okay! I love your cooking skills, you're the best. Now p-please stop!" I begged and she laughed, wrapping her hands around my waist firmly and pecking my nose, "glad you realized it."

I grinned, "Never."


Everything was silent, the only noise that could be heard in the house was my breathing. I had been studying for a math test for 2 hours now, while Jade was taking a nap upstairs. I sighed, tying my hair in a bun so It wouldn't go on my face while I read, or at least I try.

"Pez?" I turned around, smiling at the beautiful view I had in front of me. Jade was standing in front of the kitchen's door, with messy hair and her cute pink pj's, rubbing her eyes adorably.

"Yeah?" I asked, putting the pen down, noticing how much my hand actually hurt from writing too much.

"What are you doing?" She frowned, walking towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her somehow; my cheek pressing against her stomach.

"Studying for a test tomorrow, a math test. If I fail, my mom is probably going to kill me," I laughed quietly, enjoying the softness of Jade's clothes.

"But Pez, can't you study later? I want some cuddles!" She said in a raspy, half-asleep voice. I giggled slightly, I don't think she realizes what she's actually saying. If she was fully awake, she would leave me alone to study, or maybe even help me; she must be very tired to ask me something like that.

"Oh Jadey, I have to read one more page and then I'll come upstairs to cuddle with you, ok?" I asked, looking up at her now pouty face. She nodded sadly, and I smiled at how adorable she looked.

"Pinky promise?" she held her pinky up, grinning sleepishly. I couldn't help but stare at her, she literally just woke up from a nap and she looks like a model. She's so perfect.

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