Chapter 5

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"Really?" Zayn asks with a big smile on his face, his eyes twinkling with happiness and I have to admit, he looks pretty cute.

"Yeah." I smile back, his smile being too contagious not to.

"Well then, I'll pick you up at 8 on Friday okay?" I nod and he smiles, we say our goodbyes and head to our different periods.

As I step in Miss Thirlwall's classroom, my gaze, almost istantly, meets hers.

"Good morning Per- Miss Edwards." She says, blushing after correcting herself. I smile, finding her adorable.

"Good morning, Miss Thirlwall." I make my way to my seat and spot Leigh watching me curiously.

"So? What did Zayn say?" She asks and I'm not surprised, she's very nosy, especially about my love life.

"Well, we're going out on Friday at 8." I manage a smile and she squeals, catching the attention of a few girls.

"Wait what? You have a date with Zayn? As in, Zayn Malik?" one of the girls asks and I'm confused.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Are you kidding me? He's like one of the hottest and most popular boys in the whole school, of course I know him." She says as if my question was the dumbest question ever.

"Oh. Okay." I nod, looking back at Leigh, and she's smirking at me.

"What?" I spat annoyed.

"You managed to pull the hottest and most popular guy of the whole school, Edwards you're one lucky bitch." She says half-laughing. I shake my head, glaring jokingly at her.

"Whatever you say, Pinnock."


"You have a date with Zayn? As in, Zayn Malik?" I hear one of my students, Chloe, squeal and I look up, noticing she's talking to Perrie.

"Yeah, you know him?" Perrie asks. I freeze.

She has a date with Zayn? I thought she didn't like him?

I feel my whole body tense up and my jaw clenches. Anger, this is what I feel right now. I close my eyes, mentally trying to calm myself down as the bell rings.

"Okay guys, today, you're gonna have to make a painting of your favorite object, person or place, and write your 'motto' under it. It's a way for you to be more creative and a way for me to get to know you all." I say, noticing how Perrie's eyes seemed to sparkle with happiness after my statement. I smile to myself, her eyes are so beautiful.

"Do you have any questions?" I ask, my eyes gazing at my few students. I see Tyler's hand raised so I point at him.

"Yeah, Tyler?"

"Um, can I draw a family member?"

"Of course, Tyler, you can draw either an object a person or a place. The person can be a family member, a friend, boyfriend, a girlfriend, a teacher, whoever you want." I smile as he nods understandingly.

"Ok, get to work now kids."


1 Hour later, all the paintings are on my desk and the bell rings, signaling the end of first period.

"See you tomorrow, Miss Thirlwall." a melodic voice says beside me. I smile recognizing Perrie.

"See you soon, Perrie."


I analyze my student's paintings while sipping a cup of coffee, sitting on my sofa. All the paintings I've seen so far are very beautiful, especially the ones of places. I'm very proud of my students' skills, actually I couldn't ask for better students.

I gasp at a certain drawing, putting the coffee on the table in front of the sofa. The drawing consists on two eyes, one brown, and one blue, and they're both wonderfully made. I istantly look at the signature, 'Perrie Edwards.'

I notice her handwriting under the drawing,

"You don't choose who you fall in love with."

I frown, that's deep, but short. I was expecting something longer? I take a better look at the eyes, maybe the brown eye is Zayn's? I cringe at the name, the thought of Zayn and Perrie on a date, holding hands, laughing, makes my blood boil.

Though, these eyebrows are too thin and feminine to be Zayn's. Maybe they're Leigh-Anne's? But no, Leigh's eyes are not that brown, they are more dark green...

I frown once again, studying Perrie's painting. As I take another sip from my cup of coffee the doorbell rings. I sigh, putting the paintings back on the table and standing up to open the door.

"Jadey!" My mom says, hugging me tight. Really tight.

"Mom, I appreciate your love, but I can't breathe."

"Oh, sorry." My mom lets go of me and giggles, making her way to the living room.


"So Jadey, how's work?" my mom asks, taking a small sip from her cup of tea. I shrug.

"It's good, I guess." I answer sincerely.

"What's up, Jade?" my mom asks with a knowing smile. I shrug once again.

"What do you mean?" I take a sip of my coffee, nervously looking down at the table and then back at my mom.

"I don't know, you've been acting weird since I came here... You zoned out while we were making tea and I was talking about Karl's fianceé, and now you're bouncing your leg up and down nervously. Is there something you want to tell me?" My mom says, a concerned look on her face. I sigh, this woman knows me too well.

"Well..." I pause, biting my lip, which is a nervous habit of mine, in order with bouncing my legs.

"Do you ever, you know, feel like you're doing something wrong, but at the same time, you can't stay away from it because you care about it too much." I say all in one breathe. My mom looks confused at first, but then she grins.

"Jade? Have you found someone?"

"W-what? N-no. It's j-just..."

"Jade, spit it out already, I'm your mom you can tell me everything." She says sincerely, and I decide to tell her, because honestly, this secret has been eating me alive for the last few weeks.

"It's complicated. I think I feel something of my students. She's actually a girl, and she's 17." I put my hands in my hair, desperated. What is my mom going to think about me now?

I look up and she's grinning. Wait what? she's grinning?

"Tell me something about her." My eyes widen, but I smile, because maybe my mom wouldn't take it too bad.

"Well her skin is pale, but a beautiful rosé colour. Her heart-shaped rosy lips look so kissable, and her eyes, oh god her blue ocean eyes are so breath taking, I don't even remember the amount of times I've gotten lost in those eyes." I say, my voice kind of dreamy.

"Jade! You are so in love with this girl!" My mom claps her hands excitedly. I frown.

"Wait. You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? I mean, she may be younger, and she may be your student but honey,

You can't choose who you fall in love with."


It's short, I know, sorry. But I'm on holiday and I barely have time to write, plus right now It's 1 AM and I need to sleep cause there's going to be a trip tomorrow so yeah..sorry again, Love you all though. Feedbacks are much appreciated :)x (P.s. my fingers hurt and I'm really sleepy so sorry for any mistake.)

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