Chapter 16

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I wiped another tear from my cheek with the sleeve of my jumper, scrunching my nose up at the smell of disinfectant that was filling the old, white-painted hospital room.

"Jade, I'm back, I got you cookies," Perrie's voice whispered gently, placing the cookies on my mom's bed, in front of me. I shook my head, refusing to eat once again.

"Jade, you need to eat! You've been in this hospital room for 3 bloody days and you have only eaten biscuits and a cup of tea." Perrie raised her voice, so I decided to eat the biscuits, because Perrie rarely raises her voice, but when she does, you better do what she's told you.

"That's good." she smiled slightly, taking a cookie.

"I'm scared, Perrie," I blinked rapidly, feeling tears forming again in my eyes.

"I know you are, Jade. But I'm sure she will be alright, the doctor said she's fine, she just needs to wake up now."

"What if she doesn't wake up though? what if she dies? I can't lose her, Perrie," I cried silently, looking at my mom, laying on the hospital bed. Her tanned-skin had now turned paler, her hair was messy, she had tubes sticking all over her arms and she looked so fragile and broken. I couldn't stand seeing her like that.

"Jade, look at me," Perrie pulled my head up with her finger; her blue eyes staring intently into my brown one's, making me lose my breathe by how beautiful they were.

"I can't promise you that she will live, I can't promise you anything. But one thing I can promise is that I'm going to stay by your side, whatever happens. Even though we're not together anymore, and we may never get back together, I want to be there to comfort and protect you." She caressed my cheek softly and I leaned into her touch. Oh, how I miss her fingers tracing my skin.

"Thank you, Perrie." I managed to breathe out, wrapping my arms around Perrie securely.


I took a seat next to my mother's bed, interwining our fingers. Her hand was so cold, it made me shiver.

"Please, mom, I know you can hear me, please, wake up. I need you, now more than ever," I sobbed quietly, resting my head on her arm.

"I want to see your beautiful eyes again, and I want to sit with you on the sofa, sipping a cup of hot chocolate and having a girly time. I miss you mom and I love you. Please, don't leave me." My sobbing only got harder at all the memories we shared together. Every birthday, every christmas, everyday was a memory with my mother. She was just the best mother you could wish for.

"Jade, darling, I'm here," I heard a raspy voice say. As I looked up, I noticed my mom was smiling at me, with her eyes fully opened. I gasped, hugging her istantly.

"Mom! You're back! How do you feel? Have you got head ache? Are you ok? Do you need me to get the nurs-"

"Jade Amelia, Slow down! I'm fine, but, mind explaining me why I'm in here?" she asked, trying to sit up.

"You got into a car accident. They called me during my lesson telling me to come to the hospital as soon as I could, so I did. I've been staying by your side for the whole week, I thought you wouldn't have made it." Another tear escaped my eyes, and my mom awed.

"Jade, I'm fine, you don't need to worry anymore."

"I know." We hugged for a bit until a knock at the door interrupted us.

"Jade I got you cof-Norma! you're awake!" Perrie put the coffee on the little table beside my mother's bed, smiling excitedly.

"Hello Perrie! How long have you been here?" my mom asked, managing a weak smile as I could tell she still felt pain on her body.

"I've been here with Jade during the afternoons, after school. I didn't want her to be alone." she explained and my mother awed, shaking her head and clapping her hands like a child.

"Aw! You girls are so adorable together, when are you getting married?" Perrie's smile dropped and so did mine.

"Excuse me, my mom is calling," Perrie got out of the room as her phone started ringing.

"What's wrong?" I sighed at my mom, shaking my head.

"Me and Perrie broke up."

"What? But I thought you liked her? and she liked you? and how come she's still here?" My mom asked all in one breathe. I think she liked Perrie.

"The principal somehow found out about our relationship and I had to end it otherwise I would've had lost my job. When I told her about your accident she comforted me and stayed with me the whole time." I sighed, "I'm pretty confused and tired, mom."

My mom sighed, hugging me tightly. "It's gonna be ok, Jade. Once I'm out of here, we will sort everything out with an hot cup of chocolate." I smiled. My mom always knew what to say.


"Careful, Mom." I said, closing the door of my flat. My mom sat on the sofa, releasing a content sigh.

"Home sweet home," she inhaled, closing her eyes briefly, before looking at me.

"so, about Perrie?" I sighed, sitting beside me and looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, mom. I still love her, I do, but being a teacher has been my dream since I was little... but Perrie, she's so... God, she's so beautiful, inside and outside, and she's so kind and caring. I just... I don't want her to lose her education for me," I started thinking about all of your moments together, my heart aching at every memorie of our kisses, and our late night chats, and our cuddles.

"Jade, you can't keep doing this. She loves you, you love her. Why did you even break up? God, Jade, I love you but sometimes you're just so stupid." my mom chuckled, getting up to cook something for dinner.

"Thanks, mom." I chuckled as well, but sarcastically. I need time, time for myself, time to sort out my feelings and my thoughts. I need to get away from here.


Heey! Sorry for the late update, but school has been keeping me so busy I forgot about wattpad for a bit. This chapter was probably boring for you all but meh, I'm sorry. Remember to leave your feedbacks and ideas, I love u all :)

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