Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

"Perrie! Perrie! Wake up! You're going to be late!" my mom yells before throwing the blankets off of me.

I groan and get up, my vision still blurry. I take a brown sweater and jeans from the wardrobe and head to the bathroom. I wash myself, brush my teeth and change my clothes, before walking downstairs, the delicious smell of pancakes filling my nostrils.

I take a seat and eat my pancakes, "I missed waking up to your pancakes, Mom." she smiles. It's true, my mom is always busy with work, or leaves earlier than me so i usually eat milk with cereals.

"You gotta walk to school today, i have an important meeting and i can't be late, sorry Kid." she smiles apologetically and I shrug.

"It's ok."

She gets up, takes her bag and leaves. I finish my breakfast and my phone buzzes in my bag. I got a new message.

"Morninnn Pez, i have my mom's car today do ya need a ride?" It's Leigh. I quickly text a Yes and put my phone back in the bag. Not even 10 minutes later, I hear a car horn outside, so i take my things and head out of the house.

"Hiya, how are you?" Leigh says as i hop in the car.

"Good, just sleepy and bored of school." I reply and she laughs.

"School just started." I shrug and she laughs even more. We arrive at school and get out of the car.

"Perrrrieeee!" I turn around at the sound of this familiar voice.

"Jesyy! You're baaack!" We hug and let Leigh join the hug too.

"Yeah, being ill sucks by the way." She makes a weird face and me and Leigh laugh.

"We need to go guys, first period starts in 5 minutes, Pez doesn't want to be late for Miss Thirlwall's lesson now, do you Pez?" Leigh looks at me smirking,

"Shut up Leigh." I blush furiously and Jesy eyes me curiously.

"Have i missed something?" Jesy asks as we make our way to class.

"Perrie here has a crush on our new art teacher."

I gasp, "I do not!" Though the truth is, I really do.

Since I saw her on the first day, and she smiled at me, I can't seem to get her out of my mind. Her sun-kissed skin, her lips, her breath-taking brown orbs, she's just too pretty.

"Hello? Earth to Perrie." Leigh says and laughs at me along with Jesy. I glare at them as we enter the class, surprisingly the lesson hasn't started yet.

"Ah! There you are girls. I was just waiting for you, Why are you late?" Jad- Miss Thirlwall asks us curiously.

"Uh, I- We-We-" I find myself stuttering under the beautiful brunette's gaze, my cheeks heating up.

"There was traffic, We're sorry, It won't happen again." Leigh says and I sigh in relief, mentally thanking Leigh for finishing my sentence. Jade smiles and we make our ways to our seats. I swear, her smile is the most beautiful thing ever. I shake my head and clear my thoughts, paying attention to the lesson before I start day-dreaming again.

Halfway through the lesson, a note is thrown at me. I frown and pick it up, "Are you done eye-fucking Miss Thirlwall? ;) - Lee xx" I look at Leigh and she's biting her lip, trying to contain her laughter. I glare at her, as I-

"Miss Edwards, is there something wrong?" Miss Thirlwall asks and suddendly the whole class is looking at me.

"N-no, I-I just, S-sorry." Damn stutter! Miss Thirlwall shakes her head and goes to back to the lesson. I sigh and look back at Leigh, she's staring at the desk, laughing quietly. I'm gonna kill her.

The bell rings and all the students get up, collecting their things and leaving. I walk to the door with Leigh until I hear a voice calling my name.

"Miss Edwards, stay please, we need to talk." Oh no. Leigh looks at me and mouths a "Good luck." before leaving and closing the door behind her.

"W-what did you want t-to talk about, M-Miss?" Seriously, this damn stutter is getting annoying. Jade looks at me and smiles.

"No need to be nervous Perrie, You're not in trouble. But these last few days, I've noticed that you keep kind of zoning out during my lessons...I just wanted to know, is there something wrong? You can talk to me if you want." She says as her eyes sparkle with sincerity. I melt under her gaze, blushing a dark shade of red.

"N-no, It's just that, I find it hard to concentrate sometimes." Because all you can think about is her! My subconcious yells at me.

She smiles, almost apologetically. "Well, I always try to make my lessons funny, but Art can be really boring sometimes..." She looks down at the floor and I frown.

"Oh no Miss, I don't find your lessons boring, Art is my favorite subject, but, I don't know, there's something distracting me." Great excuse, Perrie, really, I think sarcastically. She stares at me blankly.

"Okay, but, remember that if you ever need someone to talk with, I'm here." She says smiling. I smile back. A weird feeling in my belly. My heart is beating fast, really fast.

"T-thanks, Jad-uh, Miss Thirlwall." She giggles.

"Uh, I gotta go now, my Mom is probably wondering why I am taking so much" I laugh nervously.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, Perrie."


As i'm out of school, Leigh and Jesy start bombarding me with questions,

"What did she say?"

"Did you kiss her?"

"Did you stutter?"

"Has she asked you out?"

I scoff, "Girls! Please, she just wanted to know why I kept zoning out during her lessons, nothing more, nothing less."

"Oh, I see. Well, did you flirt with her or?" Jesy asked.

I sigh, "No, Jesy, I didn't. What's the point on trying anyway? She's a teacher, I'm not 18 yet, even if she had feelings for me, she could get fired, or worse, she could get arrested, and i could loose my education. I don't want that." I say.

Part of me agrees with that I just said, but the other part would do anything for the brunette goddess to return my feelings. We get in the car and the drive is awkwardly silent. I can't wait to see Miss Thirlwall again...

Jade's P.O.V

I sigh as I look at the pile of papers on my desk. Loads and loads of tests to correct and I can't. I can't concentrate. She's still in my head. Perrie, the ivory skinned beauty, with the most beautiful blue eyes and rosy heart-shaped lips. When I first saw her, and she smiled at me, my heart seemed to explode. I've never felt like that over someone.

The thing is, I barely know the girl. I mean, sure, I'm her teacher, and she's really good at my subject. But other than this, I know nothing about her. I would like to get to know her, her favorite food, her favorite colour, her favorite film... I would like to hug her, kiss her and make her mine but it's wrong. I shouldn't be thinking like that about a student, yet I can't help it. I want to be more than just her teacher.


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