Chapter 9

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I wake up in an unfamiliar room, the walls are black and the only source of light is a candle on the little table beside the bed. I stand up, trying to recognize the place but I've never seen an house like this before.

"Leave me alone!" I jump at the sudden noise. The voice sounds familiar, way too familiar.

"Perrie!" Shit, It's Jade!

I get out of the room, and I find myself in a dark corridor. Turning around, I see light coming from a room so I follow it. The first thing I see is Jade, tied up to a chair, with a deep cut on her cheek and on her bottom lip. Then I see a man, beside her. He's dressed all black, his back is facing me but I can see a knife popping out of a pocket of his coat.

I want to scream, I want to untie Jade and take her with me but I can't. When I open my mouth to scream nothing comes out, and when I try to move it feels like I'm paralyzed.

"Perrie! please help me!" My eyes widen as I see the man taking the knife out. I try to scream but still, nothing comes out and I can feel tears on my cheeks.

"I love you, Perrie." the man stabs Jade right down her throat, taking the knife out afterwards. Red liquid cascading down her body and whimpers of pain are all I can see and hear.


My eyes snap open and I blink furiously. My hands grip the covers tight, and I find it hard to breathe. Slowly, my heart beat calms down, and I sit up, breathing in and out, trying to calm my mind down as well.

It was just a dream. Just a dream. Jade is not dead. Jade is still alive and you will see her tomorrow.

I take a look around my room and notice that the sky outside is still black. I lay down on the bed, going back to sleep. But this time there are no nightmares or men with black coats, in my dreams I only see a beautiful brunette.


"Jeez, Perrie, where were you? We've been waiting for you for 20 minutes now." Leigh asks. I sigh, memories of the nightmare flashing in my mind once again.

"I haven't been able to sleep tonight." I admit, opening my bag to check everything I need is inside.

"Are you ok Pez?" I nod weakly, covering my mouth with my hand when a tired yawn comes out.

"Yeah, just tired, 's all." she nods and we make our way to first period, Art. I smile unconciously, thinking of the beautiful brunette waiting for me in the classroom.

"What you smilin' at?" Leigh raises an eyebrow and I mentally slap myself. I completely forgot to tell Leigh!

"I'll tell you later." she nods as we enter the classroom.


"Good morning Miss Thirlwall." Leigh greets me cheerfully as she enters the classroom, I greet her back, though my eyes are focused on the beautiful blonde walking beside her. She grins as our eyes lock, waving at me.

"Hello, Miss Thirlwall." she smirks. I gasp, her tone...It's so...warm-seductive even.

"H-hi, Miss Edwards." I just stuttered. What is she doing to me?


I find it hard to concentrate today, my gaze costantly meets Perrie's eyes and then falls down at her lips, quirked up in a smirk. She probably knows the effect she has on me.

"Today, you'll be drawing your favorite place. It can be a room of your house, your favorite restaurant, your gym, the park, or a pool even. Just draw whatever you want, as long as it's a place."

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